AUTHOR'S NOTE: That last chapter took longer to put up than I had anticipated due to schooling..grrr. sorry! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. oh yeah...and I'm not entirely sure if turtles, or these guys for that matter, have a keen sense of smell BUT in my story they do.

Mikey's P.O.V.

"Dammit, Leo! there's no trace of her" said a very frustrated Raphael from a rooftop. Leonardo was standing next to him at the moment. The rest of his brothers stood on other roofs closer to the two of them.

"No, there doesn't seem to be." Leo agreed.

"I wonder the fuck Shred-Head has her."

Leo didn't bother asking Raph how he could assume that. They all knew he was behind her disappearance.

I sat on the building next to Raph and Leo, angry as a hornet. If and when we find shredder, I told myself, I'd personally kick his ass into the middle of next week.

Man, I'm starting to sound like Raph...

Growling in frustration, I hopped onto yet another rooftop, then another. That's when I caught a whiff of something. I sniffed hoping to get a better idea of what it could be. It smelled coppery.

"Blood..." I muttered to myself. I turned and motioned for my brothers to stand next to me. They did.

"You smell that" I asked.

"Yeah..." Raph said, and narrowed his eyes.

Leo sniffed the air aswell. "It's coming from over there." he pointed to our left. And with that, we went in that direction. As we did the scent got stronger and stronger.

Just then we saw a huge blast of red, yellow, and orange light shoot through a building in The Bronx.

"Chris" I shouted, and took off like a shot for where the light was coming from.

Please be okay, Christine. Please be okay. I couldn't stand to lose you again...

When I got there, I checked out the situation. Guards were stationed outside, and snipers on the roof. Obviously Shredder had expected us again as per normal. Well, if you could call our situation normal. It wasn't. This was going to a battle between walking, talking, ninja turtles and a huge clan of assassins led by a mad man in tin. So, yeah, definately not normal.

A little while later, my brothers caught up with me and took in what was going on themselves. Leo whispered orders at us and we all took our positions. I gritted my teeth, trying to keep my raging emotions in check. If I was going to have any hope of saving her, I had to keep calm and rational.

I spotted one of Shredder's henchmen and crept up behind him. I managed to gift him a swift kick to the head knocking him out before he knew what hit him. The battle was on...

meanwhile, inside the warehouse...

Christine's P.O.V.

I awoke slowly, feeling a new power course through my veins. I felt incredibly alive, like one would if they had an adrenaline rush. I also felt pure evil, full of malice and cold glee. I took in my surroundings and saw that I was in a warehouse with hundreds of men around me. One of them stood out from the rest, grinning madly.

When I went to stand, I noticed that I had wings. Huge, leathery, bat wings with three long and undoubtedly sharp claws. I caught my reflection in a mirror that happened to be leaning against a wall.

I grinned at myself. I was roughly 6 feet tall, my skin was black, my eyes red. My fingers had grown claws and I had a nice long Devil's tail. It was an impressive picture.

"I am your master, The Shredder." the man that stood out announced. "I order you to go forth and destroy those pesky teenage mutant ninja turtles"

"It will be my pleasure." My voice had changed too. It now carried a soft french accent. I beat my great wings and took off out of the warehouse, destroying the ceiling while I was at it.

I scanned around looking for my prey. I could sense them, so I knew they were nearby it was just a matter of finding them.

aha! there they were! I thought triumphantly. They were currently engaged in battle with Shredder's guards. They disposed of them quickly and turned to head for the entrance.

I swooped down to stand in front of them.

"What the hell is that" I heard one of them say.

"Your doom." I said simply.

I watched as realization dawned on all of them.

"The spell." one of them said"Shredder got it to work" He clutched his bo tighter in his hands.

"Christine..." Another one of them said, in a voice I was sure meant his heart was breaking. I chuckled. Fucking sap.

"Time" Power crackled in my fingers"for you to die." I muttered some ancient language and shot beams of power at them. They scattered like sheep. This was going to be fun, I thought and rubbed my hands together in glee.

I watched as one of them threw what I recognized as a sai at me. I held my hand up, stopping it in midair. I shook my finger at the turtle who had done it. And with a flick of my wrist, I threw it back at him. It missed his head by an inch.

"Foolish, foolish turtles." I grumbled and continued my assault on them by shooting lightning bolts at them. It was so much fun watching them practically dance to avoid them. It was like being a puppeteer. I cackled when I got one of them in the chest. He was rocketed against the wall of the warehouse, crashing through it in the process.

"Mikey! No" one shouted.

"Waah, waah, waah" I taunted and laughed more. The red bandana wearing turtle glared at me. That only made me laugh harder. Man, killing these turtles was going to be much for fun that I had originally thought.

Mikey's P.O.V.

I groaned as I got up from the rubble. Thanks to my tough shell, I had survived the blast. Man, it was good to be a turtle sometimes. I climbed out carefully, hoping that I wouldn't be seen. As I did, tears stung my eyes. I couldn't believe that we had been too late. She was now lost to the evil magic and was bent on killing us. I limped to the farthest wall. Pain shot through my ankle. It was clear that I had twisted it, and badly. My arm also hurt like a sonofabitch and I couldn't move it. I immediately knew it was broken for I had done it when I was younger.

As I hobbled along, I listened to make sure I wasn't being followed. Satisfied that I wasn't, I slid down the wall and sat. I was unable to stand anymore. I groaned, wishing I wasn't so helpless. I wanted so much to help my brothers, and her...

But what could we do? I thought sadly. None of us had any knowledge of magic. It seemed pretty damned hopeless. I felt sadness well up inside me. Tears began to slide down my face.

Oh, god, Christine, I'm so sorry...

Suddenly, I heard the sound of wings flapping in the air. I looked to see her standing there. My heart sank. She had found me and was going to finish the job.

"Thought I wouldn't find you? well" she lifted me up with her magic"you were sadly mistaken." I closed my eyes tightly, waiting for the killing blow I was sure she was going to deliver.

"You will not harm him" I heard a familiar voice say.

I glanced up and saw none other than Splinter standing just four feet away from us.

"Sensei" I shouted in disbelief.

I watched her turn her head towards the rat. "You think you can stop me"

Splinter narrowed his eyes. "Yes, Indeed I do." And to my amazement, power crackled in his old claws. He chanted a few words then shot a beam of white light at her. It struck right in her chest and sent her flying ten feet from me. I grit my teeth as I hit the ground with a thump.


The old rat held a hand up to silence me. "There will be time to explain later."

She regained her footing and charged the rat angrily. "How dare you"

Splinter shot yet another beam and she hit the ground again. Thoroughly pissed off now, she chanted some words and shot some black magic back at the rat. Splinter flipped in the air, avoiding it.

"Evil magic, leave her at once" Splinter chanted something else and a white, glittering beam hit her this time before she had a chance to strike back. She screamed as she was consumed by the light.

Splinter and I covered our eyes as the light was blinding. Moments later, It disappeared and it it's place was Christine and this time, she was herself again.

Joy filled my heart. I wanted so much to run to her, but I couldn't thanks to my ankle. I watched her slowly wake up.

Christine's P.O.V.

"Christine" I heard a voice say.

"Mikey" I responded hopefully as I slowly stood up.

"Yes, it's me babe."

I looked around for him and saw that he was sitting against wall of the warehouse. I immediately went to him and took him in my arms.

"I was so frightened..." tears poured down my face. "Thanks again for saving me." I kissed the top of his head.

"Actually, it was Splinter." Mikey gestured with his left arm at the rat.

"Splinter? how"

"I shall explain. While I was back at the lair, I grew restless, worrying about my sons. So, I decided some tidying was in order. I was putting some books away when I noticed one of them was on the ground open. I looked at it and noticed quickly that it was the exact spell shredder had been planning to use on you. The page after had the counterspell for it. I took no time and made sure I would be able to cast it. That is where the white beams came from. And so, by hitting you with the counterspell's white magic, you were healed and brought back to us."

"Imagine" I said in disbelief"the cure was right under your..erm..beaks." I smiled.

"Yes..lucky for you." Mikey said. "I was sure you were gonna pop me off..." He used his good arm to point at the other one. "Broken." he pointed at his left ankle. "twisted."

"I'm so sorry..." Tears stung my eyes.

Mikey kissed my cheek. "No worries, babe. That wasn't you that did it, it was the magic."

My heart warmed at his comforting. "Well, let's get you back the lair. Where are the others"

"Here" Donny said, coming into view with Leo and Raph.

"Thank god! are you all alright"

" Yeah, we are." Raph answered. He noticed Mikey and ran to him. "You okay, bro? we saw ya go through that wall..."

"Yeah, I'm okay..." Mikey filled him in on his injuries and what had happened.

"Incredible" Leonardo said, looking at his sensei with new respect and amazement.

Splinter only chuckled. "One does what one must to help those they care about." he said, giving me a warm smile. I smiled back, touched by his words.

And with that, we all headed back the lair. Leo and Raph helped Mikey along. Once we got back, they placed Mikey on his bed and attended to his injuries. The other boys had gotten away with only minor cuts and scrapes. When that was done, I carefully laid down next to the injured turtle.

"You are you feeling"

"Ah, I hurt, but hey...I'm alive and you're okay. that's what matters."

I smiled and kissed him softly. "I love you, Michelangelo."

"And I love you, Christine." He responded, and kissed me once more.

The End.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: And we reach the end! Thanks to everyone who reviewed. It was truly a pleasure knowing that you enjoyed reading this story as much as I did writing it. and for those of you who want more, never fear! you will see these guys again in my sequel which I will begin writing soon! stay tuned and watch for it! thanks again and take care.