A/N: WOW! It's the epilogue! That's amazing! My... )counts fingers(... this will be my second... wait... third fanfiction story ever completed! And you get to read the end of it! Woo hoo for you!
Yojimbo's blade: Let's see.... about halfway through chappie five. But... I'm at a cross-roads... oh, well... I guess your majority at the moment.
Labrat-seph: )glancing out of window ever five minutes( Heh... Well... this is the epilogue... I hope you sent them after me because of one of my other fics... meep... I know I'm dead now... Also... KILL THEM ALL! CURSE THEM ALL! KILL THEM ALL! Yep, that sums it up.
Queen Strife: Yep... no one wants to see a fic die... but then it'll be one last thing of my already crowded mind... which would usually be very empty... understand? No... good.
KT: NO! KT wilt never die Almighty One! ... you know that we're immortal... muahahahaha... the maddness...
Neko Nensu: Oh... okay. Another error on me part. TT.TT Anyhoo, I think that it's a little too late for that. IT"S THE EPILOGUE! Must I shout it from the mountain tops?!
Wildfire Dreams: I'm with you there! Curse you Emerald WEAPON! You shalt die! The Ultimate WEAPON was easier!
Raging Lion: Whomever 'hates' your story... shalt face my Al Bhed wrath. Bring 'em on! I won't let you quit! You're a dolt for thinking such a thing! Even bigger than me!!!
yumiYOKO260: )blink, blink( You read all thirteen chappies in only thirty-five minutes? You think it's freakin' PERFECT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Zack: )pops up, pulls out giant censored sign, big annoying bleeps start up(
)Glares at Zack, hits him over the head( Sorry, Chels... lost control over my own stupidity... and in my state of usual mind... I'm kind of mad since a fellow author has just reviewed a few of my fics saying that he will 'retire from this place.' )glares at Raging Lion(
Chapter name:Epilogue
Rating: PG-13 Why? 'Cause of mild swearing, blood, sexual themes, slight drinking, and violence
Story Summery: Sephiroth is flung into Spira and meets with the ex-summoner and her guardians.
Chapter summary: The epilogue you dolts... it means... that this is the last chappie forever! ... Well... at least of this fanfic.
Pairings: Tidus x Yuna, Wakka x Lulu, possible Seph x Lulu or Seph x Rikku (Don't send me flames! I said possible, and if you like the characters that are them, say that my writing is preposterous in a review!)
Disclaimer: I do not own the Final Fantasy series or anything embedded within the game. Nor do I own Twix, I just slightly altered the name. Yojimbo'sblade owns the idea of the idea of a Sephiroth x Lulu(don't get mad at him, 'cause I actually used his idea, though it would be rather funny to see them). .
Warnings: Ending of the fic-ness, more hyper-ness from Rikku and Yuffie )shudder(... the god-like Sephy, randomness, and lot's o' stupidity and insanity.
Another A/N: I'm thinking about writing a sequel to this... as soon as I beat FF X. So then I can give a teeny little more info about them, since this was mostly from a FF VII gamer point of view. On with de' epilogue of de' fic!
Sephiroth and Vincent continuously threw pop-corn at the sleeping people. Suddenly, a large roc came flying down, and almost blew everyone off of the platform (Jenova and Yunaleska went flying... going: 'Snore, snore... more snoring.')
"A fight you want?!" said Yuffie, regaining consciousness. "Well... Vinnie will save us!" Vincent blinked.
"Thank you... I guess." Yuffie jumped up and down, pulling out her Conformer. She jumped onto the roc's neck and got bucked off... landing head first in the pile that was Cloud.
"MUFF!" she cried. Zack, whom was now awake, held up a giant sign that read: 'YAY!' in big bold letters. Vincent quirked an eyebrow, while Sephy just shook his head.
"Clear the way!!" Aeris cried. "I'll summon..." Yuna, who was now also awake, glared at the woman in pink clad. She then attacked. "ACK! Someone help me!"
"Don't you dare use my line!!!" Yuna screamed at the flower girl. Vincent and Sephiroth now sat on two rocks, just watching the stupidity.
"AHH!!" Cloud ran past, carrying a large claw, with the roc right behind him. Of, course, Cloud had to stop because he found a large shiny nickel on the ground.... and the rock hit his behind.
"Hahahahaha!" Zack pointed and laughed at the blonde and pulled his nickel back.... to bad he forgot that the nickel was shiny. He was then too, soon entranced by the shiny-ness of the nickel. Vincent letting himself sigh as he watched the group fight... with each other. Cloud was fighting with Tidus, each using a different brand of hair gel. Yuna and Aeris were fighting about a line, see above. Yuffie was attacking Rikku, screaming that Vinny was a million times better than Sephy while Rikku attacked back. Kihmari and Red XIII looked at each other.... just staring.... soooo.... memorizing (and I call preps idiots). Zack and Reno were fighting over the nickel, Wakka and Barret were fighting about who's weapon was better, and Cid was sort of sitting out on the side... puffing a cigaret.
"I guess we have to kill the roc..." Sephy said, running a hand through his hair. Vinny nodded and followed the silver-haired bishi-man to the center of the farplane. But... the roc was now fighting with Reno and Zack.... for the shiny nickel...
"It's my nicke!!!!!" Reno cried, gripping it with both hands.
"MIIIIIINNNNNNNNEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" Zack screamed, in a similar state.
"AROAOROROROROROR!!!" the roc screeched.
"Eh?" the both stared at the bird.... it flew away from Zack and Reno, nickel in mouth. "Come back here you fiend!" Zack and Reno chased after the bird with their weapons out. Sephy walked over to the entrance to the farplane and looked at the two casts of people, turned around, and left.
"SEPHY!!!" Rikku jumped after her love and left the farplane, followed by Yuffie.
"TIME TO GO!!!" Cid yelled at the top of his lungs. "OR PRETTY BOY VINCENT WILL LEAVE US!!!" Vinny had gone ahead afte Sephy, before Rikku.
After piling onto the ship, they group continued their fued.
(Back on besaid beach...)
AVALANCHE said their goodbyes and piled onto the Highwind. Vincent sweat dropped, realizing her forgot to talk about Lucrecia to Sephiroth. He shrugged and watched the ground fly away.
Sephiroth stared after the group, wondering suddenly why he didn't go with them... well... he was their sworn enemy... Sephy nodded. He turned around and there stood Lulu and Rikku.
"Time to choose Sephy!!" The Al Bhed said cheerily. "Me or this slut!" Sephiroth was about to answer when a blinding light appeared. He then vanished. "WHAT?!?!?!" Rikku attacked the ground where he had once stood. "Where'd he go!!!?!?!?!"
"His task was obviously done here... whatever it was..." Lulu looked to the sky. "I hope your happy wherever you are now..." she turned around and walked toward her hut in the village.
A/N: Well, that was the epilogue! I'm making this a whole series. You can thank Overly Obsessive for that. If you know not of Zelda, and you like this fic (and soon to be more crossover fics) LEARN ABOUT IT!!! Thank you, review please! Oops... :
Zack: Umm...
Reno: )on edge of seat( What new joke do you have today, Joke Master Zack.
Zack: Umm... )sweat drop( none.
Reno: )look of disappointment(
Zack: )shrugs( I still get the shiny nickel... )pulls out nickel( 'cause it's Philip....
Reno: )twitch, twitch( Grr.... )tackles Zack(
A/N: Yep... that was it... I ran out of good joke idears (sorry, didn't use yours Labrat-seph, I just couldn't find just in using yours... I'm idiotic like that). Well, you know the drill! )Turns around( I'll write the sequal if you people review!!!!