Hey everybody this is going to remain the fourth Inuyasha fanfic this time! Well unless nobody likes it or anything like that. It was sudden inspiration when I was bored on the ride home from visiting Austin. I know it is another high school sort of fanfic, well they are not always going to be at school but, they will go sometimes. But, I don't know how long the story is going to be, so I can't tell you that. Well anyhow I hope you enjoy my newest creation. By the way does anyone want to be the person that check my bad English and grammar?

Things to remember:

"Someone is talking"

'Someone is thinking'

A number means that I don't own that quote or scene and I will tell you what scene or quote that it is from at the end of the chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and Co.

Chapter 1: Fated Encounter

It was a regular bone chilling night, the type of night you knew something was bound to happen. On this particular night Kagome decided to take a walk. "Mom I am going out!" Kagome yelled.

"Be safe dear," came back a motherly reply.

Kagome quickly put on her shoes and was out the door. She knew exactly where she wanted to go, to the tree. 'Why am I going here again? It just brings back painful memories of what had happened that one night. I don't understand what draws me back to this place this day of each year.' Today was the night Kagome tried to forget but couldn't, tonight was March 27, 2004. Since Kagome was in deep thought she didn't notice another person quickly running in her direction, therefore...

"Oi wench watch where you're going," yelled a voice.

Kagome didn't even give the guy a passing glance. She just got up and continued in the direction she was going. Yes she knew that voice, but that didn't mean she had to talk to him. In fact she hated him, oh yes how she hated him. No she never met him personally before, but she hated him anyway. She had met his type before, she preferred not to meet another one. Kagome looked up to see her destination, the Goshinboku tree, or rather known as the sacred tree. "Father, you once told me that this tree could help with any of my problems. Then why can't I forget! Why can't I forget that night!"

"Simply because no human being, no any living creature can't forget the death of a loved one," a familiar voice told her.

'Damn, that kid just keeps getting wiser and wiser.' "Souta, what are you doing here? Did you read that in a book or something?" Kagome asked even though she knew it was his own words.

"Well sister, when I think you can't get dumber than you already are, you do. Keep it up and we are going to be in the same grade of high school soon." Souta picked up a twig and twirled it around his finger.

"Just answer the question brat," his sister replied irritated.

"I was already here before you were, I had told mom before you came here that I was going to this sacred tree. Besides you know those were my words, I can't help it if you can't keep up in some of your classes. Hey sis?"

"What? You still didn't answer why you are here," Kagome pointed out taking Souta's twig and snapping it into two pieces.

"Just because you ask why I am here, doesn't mean that I got to tell you why I am here. Why do you think that mother called this a sacred tree? I mean sure it is taller than the others and is also fatter, but why is it any better than the other trees?" Souta looked up into the Goshinboku tree.

"Because it is a miracle worker, or so mother told me. She told me that this tree made her feel much purer and she accepted father's proposal. I think it is a little silly that she says a tree helped her make the decision to marry father. And yet... I expect that this tree will help me solve my problems. How stupid of me." Kagome touched the bark of the tree, then walked away.

"Stupid, I don't think it is stupid at all sister," Souta muttered to himself and then followed Kagome home.

-Next Morning-

"Bum, bum, bum, bum good morning, dum, dum, dum!" The alarm clock in Kagome's room rang loudly over and over again.

A screamed out, "SOUTA!!!!!!!!!" Was filled through out the entire home of Higurashi Shrine. Kagome threw the stupid alarm clock against the wall, picked it up, and stormed out of her room.

A loud scream of his name woke Souta up. Rubbing his eyes sleepily he wondered over to his closet and put on some clothes. Then a loud knocking sound came on his door. He walked up to the door, opened it to see a rather pissed off looking Kagome. "Yes sister," he said innocently.

"This is your LAST official warning, if you ever wake me up with this stupid anime character of an alarm clock again, you will regret doing it," Kagome said threateningly throwing down the alarm clock in Souta's room and stomped back into her room to change clothes.

"His name is Goku, remember, from Dragon Ball," Souta yelled out after his sister.

Kagome changed into her usual school clothes and went downstairs to get some breakfast.

"I see you are up bright and early," Mrs. Higurashi smiled.

"Mom, quit buying that stupid alarm clock for Souta." Kagome went over to the pantry, opened it and got some poptarts from it.

"I wouldn't have to keep buying it, if you didn't keep breaking it. Besides it is the only effective thing that will wake you up. We have tried many different tactics, like with Grandpa coming in and telling you a story of the feudal era. Or I yell "SPIDER!" And that worked only once. Would you like orange juice with that poptart dear," Mrs. Higurashi asked with an orange juice carton in her hand.

"Yes, please. Mom, yes, I get annoyed by those ridiculous fairy tales of his, granted. However, if you do tell me those in the morning... I will just fall asleep. But, in the afternoon I will run away from him. Also when you yelled "SPIDER!" The first time I believed you and got scared, waking up instantly. But after figuring out you lied the first time, why would I believe you the second time?" Kagome walked over to the toaster and put her poptarts in, while receiving a glass of orange juice from her mother. Soon afterwards the poptarts popped out of the toaster, Kagome grabbed her backpack, put the poptarts in her mouth, and opened the door to leave when her mother stopped her. "Yes mom?"

"Could you please put this sign out and post it up?" Mrs. Higurashi handed her daughter a sign.

"Sure thing mom," Kagome said taking the sign, and shutting the door. 'Now let's see what the sign says.' "One room available in Higurashi Shrine, please come ask the owner for the rental charges," she read it to herself. 'Mom must be desperate for company as Souta and I leave for school. Where to post it? Aha!' Kagome posted the sign after looking everywhere where she should post it. Only after walking down the stairs did she post the sign. She then looked at her watch and her eyes bugged out. 'I am going to be late again!!!!! I can't get another detention, damn it all!' Kagome immediately picked up her pace and ran to school. Reaching the school grounds as the bell rang signaling her tardiness she cursed to herself. "Damn, late again!"

-Moments before-

A maid knocked loudly on his door in the early morning. "What," the hanyou said sleepily.

"Your parents wish to speak with you sire, they request your presence at 6:30 a.m. sharp, you know the usual place," the maid told him scurrying off.

The hanyou looked over to his clock on his nightstand to see it say 6:25 a.m. "Damn, how the hell do they expect me to get my ass out of bed within five minutes, and get to the dining room in time." 'Ah the hell with it, there is no time to change, I don't need mom and dad yelling at me for being late again. How can they talk such nonsense so early in the morning anyway?' He rushed out of his room to greet his parents in the dining room.

"Inuyasha, so good to see that you are on time for once son," said Mr. Taisho.

"What did you drag me out here for," Inuyasha said impatiently.

"Oh right, straight to the point then. Well Inuyasha dear, instead of doing home school like we have been doing for you, we enrolled you in a public school," Mrs. Taisho explained.

"WHAT!?!?!?! WHY!?!" Inuyasha glared at his parents.

"Because we want you to enjoy the high school experience son, you are going and that is final," Mr. Taisho's voice boomed.

"It already has been decided, school starts at 8:30 a.m. sharp, better get ready," Mrs. Taisho declared.

"Why me? Sesshomaru never had to go to public school," Inuyasha complained.

"You meet your first true love there, besides don't you like it when all the girls are gushing over you," questioned Mr. Taisho.

"Ah the wonders of being famous," Inuyasha mumbled to himself. He turned around and marched back to his room. There was no point in arguing with his dad; he is scary when you get him mad. Inuyasha got changed into his usual red clothing and left the house. He knew all to well where his parents had put him; yes the high school they had went to years ago. Shikon No Tama High, that's where it all happened, where his parents fell in love and yada yada, yada, he was sick of how many times his parents told him of how they met. He looked at his watch, 8:00 a.m. well at least he was on time for once. He walked up the steps of the high school and was about to open the door when it was opened for him.

"Mr., Mr. Inuyasha sire, please don't bother yourself with such a task, I will be your doorman for you," said a sandy hair kid.

'People are desperate for gratitude and attention these days.' "Whatever, what is your name," Inuyasha asked rather rudely.

"Hojo, sire," Hojo bowed.

"See you later then Hoho." Inuyasha brushed past him quickly and went straight to the office. He heard a distant voice; "It is Hojo." He scoffed, and turned the doorknob to the office to be immediately greeted.

"Ah, yes Inuyasha, your parents called and told us you would be here. Here is your schedule. Can you autograph this for me," asked the office attendant.

Inuyasha snatched the schedule from the lady's hand. "I don't have time to deal with the likes of you." He left the office and was on his way to his first class, History; he was always good with History. 'Now where the hell is E217?' Inuyasha looked up and cursed his luck; he was standing right in front of the stupid classroom. As soon as he opened the door a crowd of giggling girls surrounded him. He walked to the teacher's desk and she just pointed to the back of the room on the very right seat. As he walked to his seat his fan club followed him. He looked at all of the girls, some were pretty, some were ugly, some were skinny, and some were fat, others just right. None of them however had his interest. 'Fall in love, here? What a stupid lie!'

All of a sudden the door busted open with a raven-haired girl. "Mrs. Hikari, please don't give me another detention. I am sorry I am late, please just-"

"Mrs. Higurashi, you are late again. Nothing I do will get through to you, just take your seat," Mrs. Hikari cut her off pointing to her seat.

Kagome looked up to see tons of girls crowding where she sat. 'Wonder what is going on.' She walked up the steps to see him sitting in the seat right next to hers. 'Damn my luck to hell. I thought it was bad, but not this bad.'

"Class has started please get to your seats," Mrs. Hikari asked, but demanded at the same time.

'It's her, she is the same girl I ran into the other night!' "Who the hell are you," he voiced his thoughts out rudely.

Kagome simply took her seat, and put her stuff down. 'If I just ignore him he will leave me alone. Just ignore him.'

'She's ignoring me again, interesting very interesting. A woman has never ignored me before, none the less.' "Wench quit ignoring me, I don't like being ignored," Inuyasha glared at her.

'Why doesn't he shut up already, get the hint you moron!' "Ahh." Kagome gave a surprised yelp as her arm was grabbed and she was being dragged onto the floor.

"I know you can hear me, and you can also speak. So answer me you damn wench." Inuyasha demanded tightening his hold on her arm, glaring at her.

Kagome matched his glare. "Wench is not my name. I got a damn good one, so you better use it, the name is Kagome. Let go of me." Kagome grabbed her arm back.

'What pretty eyes, they hold such emotion in them.' Inuyasha continued staring into her chocolate brown orbs.

"You got a staring problem, it is starting to tick me off." Kagome glared harder at him willing to make a hole in his head.

"I think I will stick to calling you wench," he claimed sitting back in his seat. 'High school is going to be a lot more interesting than I thought.'


Like? No like? Please let me know through a review, it is the only way I know if I should continue or not. Yep, you readers are the one that determines if the story should continue or not. Well let's see what happens to this fanfic then. Aren't you happy there are no questions down here yet?