Disclaimer: I don't own digimon. There are you happy?

Yippee! Taichi is in love with Yamato isn't it beautiful? Be nice don't kill me! No! Matt stay back! What are you doing with that baseball bat? What's going on? Oh yeah, a story. To the story.

Italics is Matt, just so you know. And I'm sure you can figure it out from here.

The Story

What would you do if you were in love with your best friend? If you're friend happened to be a perfectly straight guy and you were, well, gay? I've gotten myself into a lot of trouble and I don't know what to do. If I tell him it could risk our friendship, but if I don't tell him I will go insane. I am in love with Ishida Yamato the hottest boy in school who just happens to be my best friend.

I haven't told anyone yet that I like guys. I'm afraid of what the reaction would be if I told all my friends I'm gay and in love with my rocker friend. I'm pretty popular and I would like to remain that way. I haven't even told my family yet. I think my sister may have guessed that I like guys because I'm always checking out the guys in her teen magazines and she caught me drooling over some guy on TV.

I checked the clock hanging on the wall in my new room. It said that it was only six thirty in the morning, Augh! It was a Saturday no one would be up for another few hours what was I going to do? I raised myself out of bed and tip toed quietly to the kitchen trying not to wake the rest of my family up. I was trying hard not to make a sound and yet I still managed to wake Kari up when I tripped over my own feet and crashed into a kitchen chair. She came out to see what was going on and decided to stay out I guess.

"Do you want something to eat? I could make you something." I said.

"What are you doing up so early Tai?"

"I had to pee, and then I couldn't get back to sleep." It was the truth I did wake up because my bladder was full. I shouldn't have drank six glasses of water before going to bed.

"Been thinking about something Tai?" What does she want? That little brat she's trying to get something out of me. Seeing what I'm thinking about so she can go make fun of it with her friends. I knew how she was that sneaky little devil. She only looked cute and innocent, but me her brother knew the real her.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about something."

"Thinking about someone Tai?" So she thinks she can get it out who I was thinking about. Well, she's going to have to try harder because I'm not going to tell a soul that I'm in love with the sexy Yamato Ishida.

"Yeah I guess you could say that."

"Who is it?"

Did I really want to answer this question? Did she know. She knew, she knows everything. I brushed a hand through my hair and sat down. I'm not going to tell her anything if she wants to know why doesn't she go read my dairy like I read hers. That's how I found out that she had sex with Takeru. Oh wait, I found that out by listening into her and Miyako's phone conversation. Well anyway I don't have a dairy I'm not that stupid.

"Come on Tai tell me, I'll do the dishes for the next month." And she won me.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone." I said.

"Even Takeru?"

"especially Takeru." I said.

"I promise."

"I kind of got a crush on some one." I said.

"Really? Who? Is it one of us Digi-destined?" She said. I shouldn't answer that I know that I shouldn't answer that. I guess she could guess it was Sora, but ew!


"Is it Yamato?" I told you she knew. I nodded and she squealed.

"Shush, you could wake Mom and dad up." I said.

"You have to tell him Tai, you two would be so cute together!" Kari said. Yes, it's true we would look cute together, but no it would never happen.

"It's not that easy Kari. If I tell him he'd hate me forever!"

"I don't think so Tai. He's your best friend, it will be hard for him to hate you." She said.

"It would get weird between us."

"It's already weird between you two. I already thought you were dating."

She thought we were dating? I consulted Koushiro this afternoon about the subject, okay I guess I did tell someone then he's known for about a year now. He told me that it was kind of weird between me and Matt already and that our behavior was something that you wouldn't normally see from two best friends. I thought about that for a moment. I guess you would never see two best friends flirting with each other, making sexual comments at each other, holding hands in the hallways at school(I don't know how that one happens I swear it was like there's a magnet in that kids hand), and when were out with the other digi-destined we always stick close together like we were glued at the hip or something.

I thought about Mine and Matt's relationship on the way back home from Kourshiro's. What Kari and Izzy both told me was that Matt wouldn't hate me for having a crush on him. What they didn't understand was that this was no school girl crush. Yes, I'm referring myself as a girl. I don't know why it's just weird to say school boy crush. Anyway, it was no simple crush I was in love with Matt.

Speaking of Matt I could see the sexy blonde up ahead with his band buddies. They were all at a burger place eating and laughing about something. Those burgers looked mighty tasty oh boy, oh boy. I just had to get one. I passed Matt's table without them seeing some how. How could you miss me, I mean my hair how could you miss the hair? I glanced at Matt and he seemed to be upset about something. Poor Matty my lovely boy was upset. I would have to go make him feel better later.

I ordered my burger and turned around to see my blond friend running out of the restaurant with tears in his eyes. With out thinking I grabbed the burger and ran out of the place. Don't worry I paid for the burger before leaving. What kind of person would leave a burger restaurant without paying for the burger? Even if I was in a hurry and worried about the sexy beast I paid for the tasty burger and grabbed it before running in search for my love.

When I got out of the restaurant I couldn't see him anywhere. Oh, where could my Matty be? I knew he wouldn't have gotten far he wasn't' that fast of a runner. Oh, I know what happen my sister somehow learned to drive in these short hours and knew the exact time when Matt was going to run out of the restaurant and she kidnapped him so she could confess my love for him before I could! That witch! Oh wait, Jun could have gotten him!

I ran as fast as my muscular legs could go down the street and to Matt's home hoping that he somehow was rescued from the evil. My legs can go pretty fast man, good thing I'm in soccer or my baby could be killed by now. I got to Matt's house and I banged on the door. And then he answered it. Mr. sexy man answered the door himself. I was so happy to see him alive that I wrapped my arms around him and gave him the biggest hug in the world.

"Hi Tai. What do you want?" Matt said. He still was crying a little bit.

"I saw you at the restaurant. I went out to see what happened and you were gone! I thought a crazy obsessed group of fan girls got you!" I said.

"I don't think you'll have to worry about that anymore Tai."


"Just never mind Tai. Why don't you come in?"


"You can eat that in the kitchen if you want."

I followed him into the very clean kitchen and sat down at the table. He sat opposite of me and watched me eat my delicious burger with his gorgeous blue eyes. It was a good burger, worth the five bucks I paid for it. What's going on? Oh yeah I'm at Matt house. Matt, heart flutters. Look at him sitting there staring at me like I'm the hottest thing he's ever seen. Okay, so he's probably not thinking that, but I am the hottest thing he's ever seen.

"They kicked me out of the band." Matt said when I finally finished.

"What?" I said, because I really didn't hear him I was still thinking about my burger and fantasizing about Matt.

"They kicked me out of the band." Matt repeated.


"I don't know." Matt said.

I knew that was a lie, but Matt wasn't going to tell me and I really didn't care that much. I was going to get my Yama back into his band! It was his passion and he is my everything. If he's not happy then Taichi Yagami wasn't happy and someone was going to pay!

"Tai don't kill anyone. It's not that big of a deal." Matt said.

"Not that big of a deal? Music is your passion Matt! You love the band and you're the greatest singer ever! And for gods sake you were crying!"

Matt's face turned a bright shade of red and he turned his head. Cute, I made him embarrassed. I wanted to kiss him so much and make him happy. Bad Taichi, bad! Sorry, I was thinking bad things.

"Want to do something Matt?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know. I was hoping you'd have an idea." Tai said.

He's such an idiot sometimes he didn't even realize that he had ketchup on his face either. I fought the urge to lean my head over and lick it off his face. I don't know where that came from it's the grossest thing ever. I reached across the table and wiped the ketchup off with my finger. I was to slow however to pull away before Tai stuck his tongue out and licked the ketchup off my figure. That jerk was enjoying making me feel sick. I can't believe he saw me crying earlier I must have looked so stupid of him. He understands though so I don't really care. He doesn't think any lower of me. I know that no matter what me and Tai will always be friends. He'd never do what my band members did.

"Matt? Are you in there?" Tai said.

"Oh yeah, want to go see a movie with Sora and Mimi? Mimi wanted to do something with us before she had to go back to America." I said.

He looked disappointed for a moment. Of course Tai always wanted me to himself. He wouldn't let anyone else near me, probably for fear that he wouldn't be able to come over when ever he wanted because I'd be to busy for him. He usually hangs off of me all the time.

"Sounds like a good idea Matt, call the girls up." Tai said. I knew that he was lying though. He didn't want to share me with anyone else.

Will the girls go to the movies? Will Taichi have Yamato all to himself? Will Koushiro ever get a girlfriend? Find out on the next chapter of the love that lies within!