What's Different on the Other Side

By melaniemelmelgirl

Disclaimer: you know the drill.

Author's note: Wow this is the finale!! Everything will finally unfold!!! Thank you SOOOOOOOOO much to those who reviewed my first full fanfic!!! I lub you all now and forever!!! Just enjoy, and see you next fanfic!


Li was out of breath

He had ran all the way to the park, seeing Sakura on the swings.

God, she looked heavenly.

Like an angel.

"Sakura," Li said.


"I really, honestly, honest-to-god-truth love you, and wouldn't change you for anything in the world."

"Really?" she asked, not so sure.

"Yes. How do you feel about me?"

"I love you too, Li."

He swooped down at her, kissing her passionately, and hard, yet caring.

Boy, was he a good kisser.

And Sakura, well, she was a good kissie.

Little did they know, they would spend the rest of their life together.

It was all thanks to Li that Sakura came out of her shell, that she showed her true colours.

It was a beautiful thing, love.

Especially their love.

A gentle, sweet, loving, caring love.

over by E and T

"What's this?" Tomoyo asked, examining the small box that Eriol had given her.

"Open it," he said.

Tomoyo undid the pretty tissue paper wrapping that had delicate flowers embroidered on it, and opened the little white box.

Inside was a pretty ring.

No, not an engagement ring, to some of you reader's dismay, a promise ring.

"Oh, it's soooo pretty!!!" she exclaimed.

"It's a promise ring", he announced. "I wear one, you wear one, and it's a promise to be faithful to one another."

"I love it!! Thank you Eriol, you're so wonderful!!!"

"I love you very much, Tomoyo."

"I love you too, Eriol."

They hugged one another, and kissed long and slowly.

Little did THEY know that they would spend all of eternity together.


Sixth months later

"Congratulations, Sakura!!" Li said, putting his arm around her waist.

"Wow I can't believe that I'm Sweet Sixteen, and that I passed my driver's test!!!", she said, excitedly.

"I'm so proud of you!!!" he said.

Sakura replied by steeping on her tiptoes and kissing him on the cheek.

one year later

"Alas, alas, alas," Sakura said, clasping an asp to her bosom.

She fell to the floor and died.

Applause thundered all around the large, spacious high school theatre.

She stood up grinning, and bowed.

It had been a full house that night, and Sakura had brought down the house with her starring role.

Suddenly, a large, gorgeous bouquet of sakura blossoms landed on stage.

'From Li' the card read.

Sakura smiled some more and bowed again.

one year later


"Uhh I dunno, what?"

"I got accepted into college!!!!!!"

"Which one?"

"Tomoeda University!!! That way we'll be close to one another, because you are completing your training her in town at the local dojo!!!"

"Oh Sakura that's wonderful!!!"

He bent over and gently kissed her.

Sakura happily returned the kiss.

Two months later

"And graduating with high honors, I know present Sakura Kinomoto, class valedictorian, president, head of the Spirit Squad, and an impressive drama student", the principal said.

Sakura stood up and accepted her diploma.


She could not believe that she was now officially a high school graduate.

She ran down off stage into Syaoran's awaiting arms.

"Great job, Sakura", he said, kissing the top of her head, inhaling her beautiful scent.


In just three short months, she would be a college freshman.

She couldn't wait for the summer ahead of her.

three months later

"So Sakura, how was your first day at college?"

"It was great!!! I got a little lost by all the buildings, but overall, it was fun!!!"

"Wow!! So how's Tomoyo doing lately?"

"Great!! She's working hard in fashion designer school"

"Yay I'm so happy!!!" Sakura said, throwing her arms around Li.

4 years later

Sakura beamed happily as she accepted her college diploma.

She had completed college in three years, and earned her PhD in....haiku writing, if you can believe it.

She had already been accepted into the Daily Haiku newspaper, since the Haiku industry was a booming one nowadays.

Sakura smiled happily, and looked down at the small pink diamond on her finger.

She soon would be Mrs. Syaoran Li.


Oh, how the days seemed to fly!!

It seemed like only yesterday that she was an unwanted nerd.

And look at her now.

A PhD in Haiku Writing And Performing.

Smiling, she thought of the perfect title for her first book of haikus.

"What's Different on the Other Side".

It was the start of a whole new world.

In the end, Sakura Kinomoto married Syaoran Li on a beautiful June day.

Nine months later, they had a double bundle of joy pop out of her, Ying and Saki Li.

They grew up to be fine young people.

Sakura published a total of 38 best-selling haiku novels, and the whole family moved to Hong Kong when Syaoran was 25 to take over the Li Clan when the last elder died of lung disease.

The Li children grew up a rich, wonderful life.

Sakura and Li died in each other's arms at the age of 100.

Now, Tomoyo married the handsome blue-haired Eriol.

They married shortly after Tomoyo graduated from fashion design school.

She had the ever-popular chain of clothing called T's World.

Eriol, on the other hand, majored in law, and became the most well-know attorney in all of Japan.

Young and handsome, he always won his cases.

At age 24, Tomoyo gave birth to their only daughter, Mayuka.

Her hair colour was a mixture between purple and blue, ironically enough.

Tomoyo and Eriol both died in a train collision at the age of 75.

But still, they lived a long, healthy, happy life together.

Yumi Rezonuki, however, DID NOT.

She dropped out later after Sakura became popular in tenth grade, after she became impregnated by a jock who dumped her after she started to show.

For money, she dealed cocaine and was sent to prison a few times before she was released to give birth to a brain-dead stillborn Uni-sex child.


Wonder why.

Neko Yuff, and Melon Heart, well, they went off in their own directions.

Neko Yuff became a librarian, and Melon Heart a famous rock star.

(sorry if you two feel insulted at this, sorries!!!)

All in all, everyone lived happily ever after.

Except Yumi, of course.

But that's a whole different story.


WOW oh my god I can't believe that my first real fanfic is complete!!! wah I miss it already!!!! But yah. I lub you guys oh-so-much!!! Here is a list of all the reviewers:

Thanks to damson rhee,

Tamia Eternity,

Neko-Yuff 16 ( 3 ),


stars of hope,

melon-heart ( 3 ),


Crystalz Tearz,

Yasha's Gurl,


Meilin Baby 13,

Princess Jasmine,





azn anime addict 47 ( 3 ),

Clear Star Light,



azn pals ( 3 ),


Mystery Case,


sakura cherry syaoran wolf,

Hikari Mizu,










pinky ( 3 ),


kirara nieko yasha ( 3 ),

Peaceful Angel,







SilverBlossoms, j




CrEsCeNt Mo0n19,







Witch Empress,






TokyoMisaki Friend,

sesshysama9 (WOW!!!! Thanks u sooooo much for the Every heart lyrics I've been looking for them EVERYWHERE THANX SO MUCH I LUB U!!!),

I am sooooooo sorry if I misspelled your name, wrote it twice, or worse, FORGOT IT!!! If I did, just tell me, I'll try to make it up to you some way!!! And thanks you guys. I wouldn't have gotten this far without you!!!!! I am planning a one-shot to do next, then possibly finish Sakura's Diary of hope, and then start a whole new fic!!!! Well, I g2g!!! Luve always, melaniemelmelgirl. p.s. there will be one more chappie, a behind-the-scenes interview with the cast and crew of the story!!! It will talk about all sorts of things, and what's up next for the CCS gang. AND what I'm writing next. So yah. Expect it up soon!!! Wow. This is my longest chappie ever. 1,394 words. Well, the end.