Disclaimer: I own not Holes, but the boys of B-Tent.

AN: I'd like to thank Tricia for her help on this.

Chapter 1

It was a steaming hot day in Greenlake, Texas. But that was normal. It was always hot there. Even in the winter.

Today was particularly hot, however. The temperature had reached an all time high, 120 degrees. The residents of the camp had to dig holes, and they were sweating like hell the second they left their tent.

But in the bus, it was worse. It was stuffy in the bus and sweltering hot. The passengers of the bus, seven girls, hadn't expected it to be this hot. Some of them had worn tight jeans, causing it to stick to their legs, naturally uncomfortable.

"Like, oh my God," One of the girls exclaimed suddenly. "Why is it so hot in here? Can't we, like, turn on the heat in here?"

"Shove it, will ya?" Another girl snapped.

"Well, sorr-ry that not all of us can stand heat, like you!" The first girl retorted lamely.

The second girl just rolled her eyes.

"Stop it, both of ya," The security guard snapped.

They drove along in silence for a long while before one of them said, "Oh! Oh, look! Holes!"

"Shut up!" Another girl yelled. "Geez, we can see!"

"Gosh, you're so mean!"

"Better than talkin' like a baby,"

"Stop it..." The girls' eyes filled with tears.

"Ugh," The first girl sighed in frustration. "You're such a baby."

"Stop!" Tears were pouring down the girls face now.

"Oh, my God," The first girl from before came over and put a comforting arm around the crying girl. "Stop it, Kaz."

"Whatever," Kaz replied.

"We're here," The driver grumbled as the bus came to an abrupt halt.

"Get up, all 'o ya," The guard ordered, and all the girls stood up and followed him off the bus.

"Eeck!" The girl who had put the arm around the crying girl said. "I'm gonna ruin my new shoes in this dirt!"

"That's what happens when you wear a white mini skirt and high heels when you're getting sent to a detention camp," Another girl smirked.

"Shut up, Jadyn," The first girl snapped. "And look at you!"

Jadyn looked down. "What about me?"

"You're wearing a skirt!"

"A denim skirt that's not mini. And I'm not wearing high heels, like some people." Jade shot at her.

"Girls, stop fighting," The guard said, and led them into a little shack.

The shack had air conditioning, so all the girls sighed in relief as the cold air hit their sweaty skin.

"Hello, I am Mr. Sir. Whenever you speak to me, you will call me by my name, is that clear?" A man with a toothbrush mustache and weird looking sideburns said to them from behind a desk.

The girls, with their eyes closed, still enjoying the cold air, just nodded.

"Now, I'm gonna find out who ya'll are, because they didn't gimme any pictures." Mr. Sir explained. "Alania?"

A girl with dark black hair, deep brown eyes, and an off-white complexion raised her hand. She answered, "Yes," in a heavy French accent.


A girl with mob of white blonde hair and thick round glasses over her blue eyes raised her hand, and answered in an English accent, "Present."


A girl with mousy brown hair and blue eyes raised her hand and said, "Here,"


The girl who had complained about her shoes and heat smiled brightly and exclaimed, "I'm here!" She had dirty blonde hair with brown roots showing and green eyes.


A girl with red hair, blue eyes and dressed in baggy black clothes, and was probably the hottest and sweatiest of them all, mumbled, "Yeah,"


A girl with brown hair and brown eyes and a shirt that said Inuyasha on it with one of its characters didn't answer immediately. She was staring at the ceiling, as though in a daze.

"Namie!" Kaz snapped.

"Huh? Oh, here! I'm here!" Namie answered, grinning.


The girl who had cried earlier had golden blonde hair that was in braids and gray eyes, said, "I'm here!"

"All righ', girls," Mr. Sir said as he put down the list of their names. "Everyday, includin' weekends, you are to dig one hole, five foot deep and five foot wide. Breakfast is served at four in the mornin'. The wake up bell is sounded at three-thirty." He reached behind him and held up a shovel. "Your shovel is your measuin' stick." He reached behind himself again and threw each of the girls two orange jumpsuits. "That is your uniform. You have two, one is for work and the other is for relaxation. Every three days, your work clothes be washed and they become your relaxation clothes, while your relaxation clothes become your work clothes. We'll go ahead and leave while ya'll change." He and the guard left.

They all groaned as they put on their jumpsuits. Kaz took a spray can from her backpack and hid it in her jumpsuit as she put it on. "I ain't wearin' orange..." She mumbled.

A few moments later, the girls heard the bus drive away and Mr. Sir came back into his office.

He went through all their bags and took out all their food and their walkman's.

"Hey!" Katie exclaimed as he went to toss her CD player away. "What do you think you're doing?"

"You can't have this here, lil' missy," Mr. Sir said to her and he tossed her CD player to the side, causing it to smash and break.

"NO!" Katie yelled, making a move to walk over it the now broken walkman.

"You stay right there," Mr. Sir growled threateningly. Katie nodded, frightened, and walked back to where she was.

He threw them back their bags, where there was nothing in them except tampons.

Just then, a tall, dark man walked in with a cowboy hat on. He was wearing jeans and a plaid shirt tucked into his pants.

Katie giggled right when he walked in. She walked up to him. "Hey," She smiled brightly. "I'm Katie."

He grinned stupidly, looked her up and down, and said, "I'm Erik,"

She blushed.

Mr. Sir cleared his throat.

"Oh, uh-," Erik stammered. "I mean, I'm Mr. Piskulic, and I'll be your counselor. You girls will be in B-Tent, so follow me."

He led them outside, where the girls quickly missed the air conditioned office of Mr. Sir. They doubted they were going to get that same kind of air in their tent.

Mr. Piskulic led them to one of the tents with a big black B painted on a sign in the doorway.

When they went inside, there were only three people in there. They were all guys.

"Girls, these are three of the seven boys in this tent. Their names are Logan, Chase, and Dillon. Guys, these are your new tent-mates. This is Alania, Britta, Jadyn, Katie, Kaz, Namie, and Tami."

The guys nodded. One of them had long red hair and brown eyes and pale skin. Another had thick blonde hair, blue eyes, and a feminine looking face. The last boy had very short brown hair and gray eyes.

Then Logan spoke up, "Erik, how many times do we gotta tell ya? It's not Logan, Chase, and Dillon. It's Dagger, Kid, and Meat Sub."

Mr. Piskulic sighed and looked at the girls. "The boys prefer their nicknames and to call me by my first name. You guys can – er – call me by my first name too." The girls noticed he was glancing at Katie the most of them all.

She blushed and giggled.

It was silent for a moment, and then Mr. Piskulic turned red and said quickly, "I'll, uh, leave you guys so you can get acquainted." He left in a hurry.

The girls turned to the guys as another boy entered. He had long brown hair and green eyes. He stopped when he saw the girls. "Whoa," He simply said and stepped back.

"Um, Swirl, these are our new tent mates," Dagger explained. "That's Alania, Britta, Jadyn, Katie, Kaz, Namie, and Tami." He pointed to each in turn.

"Er, I'm Swirl," Swirl said.

Kaz raised her eyebrows. "Yeah, your leader just said that," She narrowed her eyes at him.

He stared at her for a second before going to his cot and dumping himself on it. He looked drenched in sweat.

Dagger pinched his nose. "Geez, Swirl! Ya'll should go take a shower!"

Swirl sighed but got up anyway, and made his way toward the exit of the tent. When he reached it, he turned around and winked at Kaz. "Wanna come with?" He grinned.

Kaz glared. "No, I don't. Get away." She snapped. Swirl shrugged and left.

Kaz rolled her eyes and took off her jumpsuit. The boys in the tent got excited, but their faces fell when they saw she was wearing her shorts and a shirt under it.

When her jumpsuit fell to the ground, a spray can fell out of it.

"I saw you put that in your jumpsuit when we changed!" Katie exclaimed. "What is it?"

"It's a black spray paint can," Kaz answered shortly. She put her stuff on one of the beds and asked Dagger, "Is this anyone's?"

Dagger shook his head.

Kaz nodded and laid the jumpsuit out on the bed and started spraying it. It started turning black.

Another boy entered the tent then. He was wet, but it wasn't from sweating. Apparently he had just showered. He has short blonde hair, like Eminem's, causing him to look not so attractive, and he had clear blue eyes.

"Whoa," He said, like Swirl, except he was referring to a strange girl dying her jumpsuit black. "What's she doin'?" He asked Dagger.

"What does it look like I'm doin'?" Kaz snapped.

"Um... dying your jumpsuit black?"

"Then that's what I'm doin'," Kaz replied.

The guy shrugged and looked around at everyone else. "Who are these chicks?" He asked.

Dagger sighed and introduced them again.

"Hi, I'm Fish," He said after Dagger introduced everybody.

Jadyn snorted.

Fish narrowed his eyes. "What?"

"Fish? What kind of name is Fish?" Jadyn asked, laughing slightly.

"What's your name again?" Fish sneered. "Jadyn? What kind of name is that?"

Jadyn tensed up. "It's Hebrew,"

Fish rolled his eyes. "Whatever,"

The last two guys of the tent entered the tent. They, too, were surprised at what they saw. Six girls standing and one sitting on her bed, dying her jumpsuit black. One of them had green spiked hair and green eyes, while the other had long black hair tied back in the back of his head.

"Um, what's going on here?" One of them asked.

"New people," Kid said, in a very girly voice.

Dagger introduced the girls once again as Swirl came back from the shower, his hair sopping like Fish's. "And this is Radio and Polar." Dagger told the girls. Radio was the guy with the green hair and Polar was the one with the long black hair.

Then, Erik came into their tent. "Ah, girls, so I see you've met Joe, Bobby, Ali, and Adian?"

Meat Sub sighed. "Erik, how many times do we gotta tell ya? It's Swirl, Fish, Polar, and Radio."

Erik rolled his eyes. "Okay, guys." He turned to the girls. "Can I show you girl to, er, the lunchroom?" Erik asked, blushing as he averted Katie's gaze.

Katie giggled. "Sure,"

Erik looked at Kaz, who was putting on one of her newly-dyed-black jumpsuit.

"Kaz, what happened to your jumpsuit?" Erik asked her, tilting his head to the side.

"I dyed it black," She replied.

"You can't do that,"

"Why?" She questioned.

"Because -,"

"Mr. Sir never said I couldn't dye my jumpsuit black," Kaz said shortly, tying her red hair in a ponytail in the back of her head.

Erik shrugged and the guys and girls all followed Erik out of the tent and into the Mess Hall, which was the lunchroom.

Erik walked away from them as B-Tent got in line, and Katie waved flirtatiously at him. "Bye, Erik!"

He blushed and mumbled a good-bye before going and joining the other counselors and Mr. Sir.

They all got their food and sat down at the new B-Tent table, which was longer than the old one.

Tami used her spoon to scoop up some food and then drop it back onto her plate. "Um... what is this?"

"Food," Dagger answered.

"Are you sure?" Tami brought her head down, level to the food. "It... looks like some kinda crap..."

Jadyn took a bite and spit it right back out. "And it tastes like it too! Geez!"

"You gotta accept it," Fish told her. "Or else you'll get nothin' to eat 'round here."

Jadyn closed her eyes tightly and took a bite from her food. She forced herself to chew and swallow. When she was done, she let out a breath. "God, this is horrible,"

Katie folded her arms across her chest. "I'm not eating it." She said stubbornly.

The guys shrugged. "Suit yourself," Dagger said, and started eating.

After dinner, they all went back to their tent. The boys got ready for bed.

"What are you doing?" Katie asked.

"Going to sleep," Meat Sub answered.


"Because we have to get up at three thirty in the freakin' morning," Radio mumbled from his cot.

"Well, if that's really the time, I'm gonna go to bed too," Jadyn stretched.

"You didn't believe Mr. Sir?" Polar asked her.

"No," Jadyn said shortly and changed into her undershirt and shorts and climbed into bed. The rest of the girls followed suit.

"Night," Tami mumbled into the darkness.

"Night," Everyone answered.