Teenage Life

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the book "The Outsiders", and I'm sad about that.

Summery: Dally and Johnny alive. The book did happen but Johnny and Dally lived! This is after the book and shows how Ponyboy deals with certain things.

(Pony's POV)

I was starting to bring my grades up. Johnny has been feeling better. He is living with us now so he doesn't have to stay with his parents and get ignored all of the time. He sleeps in Soda's old room. I just turned 15. I have a girlfriend whose name is Jenee. Almost every night we watch sunsets together. I just finished reading "Gone with the Wind" again. Johnny is using crutches now so he can get around better. He is lying on bed daydreaming right now. He seems to be doing that a lot lately.

Things have started to look up for me and my brother's money wise. Darry was promoted and got a raise. Soda also got a raise. He used it to get his own car.

Two-Bit cut down on drinking. Dally has been going out with the same girl for 2 weeks now. Steve and me are getting along a little better. Soda finally got over Sandy and is now going out with a blond named Kayla. Darry only needs to work one job now.

Everything is looking good for us.

A/N- Should I continue?