Heya everyone, this is my first ever fanfiction so please be nice. I won't do any character profiles because all will be explained as the story unfolds.
All I will say is the story's set after V force. So here goes, enjoy.
Disclaimer: I do not own beyblade but I do own my OCs

Chapter 1: Salutations!

- At the Airport -
Hilary was frantically checking through the list of 'New Arrivals' on the board in the waiting lounge. The others, Tyson, Rei, Max and Kenny were sitting down watching her. Kai was in his usual stance; arms folded, leaning against a nearby wall.

"Hey why are we here again guys?" moaned Tyson

"Surely you can't have foregotten already Tyson!" exclaimed Max. Tyson didn't answer.

"Man you really do have a short memory!" joked Rei "Either that or your just stupid...." All the boys burst out laughing, Kai just grunted an shut his eyes.

"Will you lot shut up! I'm trying to concentrate here!" shouted Hilary, the boys immeadiately fell silent, no one messed with Hillary when she shouted. "I can't find the flight anwhere," the girl continued "I'm going to ask the attendent over there and see if he can help." With that she stormed off to a feeble looking guy in an airport unifom. Everyone was quiet until Tyson broke the slience.

"You still havn't answered my question guys" Rei, Max and Kenny let out small sniggers.

"The reason, my dear friend that we are here at the airport, is that we are awaiting the arrival of Hilary's friend from Korea" chuckled Max

"What! Hilary has friends!" Tyson's outburst caused the boys to burst into laughter.

Kai simply rolled his eyes. 'Idiots' he thought

"Ok, ok" said Tyson once they'd ceased laughing. "So Hils waiting for her friend, but why'd she have to drag us along too?"

"SHE dragged YOU along Tyson, because it's about time YOU did something to help me for a change after all the work I've put into the team!!!" Yelled Hilary into Tyson's earhole causing him to jump right off his chair.

"Ow Hil! Did you have to yell so loud in my ear?"

"Hmph!" replied the girl crossing her arms and turning away from the boy. She turned her nose up - into a usual Hilary stance.

"Did you find out anything about the plane Hilary?" asked Kenny, trying to change the subject.

Hilary's expression softened. "Well the guy said the plane's arrived, so I guess we'll just have to wait for Cassie to show up."

"Who's Cassie?" asked Tyson - everyone fell over in true anime style.

"Cassie's her friend, dimwit" said Kai rather sharply whilst clipping Tyson over the head.

"Ow!" moaned the boy whilst rubbing his head. "How was I supposed to know?" He then began muttering, "I don't know why I agreed to come and wait for some stupid girl I don't know, if all I'm gonna get is abuse. She's probably going to be really annoying; if she's like Hilary then that..." he was cut short when a female voice shrieked "HILARY!!!" The next thing they know, Hilary and a girl are in a huge hug saying the usual bla people say when they haven't seen each other in long time. "Oh my God it's so good to see you!"etc. At this point the boys were stood up watching the two reunited friends, Cassie had her back to them. Looking over her friend's shoulder, Hilary saw the Bladebreakers waiting patiently to be introduced to the new girl. "Hey Cassie, I'd like to introduce you to my friends the Bladebreakers.... Guys this is my friend Cassie."

As soon as the girl turned around their jaws dropped. Cassie was very beautiful. She was around Hilary's height and build, but she had long, wavy black hair that fell just above her waist. Her eyes were dark lilac and seemed to sparkle when she smiled at them. She wore flared jeans and a cream strappy top with a beige shirt over the top, she also had a beige beret style hat and casual trainers on. Her skin was fairly pale, save her rosy cheeks. Even Kai had to admit she was stunning, his mouth was wide open and his eyes looked as if they'd pop out! However when he realised he was gauping at the poor girl, he quickly returned to his emotionless expression and crossed his arms. The other were not quite as quick to regain their original composure.

"You gonna catch flies with them mouths?" smirked Cassie, at this the boys' mouths snapped shut.

Cassie gigled and said "Salutations, I'm Cassie," she waved and smiled sweetly at them. Tysons mouth dropped once again. Kai rolled his eyes when he saw this.

"That means 'Hello' Tyson" he sighed.

"Huh? Oh yeah... corse... I knew that already, Kai" stuttered Tyson

The dark haired girl giggled again, and turned to the boys. "Hilary's told me so much about you guys... especially..." Cassie turned and whispered something to Hilary; Hilary's eyes shot wide open and she began to blush, she then glared at cassie who reacted to the glare by winking.

Hilary grit her teeth whilst saying "Isn't it time we got you to your Auntie's Cassie?"

"Yeah, I guess she'll be wondering where I've got to."

And with that Cassie took her case and followed her new friends out of the airport.

Ok well there's the first chapter, I hope you liked it. The story will get better, I promise, its just hard to get started. I'd be gratefull for any reviews, fanx.
Peace out