Last time:

" practice " said fi and carey

" since when have had you had the time too" said irene.

" 10 here" said fi

" 14 here" said carey.

" with each other" said malinda

" of course , " said the both of them .

Chapter 14: believeing and lost and found

" Well i'll be back , going to the restroom " said fi

" ok " said everyone.

20 minutes fi still hadn't come back .

" i'll go check in there " said molly turning back into her adult form.

Molly opened the door to the bathrooms and called for fi and she answered,

" yeah, " said fi

" you ok , " asked molly

" i don't know i feel dizzy, " said fi

" ok open the door baby" said molly

" ok mom" said fi as she got to the bathroom door and opened it , she fainted.

"fiona!!!!!!" said molly " i'll be back baby."

Molly ran back to the table, and panted, and sai,

" fi bathroom , fainted , dizziness " said molly

Carey ran in the bathroom and saw fi on the floor , checked for a pluse when he found one but it was very light, so he picked her up and carried her out and went threw everyone and everything. he got to the table and said ,

" got her , lets go " said carey

" ok " said everyone they made it too the bus and carey ran fi to her room .

" ok god , " said carey

" what is it" said molly

" she's sick again" said carey

" i don't think it went away" said rick.

" what happened " said maranda and maggie .

" she's sick" said molly

" again " said maggie

" what , ????" said everyone even aunt malinda.

" it's something to do with her powers , they make her sick when she uses them , " said maranda

" or to much of them , " said carey. " i'm not stupid ya know , she's still sick and that training or whatever did this to her"

" she went of her............" said malinda but got cut off.

" i don't care, does it look like i care , my fiance is in a bed sick cause of something that runs in ya'lls family on both sides , don't tell me that ok . " said carey finally gasping for air .

" it runs in our family too carey " said irene , { yes there all grown up again}

" but does it look like any of us are sick no fi is and now i'm screaming for the matter that i'm mad and i want to stangle something or someone." said carey

" whoa, carey breath bro, fi-ster will be fine " said clu

" hope so ..........." said carey

" carey she will , lets see fi will be fine lets see she's not totally insane yet but gettting there , i love my sister but if she talks about aliens one more time i'll go insane." said jack

" she can't help it " said carey

" well no she can't " said jack

" hey it's your fault " said clu to jack

" how, " asked jack

" your the one that locked her in the room with hmmmmmm all of those fake halloween things." said clu

" i still don't see how that got her into the paranormal ," said jack rolling his eyes.

Then rick came in the room ,

" actually , it was me , the night jack ,and carey locked her in there she was scared ,and alone , you all fell asleep and she was crying and screaming but you still wouldn't wake up or ya'll were listing to your music to loud you couldn't hear her and i visited her and even though it was only for a few minutes i was with her till she fell asleep and when someone finally someone let her out ,she was still scared ." said rick

" she still is." said rick

" what , she is " said jack.

" yeah thats the one time she won't forgive you for ." said clu

" so who finally let her out " said carey

" i did " said clu " it wasn't pretty "

" why" said rick now wondering.

" cause she had a cut on her side , that was bleeding bad " said clu " when Ms.p asked fi how she got it , she said " i got locked in when i was looking for peabrain" thats what she said ,cause she didn't want you two to get in trouble , now thats what fi is like , she'll lie to save anyone from getting in trouble and yet she hates when people keeps things from her and lies to her" sad clu

" how do you know that ' said carey

" why shouldn't i , i mean fi's my best friend , lets see when you of jack wouldn't play with her or you'd just ignore her who would be there , even if it was a stupid game i would still play ." said clu " but the fi mysteries is one thing i missed " said clu

" the what " said jack , carey and rick.

" ya'll really don't know fi do you dudes." said fi

" what are the fi mysteries. " asked carey

" well lets go to fi's websire." said clu

" see what did i hear?

what did i feel?

what did i see?

where did i see it ?" said clu.

" pick one ," said clu again.

" how bout, what did i see and where did i see it" said jack.

" ok now pick a topic again out of these , there mine and fi's favorites" said clu " angels, ghosts , hidden relams ,muse, sirens, aleins, esp , crop circles."

" how bout, ghosts. " said carey

" ok ghosts , then " said clu " ahhhh i remember this one, chicago/drowning ."

" oh great, this one again " said jack

" so you were right on this one " said clu

" i was joking,when i said that , " said jack .

" but it was true , and i didn't believe her that time " said clu

So clu told rick and carey of the old times and they were either scared or happy or laughing , or concered .

Fi woke up 2 hours later listening to clu as he told her and his story's.

" and then fi runs to the front of the bus and yells at dad to turn the bus that theres going to be a car there " said clu

" yeah all mr.b can say is " how did you know" said jack

" well ya know a website that tells the future, and that future would be your family and friends crashing , i'd think you'd belive it too." said fi

" fi........" said carey running over to her and hugging her to death. " how long were you awake for?"

" 30 minutes , i like hearing storys too ya know " said fi

" well you woke up in the middle of one." said clu

" i know " said fi " so what did you do while i was asleep "

" well clu showed your website and told us about it, and some storys about what adventures you all went on ." said rick kissing his babys head.

" cool , so what are we doing now." said fi

" your going back to sleep " said carey

" why i feel fine, " said fi as carey pushed her back down " you know this isn't fair "

" do you want something to eat , drink what" said carey

" no " said fi " if i wanted something i would get it myself but,thank you "

" nope i'll sit on you before you get out of this bed , you know i will " said clu

" well i'll run and all of you will have to get me " said fi spitting her tounge at them and getting up and running to her moms room and locking it.

" ha you can't get me now" said fi

" no but i can " said a demon, as fi screamed and unlocked to the door and ran out and past the guys and crawling under her bed all the way to the wall .

" fi, " said the twins " come out from there "

" no , no , no " said fi

" it was......" said maranda

" no!!!!!!!!! " fi screamed and then she began to cry.

" fi it was a joke " said maggie

" just go away .............please" said fi

" fi " said the girls

" just go " said fi

" Were sorry fi" said the girls .

Once they left fi came out and locked the door and began to chant /sing her spell to help her calm down she sounded like a siren .

" isisis sta ta tiona heckatela me tacali " she repeated it and soon it sounded threw the bus and it sounded like there were people in there with her , angels ,ghost, everything they all sang with her.

Ariel the banshee was even there , she was singing with fiona , and molly started to hum the chant too .

" molly" said irene.

" yeah , " said molly

" what are you humming?" said irene

" the same thing fi's singing , pretty chant isn't it " said molly

" there addictive i know " said irene

" she's just singing with the angels , anything that will listen to her , at the moment shes scared , thanks to maranda and maggie , you two should be ashamed of yourselves , you know fiona's scared of them ." said melinda

" what is she scared of" said rick

" a certon demen found in fi's spell book " said maggie

" the rasp demon" said rick

" yes she hates those , she'll go hide in her room till whenever she feels safe , or not scared , maybe will just never come out" said maranda getting a look from her mother.

" well you had to drag her out of her room after her being in there for 2 days " said maggie

" well how was she sappose to know when she didn't have her sight , not to let something in that looks like a dead cat , no she thought it was cute " said maranda

" hey they are cute till they get ignored , and then they change " said fi

" were sorry fi " said the twins as they hugged there cousin.

" maybe i should get revenge " said fi laughing .

" no!!!!!!!!! fi not that anything but that PLEASE noooooooo!" said the twins

" oh come back here it won't hurt " said fi " not that much atleast "

" fiona elizabeth phillips quit terrerizing your cousins" said molly" first, tie them up then terrerize them "

" aunt molly , how could you " said maggie

" yea who's side are you on " asked maranda

" sorry girls but i'm scared of rasp demons too" said molly

" oh............ bye" yelled the twins as thewy were running.

" oh you can run but you can't hide , man this is fun " said fi sitting down.

" fi aren't you going to go after them " said jack

" nope , but something else is" said fi

" fiona , now thats alittle mean ." said melinda

" i know but they need to learn if the mess with me they will get worser " said fi reading a magazine.

" ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mommy" said the twins.

"now it's time to stop " said fi as she got up and went to the twins that were in the next room . Melinda and molly , also irene and rick followed too.

" girls calm down , calm down ." said fi " where is it "

" under the bed " said maggie.

" ok , " said fi as she went over to the bed and crawled under it a little and grabbed it " get the window open now "yelled fi to the twins .

" ok it's open " said maggie

" good , now move everyone." said fi as she pulled the three headed large snake out and threw it out the window while it was going to bite fiona.

" i hate those , " said fi

" us too " said the twins

" which one of you were thinking about that snake " said fi

" i was" said maggie " why did you go get it "

" cause it wasn't after me it was after you, those things feed off of magic energy , and you two were it's dinner if you didn't distract it with someone elses magic , you'd be dead " said fi

" you two ned to lay down ok now" said fi" go to my room theres nothing in there maybe except ariel but thats it"

The two girls turned to go the back around and said ,

"who is........"asked maranda

".......... ariel "finished maggie

" um no one , just go to sleep here i'll come with you" said fi as she saw the look her parents were giving her .

" fi stay girls go , to jacks room and hang with the guys, i need a talk with fiona alone" said molly

" ok aunt molly" said the twins .

" lets go " said melinda to irene.

" ok " said irene looking to molly who just nodded .

Once they were gone molly put a silencing charm , on the room and rick started,

" who the heck is ariel" said rick.

" the thing that tried to take grandpa , and helped me get back you" said fi to her father.

" well in other things , why did you go near that snake , it tried to kill you are you insane " said molly

" i must be if you just had to ask me that " said fi as molly slaped her in the face .

Molly and rick stood there dumbfounded ,

" baby" said molly

Fi just ran , and rick yelled,

" fiona come back here"

Fi locked her parents in irene and neds room , and went to the front of the bus only ned was there, and fi went over to the door of the bus and ned yelled ,

" fiona get away from there " said ned as fi pulled the door open and jumpped and ned put on the brake fast and somethings crashed and he saw fi on the ground and then getting up and running off , he noticed she was limping alittle but she ran and he went after her,

" fiona, come back here " said ned and then everyone came out and followed and molly said,

10 minutes later.

" where is she, "

" shes gone , i couldn't keep up with her and she's hurt i'm sorry , " said ned as tears came out of his eyes .

" it's not your fault ned , " said molly

" then whos is it" said ned

" mine" said molly " i'm going to go look for my baby , " said molly as she grabbed a flashlight and the first aid kit.

" me too " said rick

Everyone was too ....................

At a o

" excuse me ma'am can you tell me how to get to a shelter , or some place." asked fi

" Dear child don't you have a family." said the lady

" yes ma'am i ran away" said fi

" ok i'm mary "

" i'm sorry i'm fiona,"

" it's ok , call me mary"

" call me fi or fiona"

" why'd you run away fiona" said mary

" my mom she hit me , she's never hit me before" said fi

" well when you find your mom and you find your way home " said mary" forgive them . " then mary saw fi's legs and hands and arms and said." child why didn't you tell me you were hurt "

" i'm fine mary " said fi

" no your not look at this " said mary pointing to fi's body , " what did you do jump out of a bus "

" yeah, i did we live in a bus see my mom is molly phillips " said fi

" really " said mary

" yes , she is " said fi

" fiona , you'll stay with me till we find your mother ok" said mary

" yes mary that would be nice thank you" said fi

2 Days later

" molly we won't give up " said rick as molly cried in to his chest .

Then jack came running in ,

" mom fi's on the radio well her song is she's at a radio station" said jack

Jack turned on the radio and they heard the d j say,

" ok we got someone here with us today , her names fiona phillips " said the d.j

" hey everyone, " said fi " the station asked me to come in here and record my new song , but the thing is i've lost my muse , you see i met up two days with the stations manager mary she helped me out from the kindness in her heart , while i was with her i wrote a song about my self it's called " who i am " and she asked me to sing it in hope i would find my family cause i don't really know where there at , if i never find them i just want to say i'm sorry" said fi

" well now were going to have fiona sing her song , it's beautiful i've heard it" said the d.j " heres fiona phillips with her song ' who i am '.

Fi :

/ if i live to be a hundred,

and never see the seven wonders,

that will be alright...................,

if i never make it to the big leagues,

if i never win a grammy,

i'm gonna be just fine.......cause i know who exactly who i am ....,


/ i am rosemarys grand-daughter,

the spitting image of my father,

when the day is done my momma's my bigest fan,

sometimes i'm clueless and i'm clumse ,

but i got friends that love me,

and they just know where i stand ,

it's all a part of me and thats who i am ...........

Fi :

/so when i make a big mistake ,

when i fall flat on my face ,

i know i'll be alright...............

should my tender heart be broken ,

i'll cry those teardrops knowin',

i'll be just fine.................

cause nothin changes who i am.


/i am rosemarys grand-daughter,

the spitting image of my father,

when the day is done my momma's my bigest fan,

sometimes i'm clueless and i'm clumse ,

but i got friends that love me,

and they just know where i stand ,

it's all a part of me and thats who i am ...........


/I'm a saint and I'm a sinner

I'm a loser, I'm a winner

I am steady and unstable

I am young but I am able/


/i am rosemarys grand-daughter,

the spitting image of my father,

when the day is done my momma's my bigest fan,

sometimes i'm clueless and i'm clumse ,

but i got friends that love me,

and they just know where i stand ,

it's all a part of me and thats who i am .......................2x

"That was fiona phillips , she can sing boy i haven't see someone pull those notes here since i was 21 which i was 4 days ago " laughed the d.j

" now here's some of trisha yearwood and her song she's in love with a boy."

" fi's been looking for us " said molly

" now where is that damn radio station " said carey

" were in the city that it's in everyone"announced ned. " we'll be at that station in 10 minutes"

" thanks ned" said molly

" see i told you we'll find her" said rick

" i know " said molly

They got to the station and they looked around , and they finally saw fi sitting at a table coloring and humming her chant. then a lady came up to her and give her a cola , and fi said thank you . and the lady said ,

" fi i got to get back to work but i'll be back later" said mary

" k mary ," said fi as she went back to her coloring.

Then everyone but fi saw that mary had grew wings and wore a blue

a dress and had a hailo , and a light around her.

Everyone gasped , they were looking at mary from the bible and mary turned to everyone and smiled and she dissapered .

" Fiona , " yelled molly when she came to her senses .

" mommy ???? " said fi as she turned around and was imediatly wrapped in a hug by her family .

" how, " said fi

" we were looking and heard your song and everything baby, you now know your grounded forever " said molly

" right , i know " said fi giving her mom another hug .

" what happened to your leg" asked molly

" i have something wrong with it , you know how it happened " said fi looking to the ground.

" yeah were going to have a long talk about jumpping out of a bus " said molly

" yeah we will " said fi

" are you sure your ok " said rick

" yes dad i'm fine i swear" said fi

" ok just making sure" said rick

"One day fiona, i will get you i will " said something

Note : my god what was it , who knows , hey i'm the writter and i don't know oh this is bad well there was hardly any carey /fi in this but i promise there will be i swear . please review and don't flame me please i'm sick of everyone doing it ok so please just review .

Fiona12690 signing off .... till next time so weird lovers.....................