Chapter 14

Desire and Devotion

'Who am I to be in love with this god among men? He has had so many and I merely lusted after his pathetic brother…' Kagome pondered as she twirled his silvery locks in her clawed hands.

They'd been back at Sesshomaru's castle for nearly a day now. After that portal had opened up in the midst of their lovemaking, and transported them back, shocking everyone and nearly giving Jakken a second heart attack.

He had devoted his time to making Kagome feel unlike any had ever before. Other women saw him as their god. To Kagome, Sesshomaru was a lover, an equal and above all a gift. Aside from his gorgeous physique, tall as can be, muscular body with perfect abs, large hands that could crush a man to dust. His kisses, tender yet demanding, fighting for dominance.

Out of all this perfection, her favorite part of him was his scent. It excited her to no end, and drew her so far into ecstasy that she never wanted to leave.

It was fear that sent her away but it was love that brought her back. The truth is that he wasn't merely her lover, Sesshomaru was her mate, their minds bodies and souls were connected forever and always.

She hungered for his body and craved his touch…

'Now should I wake him up and let him know just how needy I am?' Kagome's thoughts were rudely interrupted by an arm wrapping around her nude form.

"No need to wake me love, your desire has awakened my senses," said Sesshomaru, as if he had read her mind.

Growling, Kagome crept up his body nipping lightly at Sesshomaru's neck and shoulders.

Flipping them over, he took dominance, kissing her roughly. Whispering into her ear with a husky tone, "Of course I will please my woman your arousal alone is enough to drive me mad with lust. See, you are not the only one with needs," he finished as Kagome gasped at the large erection pressing against her thigh.

Feeling adventurous, Kagome took the preoccupied demon by surprise, quickly flipping them so she was on top, and in control. Hovering just above his member, she took a second to comb her hand through her pink streaked raven hair.

Before Kagome could tease him any further, Sesshomaru dug his claws into her narrow hips, and with a dominating growl, he brought her down onto him, shocking Kagome at such a fast and rough entrance.

Taking no time to process, she rode him while his hands stayed firmly on her hips. Leaning down to kiss her lover, she heard the quietest of moans as she sped up.

Loving the feeling of him inside her, and basking in their shared pleasure. Kagome could smell that he was nearly ready, just as she began to clench around his member, readying for her own orgasm.

With a loud moan Kagome collapsed dizzy with pleasure and fulfillment. Panting, she looked at a perfectly stoic Sesshomaru who hardly seemed tired at all.

She decided not to question.

Just as he was about to sink his fangs nto her soft, pale neck, there was a frantic nock at the door followed by Jakken bursting in, very much uninvited.

"Jakken!!" snarled Sesshomaru, who'd immediately snapped out of biting his lovers neck.

Standing up to challenge him, fully unclothed while Kagome scrambled around looking for the fine silk sheets which had previously occupied the bed.

Meanwhile, the toad was viciously booted out of their chambers by a seething Sesshomaru.

"AAYAAAHH!! My lord, please forgive me! I didn't know you'd be bedding her this early in the morning!!" cried Jakken.

The next few words of infinite wisdom that were bestowed upon the fumbling green mess were short but effective, Sesshomaru had somehow acquired pants and in doing so had this to say, "Jakken, heed my advice, and run," he finished while strapping on the tensaiga.

The toad scuttled away desperately, like a fish out of water. He knew exactly what the tensaiga meant. His master would punish him and then bring him back for more.

Sprinting with barely any effort he had Jakken in a very painful choke hold.

"Do you have any idea what I could do to you right now?" Snarled Sesshomaru.

Shaking him roughly, he demanded, "DO YOU!?"

"I could gut you like the pathetic excuse for a demon that you are. HA! YOU, disobeyed, ME?"

Continuing his rant, Sesshomaru spat, "Vile, filthy ingrate." Poison dripped from his claws as his eyes flashed crimson.

Just as he was about to strike, toxic claws becoming dangerously close to a stunned Jakken, Kagome screamed, "Sesshomaru! STOP!"

His face never faltered, turning to his woman who'd currently wrapped herself in one of his long white coats.

Amused, he chuckled darkly, "Why should I spare this miserable vermin?"

Drawing closer she cried, "Because, you're better than this. You are not god nor the angel of death, you cannot kill him this is not who you exist to be! You are a warrior but not a killer."

Dropping the purple faced, oxygen starved Jakken, Sesshomaru inquired, "What makes you so sure of that?"

"I know this because I have seen your true purpose and who you are meant to be…" replied Kagome wholeheartedly.


Hey my faithful reviewers, and fans.

I apologize sincerely for my terrible writers block.

I dedicate this chapter to my muse, Mauricio.

If not for him, I would still be trying to come up with pretty much anything to put up.

I know it's been a while, so I hope everyone enjoys this.

If not then I'm always open for opinions and constructive criticism.

So, my life as of now, living in my own apartment, in the middle of Connecticut.

About to finish up my sophomore year of High school.

I've been through hell and back, twice.

I've lost touch with most of my close friends.

I'm failing Spanish. XD

And most of all,

I remain your authoress,


Ja Mata!