AN: Hey, yet another one-shot to take a break from my other stories! Enjoy! Heh!

Danny had invited Sam over to his house for some fun. They'd been dating for a while and it had gotten pretty serious. They went up to Danny's room to hang out.

"Hey Mom! We're going to be up in my room okay?" Danny called down the stairs.

"Alright. Keep it down!" Maddie was suspicious that they were going to be doing something that they shouldn't do until they were much, much older. After they got up to his room, she summoned Jazz. Jack was in the lab trying to catch a ghost from the portal.

"So wait, Danny and Sam are up in his room...alone...and they're dating...and they're 16...?" Jazz asked.

" you want to go spy on them? Even though we shouldn't?"

"Sure, I'd do anything for a chance to snoop around." They tip-toed up the stairs and to Danny's door. Both women put their ears up to the door. There wasn't the sound of TV or anything, just the sound of movement and panting.

"Oh yeah baby..." It sounded like Danny.

"Ow! Ow! Stop! It hurts!" Sam said.

"Are you okay?! Should we stop?"

"No, just push it." Sam said. The sounds of movement continued. Maddie and Jazz looked at each other with a knowing look on their faces.

"Oo yes! Oh yeah, Oo yeah..." The cries got louder and louder. Maddie pulled away from the door.

"Should we stop them?" Maddie asked Jazz.

"Yeah, something could happen..." Jazz nodded. They counted silently and busted through the door. Danny and Sam weren't in the heat of the act. They were playing "Dance, Dance Revolution" on Danny's portable pad. They were scared out of their minds seeing Jazz and Maddie out of the floor and fell onto his bed with fear.

"What the heck are you guys doing?!" The teens exclaimed.

"We thought you were...uh..." Jazz said noticing they weren't butt naked on Danny's bed.

"We were just playing video games. We muted it so that you guys wouldn't be disturbed by the annoying techno..."

"Oh...sorry..." Maddie and Jazz stood up and slowly backed out the door feeling very embarrassed.

"What was that about?" Sam asked.

"I don't know...Oh well...Keep going..." Danny said pressing start on the game counsel.

AN: Heh! Random! No flames, just good reviews! Love ya! Kisses!