AN: I realize how long it has been since I updated this story. To tell you the truth, I thought about terminating the story because I didn't have enough confidence in the military part of this idea. I've since learned a bit about all the mumbo jumbo that goes along with it all and I've decided to keep writing. Since this is going to be such a challenge for me there's going to be lots of time in between chapters. If you want to give up on it now, I say go ahead, but I will be continuing on. I hope you like this chapter, it's the longest one I have ever written and hopefully it will get the story rolling. Also, for those of you who used to follow Come Together, we are fighting right now and I won't give in and neither will it, but don't give up hope, some day one of us will break and you all will have an new chapter.

To Tristan, who wrote LOTS of this chapter and then let me take it apart to fit my writing style. He will always be my military consultant of doom.

Chapter 3: A Hard Day's Night.

Hermione liked mornings. She would wake up, take a leisurely shower, towel-dry her hair, put on her clothes and make her breakfast. Most mornings she would take the time to use a sweet-smelling lotion and even put on a little makeup. Most mornings were pleasant.

This wasn't most mornings.

THIS particular morning was the worst one Hermione had lived through in a long time. She overslept, burned her breakfast, slipped and nearly broke her neck in the shower, kicked Crookshanks, and almost walked out of the house looking as though she'd gotten dressed in the dark.

It was the first day of training and Hermione was more nervous than she was willing to admit. She had to be extra careful throughout training. She couldn't give Ron any ammunition.

Ron hated mornings. He always woke up too early after having gone to bed too late. He often either ached from the vigorous training he endured at UMC headquarters or a headache and a hang over from one too many rounds at the local pub. Sometimes he woke up alone, sometimes he didn't. Most mornings he couldn't think straight to cook a decent breakfast and EVERY morning, without fail, he tripped on the bathroom rug while getting out of the shower. THIS morning however, was a gift from Merlin, the great wizard himself. He woke up with plenty of time to take a leisurely shower, cook an egg, and he'd even managed to do the shaving charm without nicking himself. This was going to be a good day, Hermione or no Hermione.

"We're going to run through simulation once, reset it, and run through again. There will be notes and then we'll break for lunch. Everybody ready?"

There was a general sound of approval as everyone was lead into the simulation room. It was an exact replica of the Enlightenment's helm. Hermione walked up to the Navigation basin and looked into it. It was a large, shallow bowl, thirty-five inches in diameter, sitting atop a waist-high pedestal. An identical "bowl" was attached to the ceiling directly above the basin, facing down. When the simulator was powered up, an upright cylinder of light magic would be contained between the two "bowls" showing Hermione a 3-D map of the course and the control board. The board, a hologram of sorts, allowed her to insert magical equations and then move the numbers around with her fingers. It was a glorious piece of machinery and she was itching to use it. She touched the rim and found it was padded and much more comfortable than the basin on her last assignment. She moved to sit down. Hermione adjusted in her seat, quickly strapping herself in, and closed her eyes. She needed to find her center. Arithmancy may be a logical study, but it was still magic.

"Ready?" came General McCall's voice over the speaker.

Ron looked around at his crew from his captain's chair, receiving nods for all stations, "we're ready."

All at once the simulator came alive plunging the room into darkness. A silence fell over the crew. Suddenly there was a sound of a dozen monitors flickering on and the computers hummed to life, immediately displaying a message that all protective wards were functioning at the full level. The main view screen engaged, showing an eerily beautiful star field. Harry smiled and reached forward to grasp the control stick, designed to represent the feel and response of a broomstick. He always loved the simple perfection of stars. But, Ron barely noticed, his mind was now primed for strategy, unable to consider distractions such as ascetics or beauty.

"Status report," He barked. "Helm?

Harry glanced down at the control panel, but it was just a formality really. Simulations never gave error reports this early in the game. "Helm is go," he replied.

"Navigation?" asked Ron, trying to not to look at Hermione out of the corner of his eye, but couldn't help himself. Her fingers moved quickly through the Navigation cylinder and suddenly the control board dropped down and the planetary hologram materialized in front of it, configuring the course to Hermione's coordinates.

"Nav is go." She responded, glancing up, trying not to let her voice go anywhere but professional.


There was no response.

Ron swivelled his chair around, annoyed. "Engines?"

Levi Crane jumped, startled. He had been staring off into the star field. He flushed, and then looked down at the computer readout, tying to avoid eye-contact with the captain. He quickly leaned back in his chair and put his thumb over a sensor. A straw-like tube snaked up his arm and suctioned onto the back of his neck. Still embarrassed and blushing like a Weasley, he tried to focus on the ship's "emotional" response. This is what Levi was here for.

"Uh, Engines, GO! Sir!" he said, hurriedly. He was now painfully aware that the entire bridge was looking at him.

"May I remind you-" started Ron, but Harry interjected.

"Ron," he said, quieting him.

He looked at the boy, and spoke in a calmer voice, "How many times have you run a simulation before?"

The boy's face blushed a deeper crimson, but he nodded. "Two or three times. Before now."

"What spells did they have running at the time?"

"Uhhh… Callidus… Protego … and I think" he screwed up his face, embarrassment forgotten "Salus."

Harry smiled. "Here we have one more. It's a mesmer, a derivative of the Imperious curse. It makes you believe deep down, that the simulation is real. Keeps us on our toes. That's why the stars distracted you." He turned to Ron, and spoke more offhandedly. "He couldn't have known, Ron."

Ron rubbed his temples. "Agreed. See that it doesn't happen again." He continued the countdown.


"Tactical is go." Came Valentine's rumbled.


A smooth, feminine voice came from the electronic speakers.

"Savant series operational. Good day, Captain."

"Good. Ms. Gr...Hermione." He had debated whether or not to call her Ms. Granger or not, but decided that it would get him nowhere. "Where are we?"

"Star charts show us to be…" She paused, and quickly flipped back to the hologram. "That can't be right." She muttered, frantically moving her numbers back and forth. She frowned and looked up at him and trying not to falter. "The computer is telling me that we're in the Vega system. To a probability of error margin of… point oh-three percent."

Ron's brow furrowed. "That can't be right. Vega's over twenty three light years away. Recheck your calculations."

"I have. It's there. It says we're orbiting Vega," Hermione spat, the tension in the room rising. Her cheeks were flushed and Ron looked away, ignoring the pull in his chest at the sight.

"Bring her up on screen," said Ron.

Hermione paused.

"Hermione, bring it up!" he demanded.

The screen tinted itself to a point where the star field became totally black, and then flickered over to an image of a large blue-white star.

"That can't be Vega."

"Why not?" asked Ron.

"Well, for one thing, it would have taken us around-" she did a few mental calculations. "nine and a half years to get there. Here. Whatever. No ship has ever been out this far. Plus-" she said, pointing at the view screen in front of them. "it does not look like Vega."

"Been there lately, have you?" quipped Ron.

"No, captain," said Hermione, glaring daggers at his back. "Vega is a class seven white main sequence star. This star is a definitely a class seven blue-white-"

"Noted." said Ron, stifling a yawn.

Hermione, mumbled under her breath.

"What was that, commander?" Ron asked, facing Hermione.

"I didn't say anything," she said flippantly.

"Ron?" Harry said.

"Listen Hermione, you keep your attitude out of this and project when you want to speak, otherwise keep your comments to yourself," Ron's look was directed solely at Hermione.

"I have a fine attitude. Maybe I'm not the problem."

Meanwhile, Valentine reported, "Passive sensors are showing that we are orbiting fifteen miles above the star's rings."

Ron screamed over him, not listening, "What ARE you insinuating, commander?"

Harry, sensing Ron's control waning, spoke directly to Valentine, "Give us a quick scan of the rings. High frequency."

Hermione folded her arms, "I'm insinuating that you have much bigger temper issues than I do. And, MAYbe, you are the problem!"

Valentine tapped out a command on his control panel. He looked down at the readout, then spoke in a cool, collected voice. "We have three enemy ships on the scanners." A moment later, he spoke again. "They've picked us up!"

"Hermione, what did I TELL you about your insubordinate tendencies?"

"Ron, YOU are the one who keeps pouring on the sarcasm. Every word you say to me is harsh and short!" Hermione yelled.

"How fast are they coming?" Harry asked.

"Pretty fast boss. They're about a hundred and fifty klicks, sir."

"Begin tactical movement," Harry ordered.

Ron leaned over Hermione's console, "At least I'm not a cold hearted military bitch!"

"Well, at least I knew the difference between a white main sequence star and a blue-white!"

"Levi, how is Savant?" Harry asked.

"She's feel a little apprehensive about this, she senses that the crew is...not strong." Levi, sighed.

"They are gaining on us sir," Valentine said, voice raising for the first time.

"Savant feels their hostility. I think their weapons may be initializing."

"Ron?" Harry said, sounding alarmed.

"It's not my JOB to know that!" Ron yelled.

"Ron!" Harry said again, more urgent.

"Well, then what IS your job, Ron?

"RON!" Harry yelled.

Ron, finally noticing Harry's insistence, turned and yelled, "WHAT!"


The simulation deck shook violently with the impact of the first enemy fire. There was a moment of total confusion and then there was a big silence as the simulator whirred to a stop and the full lights came back up.

Harry unbuckled his seatbelt and stood up, rounding on Ron and Hermione, both still reeling from the unexpected.

"Well, congratulations,that was probably the most unsuccessful simulation I've ever run. You know, I'm sick and tired of this stand-off between you two. Get. Over. It. Look around! Look at what you two caused. We tried to go on, but that didn't happen because half of our TEAM was missing!"

"That's enough Potter," General McCall stood in the doorway, having come in unnoticed.

They all straightened to attention, Hermione and Levi struggling out of their seats.

"I'm sorry sir," Harry said, quietly.

"That's fine lieutenant, you three are dismissed," he saluted Harry, Valentine, and Levi. " We'll try this again tomorrow. Commander, Captain, I'd like to see you in my office before you go," and he turned, leaving.

Ron and Hermione stayed stock still while the other three quickly left the simulation deck. Hermione looked sharply at Ron and then stalked out the door.

"Great," Ron muttered, following her out the door and down to General McCall's office. The General was sitting at his desk, with his hands clasped. Hermione took one seat and Ron closed the door behind him and took the other chair.

There was a short silence before McCall spoke, "So, Captain, how would you rate today's simulation?"

Ron's chin stuck out, in a failed attempt at guarding his emotions. He tried silent defiance, but gave up quickly and hung his head.

"Commander?" McCall asked.

Hermione crossed her arms and spoke in a her most conservative business voice, "We have some communication problems within the team, and-"

"Communication PROBlems?" General McCall was on his feet, behind his desk before she could finish her sentence, "You think that this is a COMMUNICATION PROBLEM! Let us listen, shall we!

He slammed a small muggle tape recorder on the desk and pressed the play button. Their voices rang out in the room.

"At least I'm not a cold-hearted military bitch!"

"Well, at least I knew the difference between a white main sequence star and a blue-white!"

"Levi, how is Savant?"

"She's feel a little apprehensive about this, she senses that the crew is...not strong."

"They are gaining on us sir,"

"Savant feels their hostility. I think their weapons may be initializing."


"It's not my JOB to know that!"


"Well, then what IS your job, Ron?




McCall turned off the recording and looked at Ron and Hermione.

Ron had his elbows propped up on his knees and his head in his hands. Hermione was sitting with her eyes closed, arms still crossed, trying not to look affected.

"Would you both like to hear a little more, because I think Lieutenant Commander Potter said about what I wanted to say. Let us hear it,"

He pressed the button again. There was a hiss of silence, louder than any of the yelling and finally Harry's voice sliced the silence.

"Well, that was probably the most unsuccessful simulation I've ever run. You know, I'm sick and tired of this stand-off between you two. Get. Over. It. Look around! Look at what you two caused. We tried to go on, but that didn't happen because half of our TEAM was missing!"

McCall clicked it off again. There was another silence. Finally Ron stood up.

"General, I take full responsibility for the failure of the simulation. I provoked Commander Granger when I should have been focusing on unifying the team's success. Please don't blame the Commander, I shouldn't have brought personal matters into the military."

Hermione was staring at Ron, stunned, mouth hanging open.

"Personal matters? What personal matters?" General McCall asked.

Hermione stood up beside Ron and spoke, "The Captain and I were friends in school. We lived together after school for about a year and then had a huge falling out. I haven't spoken to him since then. I had all my ties with Harry and Captain Weasley severed and all of the information between us buried deep within my records under the highest security clearance."

General McCall frowned, "Stricken from your records? How did you accomplish that?"

"I helped kill Voldemort. The minister asked me what I wanted after all debts were paid and order was restored. I told him I wanted nothing more than to be completely disassociated with Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley. He granted it."

Ron looked at her and she looked away.

McCall crossed his arms and looked hard at the two of them before speaking.

"I think I'm going to have to take Commander Granger off this assignment. Your reassignment with be delivered-"

"No! Please General, don't take the Commander off of this assignment. She's...she is the best navigational arithmantist in the UMC. She deserves this. She is so...good at what she does. She'll do anything she can to make sure the mission is a success. She's more valuable than I am...any day. Please General." Ron, said, his volume tapering off.

Hermione looked at Ron with a furrowed brow, barely holding in her surprise...and the tears that were threatening to spill. Ron refused to make eye contact with her.

McCall regarded them closely.

"Fine, she stays. But, there will be room reassignments. She'll take the room next to yours. All your meals will be taken together for the next week, without the barrier of the rest of the team," he leaned over his desk at them, " You two WILL rectify your differences or Commander Granger will be reassigned. I'm cancelling this weekend's simulation exercises. Dismissed."

He saluted them and they quickly left the office, closing the door firmly behind them.

As soon a they were out of the office Ron began walking away briskly. Hermione paused for a moment before calling after him and walking in his direction. He swung around and glared at her.

"Thank you. You didn't have to say those things about me. I'm...grateful for your confidence in me," she said.

"The team needs you. I only did what any good Captain would do. Don't thank me, it wasn't personal," and with that he swung back around, leaving Hermione in the middle of the hallway, with ten thousand conflicting emotions racing through her body.

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