A Love Hina Goodbye

Disclaimer: I do not own Love Hina or any of the characters contained in here. Love Hina is owned by Ken Akamatsu. This FanFic is purely for the enjoyment of others...So don't sue!!!

Author's Notes 1: Hey Gang! Gotenks01013 here, doing a favor for my friend SongLark2000. This is her VERY first attempt writing fanfiction and has asked me help her setup shop. As she has just registered here her first time, I ask that people are patient as she is just learning the whole way of doing things. Below is a story that she has asked me to look at.....folks, you WON'T be disappointed at what awaits. As always, constructive criticisms welcome (Please no flames—she's just starting out). BTW she is using my disclaimer and MUST READ with my permission until she adopts her own style of writing. Have fun!

Chapter 1:

Naru stared out the window in deep thought. These past 6 months had worn her out, physically and mentally.
She turned to see Keitaro walking toward her. She smiled a little. Keitaro had been there for her when she really needed him. He'd cleaner her wounds and held her when she cried in her sleep. She wanted to love him, but was too scared to try. She turned to look back out the window so he wouldn't see the tears in her eyes.

Keitaro studied Naru from a distance.
"She looks so sad. I wish I could take her pain and troubles and carry them myself." he thought.
Naru was an emotional wreck. He remembered that night all too clearly....

Flashback........6 months ago......

Keitaro was studying in his room when he heard the crash. Thinking it was Su and Sara testing out Su's newest project, he jumped up and ran in the direction the sound had come from. Looking around he didn't see anyone or thing. Puzzled, he turned
and headed back to his room. Just then he heard a muffled sob. He spun around and looked around again. This time he noticed that the hall closet door was open slightly. When he opened the door, he was shocked to see Naru laying on the floor bruised and bleeding. When he opened the door, she whimpered, and curled up in a small ball.

"Naru? What happened!" Keitaro exclaimed.

She looked up at him with wide eyes full of tears. She opened her mouth but didn't say anything. All of the sudden she flung herself into Keitaro's arms and began crying uncontrollably. Keitaro (using good sense) closed the door behind him and held her in his arms as she cried. He rocked her as the sobs racked her frail frame. After several minutes, she stopped and then sat up.

"I'm sorry about that." she whispered.

Keitaro brushed away her tears and moved the hair away from her face, wincing when he saw the bruise that ran along the right side of her face. He quickly glanced at the rest of her, taking in her torn shirt, dirty arms and legs, and various cuts and bruises.

"Are you okay?" he asked. She nodded her head slowly.

"I will be."

" Come on." he stood and offered her his hand.

She stood up shakily, and when her legs went out in the hallway, he picked her up in his arms and carried her to her room. He set her down on her futon and then went to the bathroom to get some first aid supplies. When he returned he sat beside her and began

tending to her wounds.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" he asked softly, as he cleaned a cut on her leg. She gasped at the sting from the medicine, and then took a deep breath.

"Do you remember how I was going out with some friends tonight?" she murmured softly. He nodded his head and she bravely continued.

"When we parted ways at the theatre, I decided to walk home instead of taking a cab. I was walking along when....." she trailed off and wrapped her arms around herself tightly.

"Are you sure you want to tell me? You don't have to if you don't want to." Keitaro said quietly, while gently bandaging her leg.

"I need to get this out. I have to tell someone and I trust you Keitaro."

The manager blushed and then nodded his head.


"I was walking along when this guy grabbed me and pulled me into the side alley. I did what I could to defend myself, but he hit me. I was out for a little bit and by the time I came to it was too late."

Keitaro's eyes widened in horror. To think that this had happened to Naru. Naru, who had always been so strong and proud, was now in tears and there was nothing he could do to help her.

"Do you want to go see a doctor? Do you need something? Is there anything I can get you? What do you want me to do?"

The questions tumbled out of his mouth rapidly. He had to do something, anything to help Naru.

"I'll be okay. Keitaro, please don't tell anyone about this. Please!"

"Of course! You have my word. I promise that this will stay between us. Are you sure there's nothing I can do?"

She bit her lip and then nodded slowly.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" she whispered. "I don't want to be alone."

Authors Notes: Please bear with me as this is my first FanFic. Special Thanks to Joe for all of your help and support! You rule! I hope you enjoyed reading this. Please read and review!!! To take a page out of Joe's book...

Must Read:

To Help A Friend by Gotenks01013 This is an awesome FanFic!

The limits of life can seem daunting at times, tying us down, confining our parts, but the Power of Love breaks free of all bounds, making rulers of us all through the strength in our hearts.