(A/N: Yup, I'm still alive. Random person: What are you doing with your life? Me: I'm trying to finish a fanfic!
Pretty sure some of you are younger than this fanfic, lol! And Anonymous calling me an acid trip must have turned me on or something because I searched my email and found this chapter and was like, "yeah, I don't know why I never posted this." My apologies for any typos. Expect an update in, like, ten years. You might want to take me quite literally, okay? ? ?
No seriously, why are you reading this? You still waiting for a Danny doll? Anyway, enjoy!?)
Time stilled for Sam. She knew she would never forget this moment. Jazz lying on the cold basement floor of her own house, blood spilling out from a gunshot wound. The gun shook in Sam's hands. Her aim was better than she would have guessed. Ezekial had gifted her the gun if she chose this way. The other option was to go to Jazz with this information but then they would not have been able to carry out the plan; Sam desperately wished she could have asked Jazz before shooting her, possibly killing her, and she sure as hell had to be going into shock. In her heart of hearts she knew she would expect Jazz to do the same for her.
Sam felt herself coming back to reality at the shouts coming from the upper levels of the house and the racket on the stairs. Maddie was making her way down.
"What is going on-" her question was cut off into a strangled scream when she saw her daughter on the floor in front of Sam. "Jazzy! Jazmine! Jack, call the police, we need an ambulance!" She vaulted down the rest of the steps and didn't even seem to see Sam- she rushed right by her and knelt by her daughter, putting anxious hands on her. "Jazz, honey, can you hear me?"
Sam still just stood there staring at the mother and daughter. It truly was like she had become invisible; she briefly wondered if she had until she heard a voice behind her.
Sam did not turn around at Danny's voice; she wasn't sure if it was his voice or Carolyn's or what. She wasn't sure of anything except that she had definitely just shot someone she cared for very much and was essentially watching the lifeblood pour out of said person, frozen to the spot, hoping someone would take the gun from her and shoot her. There was one thing that was clear as day in Danny's voice- shock. Whether it was Real Danny or New Danny, whichever Danny was helluva shocked, which had been the point after all.
"Sam?" This time Danny sounded a whole new kind of shocked, a horrified shock. Sam realized he must have seen the gun she was still holding and put two and two together. "Mom, she's got a gun!" he warned his mother, horrified. Jazz was moaning and Maddie's head snapped up.
"Jack! Get down here!" Maddie screamed. She looked up at Sam, noticing her for the first time. "Samantha, what the hell are you doing with a gun?!"
Sam made no response. She remembered Ezekial's words; she had to shock Danny into coming forward. Her grip tightened on the gun a little as she debated what to do next. Should she go any further? Ezekial had said she could probably get by with just shooting Jazz as long as Danny knew it was her who had fired the gun. She figured she would test him. She started raising the gun again, a new target in mind. The air in the room instantly stiffened. Jack was on the stairs, screaming something into the phone but Sam didn't hear him. He'd stopped, spotting her raising a gun at his wife. A sharp intake of air was heard behind her.
"Stop," it was muttered so lowly and Sam could have sworn it was the Real Danny. Then again with more force, "Stop!" Shaking her head, Sam closed her eyes for a brief minute trying to block out the pleas from Maddie to put the gun down.
"STOP!" Danny screamed and Sam suddenly found herself being knocked to the floor. The gun went off anyway, no target in range and Sam had no idea if it hit anyone. All she could hear was Maddie screaming and Jack coming the rest of the way down. Maddie's screams had turned into rather shocked, violent gasps of "what the hell?!"
Sam felt herself being lifted up off the floor by a furious Danny. His eyes were green, she dimly realized through the haze in her mind. "Get out," he spat between clenched teeth, "Get out. Before I kill you." It was not an empty threat Sam immediately realized. She nodded numbly unsure if any of this had worked. She walked past a stunned Jack and made her way out of the basement and into the hall of the Fentons' house. She was surprised at how easy it was to just walk out of the front door and into the neighborhood after shooting somebody. No neighbors were even out, had no one else heard all the screams and two gunshots? Sirens screamed and lights flashed in the distance so she knew that the medics would get here and hopefully save Jazz's life. And maybe Maddie's, too, Sam was fairly certain she had shot Maddie, too but couldn't say she was absolutely sure as she had only heard it.
Did it work? That was the only concern Sam had as she walked towards Tucker's. She stopped short and changed her direction. Should she even go to Tucker's? Even though Tucker had never come clean about it, Sam was positive he harbored a huge crush on his best friend's older sister. He wouldn't exactly take the news well that Sam had just shot that sister. Social sacrifice was what Ezekial had described it as and she was beginning to fully realize this. She had always thought practicing goth culture was enough of a social sacrifice but she was on a whole other level now. It was no secret who had done it so she knew she would be arrested sooner or later, read her Miranda rights, assigned a public attorney if he parents didn't hire one, and face a trial. She supposed she could just do a plea and be done with it. Would she be tried as an adult? She really hadn't thought beyond the actual act itself, up until she had shot Jazz she wasn't sure if she would actually go through with it. She probably should have thought a little more before doing it but at the end of the day, Danny had to have known it was her and on purpose otherwise she couldn't shake Carolyn out of him.
She found herself at the room in the motel she was still paying for. She wondered how long it would take them to find her. Should she run? This was prison she might be going to but it was female prison which seemed very different from a male's prison in the United States. Most females didn't really seem overly concerned with sexuality and stuff of that sort that tripped out some of the males. Probably structured but nastier food than the schools she was sure and disgusting showers. Her biggest concern would be health related for sure. A figure began to flicker and materialize in front of her, a sad but serene smile on his face.
"Hi, Sam," Ezekial greeted her.
Sam shook her head, not wanting to fake pleasantries. "Did it work?"
"It seems to be," Ezekial pursed his lips. "We won't know for sure for a little bit..."
Carolyn could feel her grasp not just slipping but being wretched from her. That girl Sam went and did something she never would have guessed. Carolyn supposed she should have figured it would come to this since Sam was her niece by blood even if she had never acknowledged that link. Carolyn felt a bit of pride through the frustration but mostly frustration because Danny was sure not going to go quietly while seeing his sister laid out on the basement floor, blood spilling out, Sam standing nearby with the smoking gun.
She had just managed to keep a slight grasp as Danny had screamed shrilly when she first entered the basement and the scene filled her vision. It was the only thing Danny was seeing. The scream bounced around his mind and the pure anguish in it was palpable. It was the only thought, the only scene Danny could see or think of. The snow that had encompassed him wasn't just shaking but melting much faster than she could have predicted. Her hold was slipping and fast, none of the powers she'd been cursed with in her afterlife were working in her favor. She couldn't create a scene to fool Danny to slip into another reality. She had been able to so easily earlier, she had become too comfortable in her hold. She hadn't expected Sam to attempt anything further, after all Carolyn had won. Or she thought she had. Still, she wasn't going to to without a fight. She had come this far.
Danny couldn't see much but white and he could feel cold everywhere. Why was he under so much snow? What the hell, he thought, clawing desperately at the snow. What had happened? Why had Sam shot Jazz? WHY? That was all he could see, all he could think. As if that wasn't horrific enough, Sam had then aimed to shoot his own mother! What the hell had gotten into her? Why would she have done that? Had she actually shot his mother? He could hear her screaming and yelling through tears. He had to see his sister, he had to see his mother! He had to help them! He could see light ahead- the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel some would say. Panic, pure panic was engulfing him as the desperate need to know if his sister and mother were okay overtook him. Beyond the wild panic and need to know, another emotion begin to prick at the back of his mind; guilt. It was him who was friends with Sam, he was the reason she'd be at his house and, ultimately, that meant he was the reason they were in this mess. He felt another presence pulling at his mind, trying to misdirect his thoughts but he wouldn't be distracted by that, not with Jazz several feet from him, blood seemingly everywhere. His mother was on the other side of Jazz and it looked like she was okay; she was bleeding, too, but not nearly as much as Jazz. He knelt wordlessly by his sister, listening to his mother's heart-wrenching pleas for her to hang on and that help was on the way. Jazz's breath was so shallow and labored, Danny realized, tears welling up in his eyes at the sight. Her eyes were unfocused and her main focus just seemed to be forcing herself to breathe. "Jazz," he whispered, finding her hand and holding it, feeling utterly helpless; his mother was already plugging the wound with a desperation Danny had never witnessed and he felt it himself as he stared down at his sister, willing her to be okay. Jazz's eyes snapped over to him when she heard his voice and there was something in her eyes he couldn't place.
"Is-is…it…y-you?" she struggled to get out with great effort, gasping every other second and Danny could only squeeze her hand harder, heart breaking in two at the sight of Jazz unable to string together a simple sentence.
"Yes, it's me, of course," he assured her and she smiled. Danny thought he might cry at the thought of his sister trying to comfort him right now when she was the one who was struggling to stay alive. He felt that other presence again but was able to shove it away, nothing able to distract him from the sight of his dying sister and frantic mother. Carolyn found herself quickly being buried in the snow she had once buried him in and she was sure he wasn't even trying; Danny's mind was so overwhelmed, he was almost effortlessly pushing away her attempts at luring him into another reality. His only interest was in this reality and if his sister would survive. Carolyn's screams of frustration and anger weren't audible in his mind over his own pained screams of anguish and horror, the sight of Sam standing over his sister with a gun flashing repeatedly throughout his mind's eye. The image of Sam pointing a gun at his mother also flashing through his mind's eye, making it impossible for any of Carolyn's tricks to work as nothing she offered could hold a candle to the horrible reality he found himself in now. Danny himself didn't understand what the nagging thing in his mind was but he just knew he couldn't afford to pay it any attention or be distracted by his thoughts or delusions or whatever they were; right now, he simply didn't care because the only thing that mattered was his sister and getting her help.
There was commotion upstairs and suddenly there were EMTs in the basement and people checking Jazz over, yelling stuff that Danny had only ever heard in movies or drama shows that involved medical personnel. Someone was quickly patching Jazz up while someone else was preparing a stretcher and another person in uniform was talking to Jack Fenton, and Maddie was pushing away the EMT that was inspecting her arm, her one and only concern her daughter. Danny noticed an EMT near him, saying something about shock and he was sure there was a flashlight in his eyes, but Danny was also pushing the EMT out of his way because they were putting his sister on a stretcher and there were way more people around her and some were sounding rather concerned and Danny was desperately wishing he'd wake up and be in that hotel room he could dimly remember because Jazz was always there, talking to him and calming him down and just being a reassuring presence. He wanted that so badly now. Instead, he could only numbly follow his parents as Jazz was loaded into an ambulance with his mother crawling in after and his dad was saying something about how they would drive and Danny wondered how on earth his father was in any condition to drive. His dad must have been okay enough because somehow they made it to the hospital and found Maddie outside in the halls near the Operation Rooms.
She greeted them with uncertainty and concern. Danny took note that his mother had a bandage on her arm, so somebody must have taken care of that. Maddie paced the hall while explaining that Jazz was in surgery but the doctors hadn't given her the best odds and that there might be a chance that Jazz wouldn't make it out of the surgery and Danny felt his whole body stiffen at the thought and Carolyn felt herself buried deeper in the snow. It would be a miracle if she could reverse all this. All her hard work gone just like that. Still, she never would have guessed that Sam would actually shoot Jazz. The idea was ludicrous to her, it still was even though it had actually happened. She could feel Danny's mind almost cave in on itself with the utter panic he was experiencing due to his sister's unfortunate condition. Danny stared at his mother as if she was speaking a foreign language. What did she mean Jazz might not "make it out?" He dropped into a chair in utter disbelief. His sister had to make it out, she just had to.
Danny wasn't sure how long they waited there in that room, his mother weeping, his father not hiding his tears, and Danny was sure he was crying himself even as he shot off a desperate text to Tucker, informing him what Sam had done and that Jazz was in surgery and they were waiting to find out more. Danny didn't know if it had been hours that they'd been in there, he just knew his stomach grumbled with hunger pains, but nothing prepared him for when he saw the doctors walk towards his family, his stomach dropping, hunger pains forgotten. He knew, he knew right away by the looks on their faces, that Jazz was gone.