Several different languages are used in this story, so I thought you might want a glossary. So here it is—glossary, first draft:


Dhao'rissen—True Elves (drow term for themselves; it is unknown if the word "drow" comes from this phrase or from the Elfish term for traitor, darhei)

Emarin hamini si'kul—All humans are the same (drow saying)

Jha'kuul raitza, nu jha'suul eilai!—your father is a rapist and your mother is a whore!

Jheselaan—Temple (the term has heavy connotations of respect)

Kismat—female head of a noble House

Ne'emasu altai—old heartfriend (term of close platonic intimacy)

Riali bisu noma—I'm so hungry

ShochaiShoshit (roughly equivalent to "bullshit")

Srasa maan?—Is there food?

Suhl'arin jhi?—Where am I?


Idr k'vikvi ni'slarr (zuri)—I wasn't spying on you (I swear)

Idr sikt ee—Don't hurt me

Keshrik slarr?—Are you awake?

Keshriki—I'm awake

Kuva ee d'kush Riko d'tuvin roh—I need to find Riko to tell him

Kyrinin dri—It's very important

K'zuxa'an ri-dhao'rissen, a'shakshi xu ri-Jheselaan—The drow are coming, they're going to attack the Temple (italicized words in Drow)

Mikka'i t'Riko (zuri)—I'm looking for Riko (I swear)

Skosa Govan—Speak Goblan

Ska kukrin?—Is there food?

Slitza-ku slarr iki d'kush roh—You must help me find him

Taeki!—I'm sorry!


Vash-ku isa—Let me go

Vax slarr d'skum—Do you wish to stop?

Other tongues

an-Esrai—From Esrai (Given that this is Riko's last name, probably he was educated or even raised at Esrai, beyond being based there)

Raine'miande—Starlit Necklace

Saan'raine'cunta—Silver Lady of the Night

Sae-kun—Sacred Journey/Quest (paladins in this setting are akin to holy knights errant. Whenever they are sent out into the field they are said to be on sae-kun)

That's it so far. I've been trying to set up a simple grammar structure for Goblan, because it's used so often. I don't want the language to be structured exactly like English; the literal translations of these terms would not be grammatically proper. Also, I might have gotten a few words confused. For example, I mixed up vax, keshrik, and slarr—they mean "wish," "awake," and "you" (in that order). Lastly, "ae" is pronounces "ay" (as in way), the "aa" sound is a lengthened "ah," and the "jh" sound is slurred (like the 's' in pleasure). Anyway, I hope this clears things up. Tell me if you see any mistakes or any phrases I missed.