Chapter 3

"Beautiful Eyes, Deadly Assassin"

The morning was shining brightly as the two heroes were walking along the dirt path. They were a couple hours near reaching Balmora so they kept a steady pace.

Reign: "What are you gonna do when we reach Balmora?"

Sigen: "Hmm.. I don't know.. how about you?"

Reign: "Party of course with the beautiful ladies.." he grinned ear to ear

Sigen: "I should have known"

Both of them laughed at the comment. They still kept their pace while reaching to other topics on the way there.

Reign: "Are you gonna find a girl at Balmora?"

Sigen: "Don't know.. I might.. only if shes really hot though."

Reign: "Aren't you the picky one." he commented while getting Sigen in a headlock

Sigen: "Hey!! Cut it out!!" he said laughing

Regin: "Well do whatever you want, but i'm gonna take them all!!" he said with his head held high

Sigen: "Yeah if they don't call rape on you.." he mumbled

Reign: "What was that!" he yelled

Sigen: "Nothing..nothing"

After two hours of walking, they finally reached their destination. They looked at the stone buildings across the area taking in the scene.

"Whoa.." they both said in unison

They walked around and stumbled to come across a mage and fighter's guild and also an armory.

Reign: "I'll be right back, im gonna get my sword repaired." he said walking away

Sigen: "Don't take long.."

Reign: "I won't." he said walking inside.

Sigen stayed outside and leaned against the stone wall. After a couple minutes though, he heard some shouting and yelling coming to his right. He looked and saw a group of people with swords and arrows pointing at someting at the roof. He took a couple steps back to get a better view. He then saw a figure on the roof that was running toward him. He stood there trying to see what the figure was doing. His thought was gone when he saw the figure jumping too early from the roof and landed on top of him.

"Ow...oww.." He mumbled and opened his eyes.

To what he did he saw the most beautiful thing his eyes ever laid on. The figure was a girl, she had brown hair with green eyes. Her body was ontop of his so he rolled over.

Sigen: "Are you alright?"

???: "You're in my way."

Sigen saw the people moving slowly to the building next to them to find her. So thinking fast he grabbed her and took her across the lake bridge and into a tavern. He laid her upstairs and inspected her.

Sigen: "Here..take this" he gave her a potion

???: "I don't need your help."

Sigen: "Why were those people chasing after you?"

???: "You mean you haven't heard of me"

Sigen: "No.."

???: "Well my name is Meia Cobalt, im an assassin and theif"

Sigen: "Im Sigen Lightfox pleased to meet you"

Meia: "You now know im a killer and you're nice to me."

Sigen: "Well, yeah." he laughs scratching the back of his head

Meia: "I'll be right back, wait here." she walks downstairs


Meia: "Excuse me..leader?"

Leader: "Yes Meia?"

Meia: "Can I take a break for a while, you know stop what im doing?"

Leader: "I can't see why not, of course you can, you earned it."

Meia: "Thanks, ill talk to Sef"

Sef: Cleaning dishes

Meia: "Hey Sef?"

Sef: "Yeah Meia?"

Meia: "Could you take the price off my head?"

Sef: "Yeah that'll be a total of 3210 gold."

Meia: "Here.." hands him the gold

Sef: "That takes care of it."

Meia: "Alright, see you later." Runs back upstairs


Sigen: Lying on the bed "Man, im bored"

Meia: Leans against the door looking at Sigen

Sigen: "Hey.."

Meia: "Why, did you help me earlier?"

Sigen: "Don't know, just wanted to."

Meia: "Why are you here in Balmora?" sits down next to him

Sigen: "Well i'm on a journey to find a legendary weapon so I can destroy a dark cult."

Meia: "I'm gonna tag along."

Sigen: "You know asking if you could would be great."

Meia: "Grrr...Can..I..tag along.."

Sigen: "Whats the magic word."

Meia: "Please.." she mumbled

Sigen: "What was that? I couldn't hear you."

Meia: "I said please!!"

Sigen: "Now smile."

Meia: forces to put on a smile but you can see her teeth grinding and a vain poping out of her forhead anime style

"That smile.." he thought

Meia notices Sigen staring at her and imediately blushes and looks at the floor.

Meia: "Is there something on my face?" she said still staring at the ground.

Sigen: "Oh, sorry.." looks away

Meia: "We should get going."

Sigen: "Yeah."

They both leave the tavern and walk up the stone steps to the central of the village.

Sigen: "Let's go to the armorer, my friend is getting his sword repaired."

Meia: "Fine."

They both walk inside and see Reign paying the armorer.

Sigen: "You ready?"

Reign: "Yeah."

Sigen: "Reign this is Meia, Meia, this is Reign."

Meia: "Hello."

Reign: "Hey, you found a girlfriend huh Sigen eh eh?" laughs

Blushing Sigen and Meia: "NO!!"

Reign: "Surrre you didn't."

Sigen: "Let's just go."

Reign: "Fine..fine"

"Why would I want to be with him, he's arrogant and childish" she thought

"I would never be caught dead with her, she doesn't appreciate help or have simpathy for others" he thought

Both of them give glares to each other and follow Reign to the exit of the city.

Reign: "Where are we going now?"

Sigen: "I think we should go to Caldera."

Meia: "Funny, I didn't know you could think."

Sigen: "What was that!! You wanna have a go!"

Meia: "Yeah right now!!"

Sigen: "Let's go!"

Reign: "Come on now, you two sound like you're married."

Sigen and Meia: "Hmph!!" they turn their backs to each other.


That's it for Chapter 3!! Next Chapter: "Through the eyes of a mage"