Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Warnings: Shonen-ai and an eensy bit of craziness.

AN: This is my first ever fanfic! Yay! Nothing special, I just got the idea one night at about 4 AM and it demanded that I write it down. So, with that information, dont get your hopes too high... now, on wit da ficcy!

I stand in the shade of the skool building and watch him from across the playground. I do this every day. Its been like this for so long, I can't remember what I did before I became so obsessed. Now he's marching, that strange and distinctive swagger I've grown so very, very fond of. I've caught myself mimicking it on many occasions. He's approaching Dib, and suddenly I'm angry. I'm a billion times more worthy of his acceptance than Dib! Dib doesn't appreciate him like I do, and I even passed all the tests to prove my worthiness. They've started talking, but I'm too far away to hear the conversation. I do hear Zim laugh, though. Dib also seems to be laughing, and for a moment I'm glad of the distance. As much as I love Zims laugh, I hate Dibs. That irritating, nerdy cackle infuriates me. They continue to talk, and something Zim says makes Dib blush. Then, my worst nightmare. No, worse than any nightmare could ever be! Zim actually leans in and KISSES Dib! I start to sob loudly, painfully. They look at me and run off. I can't help it, I have to follow...

Dib looked across the playground towards the source of the sobbing he'd just heard and saw a very miserable-looking Keef chasing some squirrels. And people say I'm crazy...he thought. He stormed over to Zim, glaring.

"Are you sure you didn't do anything to Keef?"

Zim just smiled.

Yay, its over! In case you didnt get it, Keef was watching some squirrels that he saw as Zim and Dib. They themselves had little to do with this fic. How was it? I need reviews! Please?