Chp. 27- Situational Mental Breakdown

Thanks to everyone that reviewed!!!!!

Last Time:

Ginny would probably nearly kill him if he did something total heinous. She did have a temper on her that was tenfold what his was. Draco shivered slightly at the thought of Ginny's temper at its highest power. Now that was going to be a completely scary thing to experience.

He could definitely say he was not looking forward to that certain experience. In fact, it was terrifying to just even think about it.

Draco wouldn't admit it out loud or anything, but Ginny did instill fear within him...sometimes. Not when she was just her usual self, because then she was gorgeous and making him all hot and bothered. No she just scared him when she was in a particularly bad mood. He had come to learn there was nothing scarier than an angry Weasley woman.


Ginny finished up the lesson for the day, and waved goodbye to the kids as they ventured back up to the castle, chatting away with their classmates. She stretched before throwing her broom inside the broom shed and locking it up. She checked her watch to see what time it was and let her eyes wander over the Hogwarts grounds to see if Draco was anywhere in sight.

He wasn't.

She sighed in part annoyance, part disappointment before heading up to the castle. Where could her fiancé be? He was supposed to meet her so they could head over to Hogsmeade for lunch, and he was nowhere to be seen.

As she walked up to the castle, taking her time, she enjoyed the scenery. Fall was such a beautiful time of the year, what with the leaves all changing colors. She took a mental picture of the trees that surrounded the lake; the scene before her was so picturesque that it took her breath away.

She stood there for several minutes, just staring at the beautiful lake and trees, before continuing on her way. It was when she was walking again that she felt eyes upon her. Her body reacted immediately, stiffening with fear. She glanced over both shoulders with her peripheral vision, but saw nothing. She sped up her walk though, not trusting her vision entirely. Someone was out there, and she'd be damned if she stuck around to see who it was.

Ginny exhaled a nervous laugh when she was safely in the castle, concluding that her mind had been playing tricks on her. She took the stairs two at a time, and made her way to her apartment. Maybe Draco was waiting there for her, to surprise her.

She felt her lips curve upwards in the corners at the thought, and quickly opened the door. She frowned slightly in disappointment when, after she checked every room, her fiancé was nowhere to be found.

She headed over to his apartment, and did another thorough check before crossing her arms over her chest. What the hell? Where was Draco?

Ginny huffed in indignation at the thought that Draco might have stood her up. Had he forgot their date so soon after they'd made the plans? It seemed impossible, but that was the only reason she could think of him for not meeting her promptly at noon when her class had let out. It's not like he'd had classes himself, so he had no excuse for not showing up. And if something had come up, he should have left a note in one of the apartments to let her know.

Something was definitely up. Ginny made her way back downstairs and peeked in the Great Hall. No Draco, but lots of students. Her eyes alighted upon her daughter, and she breathed a little easier. She shut the doors quietly before heading back outside to sweep the grounds. Maybe Draco was waiting on the path leading towards Hogsmeade?

After a full half hour of searching for Draco, Ginny officially gave up. She sank down next to the lake, crossing her legs till she was sitting Indian style. She leaned back against a willow tree, closing her eyes and trying to remain calm. Had Draco decided that something else was more important than spending time with her? Had he come to his senses about her, realizing that he was too good for her? Was he hurt? Was he gone?

She felt her heart ache at the last possibility, and bit her lower lip to keep the tears from streaming down her face.

They bubbled up in her eyes though, threatening to fall at any second. Which they did after another minute of trying to stay calm. She was crying hysterically for at least five minutes before she was all out of tears. She heard footsteps behind her and quickly wiped her tears away with the sleeves of her cloak and took a deep breath before mustering up a smile.

"Oh there you are Dra…," Ginny said as she turned around. Her smile quickly faded as she abruptly stopped the words coming from her throat. She glared at the young man as he settled down beside her, leaving only about six inches between their bodies.

"What the hell are you doing out here? Just go away Sawyer. I'm not in the mood to keep telling you to get lost."

"Then stop telling me, Ginny."

"Quite frankly you're pissing me off. Haven't I made myself clear enough that I'm not interested in you in the slightest?"

"Hey…I was just trying to be nice here. I thought you could use someone to talk to, given the fact that you're crying over something. Why don't you tell Sawyer what's wrong?"

"Other than the fact that you're referring to yourself in the third person? Fine, you want to know what's wrong? Your advances are driving not only me insane, but my fiancé as well. If he doesn't kick your arse one of these days, I am going to."

"Well I don't know about that. You see Ginny, I'm quite attracted to you, and I can see myself falling in love with you soon enough, but I wouldn't allow you to beat me up. I am stronger than you doll face, so you better just play nice so no one has to get hurt."

Ginny glared at him before leaning away from him in disgust.

"Don't call me doll face, you pig. Do you know that I could report you to Dumbledore for sexually harassing me?"

Sawyer had the grace to look repentant for a couple seconds before he spoke, "Sorry doll face, but I don't think you'd go to Dumbledore. You may be a Gryffindor, but you're not a tattletale. Now if you were a Hufflepuff that would be a completely different story…"

"Call me doll face one more time Sawyer, and you'll see how strong I really am."

"I love it when you're all feisty, doll face."

Ginny let out an ear piercing screech before launching herself at Sawyer. She pummeled his chest before slapping him across his cheek. He grunted in pain when she gave him a solid right hook beneath his chin before he finally pinned her to the ground beneath his body. She fought against his hands that had her wrists shackled tightly. He straddled her waist, his inner thighs holding her legs hostage.

"Ginny, Ginny, Ginny…What am I going to do with you? That's no way to be treating a student at Hogwarts. You should be ashamed of yourself. Given that I'm a Slytherin, I don't usually allow such affairs to go on. I should really punish you for your temper tantrum that you afflicted upon me, but I'm willing to let this all go if you make it up to me."

"I'd rather kill myself."

"That's a mighty strong accusation you're making when you don't even know how you're going to make it up to me."

Ginny glared down at his slight arousal that she felt poking her thigh. She glared up at him murderously before replying, "Oh I think I have an idea…"

Sawyer gave her a placid smile before shrugging his shoulders.

"Well I had something else in mind, but if you insist…"

Sawyer didn't give her a chance to reply before covering her lips with his in a passionate kiss. Ginny froze as his lips tried to get a response out of her. He drew her lower lip into his mouth, nibbling on it seductively, before sliding his tongue along her lower lip, willing her mouth to open up for his ministrations.

Which it did, but only to bite down hard upon his lower lip with her teeth. He jerked away from her mouth quickly, glaring down at her as he ran his tongue along his swollen lip, the coppery taste of blood coming away onto his tongue.

"I didn't know you were into the rough stuff Ginny. I'm more of a passionate lover, but I can be cruel too if that's what you want…"

He trailed a string of kisses along her jaw, before licking his way down her neck to her shoulder. He nuzzled the smooth skin there as he pushed her cloak aside before biting down hard upon her ivory skin, and she bit her lip to keep a scream from emerging.

She could already feel the blood clotting there, and even though he hadn't broken through the skin, he'd done enough damage to leave a nice bruise there.

Enough was enough. She was going to get rid of him, once and for all. Or at least she hoped so.


"Hmm," he whispered as he sucked softly upon the bruise he'd left behind, soothing the rapidly purple turning mark with his tongue, as if to say how sorry he really was for hurting her. As if he really cared a hoot about her. Ginny scoffed to herself at the idea. Sawyer was just trying to get in her pants. He didn't really care.

"If you don't get off of me in ten seconds, you'll be sorry."

He chuckled against her neck before continuing his sucking and licking and kissing upon her silky smooth skin as if he had nothing to worry about. As if she wasn't a worthy opponent. As if she couldn't hurt him. As if he had all the time in the world to do as he pleased with no one to stop him, especially not Ginny.

She smirked to herself as she mentally counted down from ten. Ten, nine, eight…

Sawyer pushed her cloak further away from her body with his face, not giving up the grip he had upon her wrists.

Seven, six, five…

He nuzzled his nose against her cleavage, sighing with satisfaction as he breathed in her wonderful scent.

Four, three, two…

He pressed his hips further down onto hers as he lifted his head to kiss her yet again, a lustful look in his eye. She could feel his arousal poking at her, making her even angrier.


She concentrated on the spell as his lips descended upon hers. Just as they were making purchase upon hers, he was thrown off her and landed hundreds of feet farther away. She heard the thud as his body collided with the hard ground, and heard all of his breath leave him with an oomph.

Ginny got to her feet and brushed herself off as she wandered up to the castle. She knew he'd be laying there for quite some time, given that the Expelliarmus spell had been magnified intensely by her Weasley temper. At least her temper came into good use for something…

Well that's it for this chapter. I know it's not what all of you were expecting, and I know you're all curious as to where Draco is. You'll find out in the next chapter. I wasn't planning on another Sawyer part so soon after the last one, but he's becoming a crucial character in this fanfiction. You'll have to read and review to see what happens next.