Hello, this is my first fanfic ever and I really hope you all like it. My muses helped me write it so it has to be somewhat good. Well, only one really helped. Ebos kind of just sat there and glared a lot. He's not too big on romance.

Ebos: {Filing his fingernails}

{Sweat drop} Anyway, this is going to be an action/adventure/drama/romance, with a dash of humor, about-

Ehciroun: {Drum roll}

Kratos and Raine! Dun dun da dun! I just love that pairing, despite certain…complications…

Ebos: {Sigh} I guess I'll do the disclaimer and summary.

Summary: Seven years have passed since the world regeneration scenario, when Kratos is unexpectedly found half dead on the front door step of Raine and Genis' home. A new enemy has been awoken and has taken over Derris-Kharlan and hopes to unlock the true powers of the Cruxis Crystal for we all know, with every weapon comes an upgrade.

Disclaimer: We don't own any of the ToS characters, nor do I own the land of Slyvarant or Tethe'alla. Basically if you recognize anything then chances are we don't own it. But if you don't recognize something, we probably do own it, so don't steal.

Ehciroun: Now for the warning: Probably major spoilers for anyone who hasn't finished the game at least once. If you don't want the games spoiled, THAN DON'T READ THIS. Understand? Good.

Chapter one: Fall from Heaven

Raine sat at her desk. Stacks of maps, diagrams, outdated scrolls, and angelic text, cluttered the area around her and the desk she was sitting at. There was also an array of books dating back to the prehistoric times, well, farther back than the ancient Kharlan war anyway. Nevertheless, she was still bored.

Bored? The incredible Raine Sage of the half-elves who knows more about archeology than any other living being was bored? It was hard to believe, even harder for her to admit to herself, but that doesn't change the fact that it was still true.

Of course, she had a few good reasons for this new feeling of ennui. One of the larger ones being her brother was gone more-so than ever. He was a big part of her assumption clarification that way if something didn't add up he could go out and verify it before she would get any further into her studies.

So where exactly is Genis you wonder? Right now he was off on a mission of peace and was sent to talk to the Chief Elder of the Elves. Usually, though, he was in Altamira more than anything. Presea had taken up quite a liking towards the sea so she would frequently go on sailing expeditions. Genis, being the nice guy that he is, joins her almost every time she sets out and is sometimes accompanied by Colette and Lloyd, rarely Sheena or Zelos though.

Seven years really had done well for Raine's younger brother. He was now a good inch or two taller than her, though still shorter than Lloyd, and his ever out of place hair barely ran past his shoulders regardless of the fact that Raine regularly asks him to brush it. He now seemed to wear a black cloak with a silver trim all the time, along with a blood red shirt, small black vest, dark brown pants, and leather boots. In times of need he sometimes has his Kendama in hand, but now preferably uses his own two hands opposed to his childhood weapon of choice.

Needless to say, his new wardrobe did seem to match his mood. He decided to take a leaf out of Raine's page; instead of looking at the world the way it was now, he leaned on the past and held the same contempt for humans he always had.

Raine blame no one but herself for her brother's bitter spirit. He used to be so carefree and happy, albeit a bit sarcastic and cocky at times, but what child prodigy isn't? Now, because of her ill trust to almost everyone he seemed to keep his darker half close at bay. That is, until he and Presea started sailing together. They tried to drag Raine along on more than one occasion but quickly abandoned trying once she made it perfectly clear that she would not be going within ten feet of any boat.

Presea seemed like the only one who could ever bring out the better side of Genis. When he was around her he'd smile, relax more, and actually laugh for a change.

Raine sighed and pushed her chair away from the desk. She needed someone to converse her conjectures with, someone who would actually understand what it is she was trying to explain, someone not Lloyd.

The first name that came to mind was Regal. She frowned, he was probably in some meeting by now and it would take her at least a few days to get to him.

The next was Genis, but that was impossible seeing as he and the girl he was 'just friends' with were currently unavailable.

She went through a few more names in her head: Colette, Linar, Nova or Sarah, Sheena, the old man who ran the item shop in Luin and was still surprisingly alive, and even Zelos. No matter whose name came up there seemed to be some complicated issue that she couldn't work around.

She was about to give up when she heard a light 'tap, tap, tap' coming from somewhere in the house. Her and Genis finally decided to build a house in Slyvarant so that they would have a place to rest after a dig even though they were rarely there less than six times a month on average. They decided near the Tower of Mana seeing as it had one of the largest public libraries that had the most information. Despite this they never got any visitors from people exploring the tower. They either picked a nice secluded place or, simply put, nobody wanted to talk to them.

More tapping was heard, so Raine quickly got out of her chair to investigate the sound. It seemed to be getting louder the closer she got to the hallway. She scanned the area until it became obvious that someone was actually knocking on her front door, and by the sound of things they were in need of help.

She opened the front entrance so that she could get a good view outside. What she found was a man literally gasping for breath and kneeling down in front of her. Blood was pouring out of an unusually large gash going across his chest.

"I was beginning to think that no one was home," he rasped in a shaky voice then toppled over. Raine barely caught him before he hit the ground.


End Chapter One

Ebos: Now you must wait for the next chapter to find out what happened to Kratos. Mwahahahah!

Ehciroun: Poor Kratos, I feel sorry for him. T.T

Yes well, you are going to have to wait until I finish chapter three for me to post the second one. I hate writing chapters as I go along seeing as I never think things through enough so I end up having to rewrite everything.

Ehciroun: That and Ebos is always pressing the backspace button while you type because he considers is crap.

Ebos: Be lucky I'm helping you at all, and trust me readers, you don't want to know what might have happened if I wasn't here.

Ehciroun: If you weren't here this would be written a lot faster and be more serious.

Ebos: No love, no love at all…

Anyway, please review! It helps get chapters written faster and longer.