It's taken me a while to get this chapter out, I know. But now it's here and I hope you enjoy it. Soon you'll discover there's more to Zel than meets the eye. Oh, and Lina plans a unique and surprising type of revenge on an unsuspecting Zel.

Poor guy. I guess Luna never warned him that Lina was (and still is) a vindictive problem child.

Dance Of The Dead

Chapter Eight

It had been two days since Lina had been kissed senseless. She hadn't heard from Zel since. Not that Lina was counting or anything.

She had put that time to good use. She changed the look in the gallery a bit, if only to give her regular customers a new perspective of the artwork. New perspectives meant more sales. She put out new stock and rotated out the old. The older stuff would have another chance to be shown off later in the year.

Amelia dealt with customers and questions in the gallery itself. Lina parked herself in the office and answered only in angry tones. Lina filed paperwork like a woman possessed while Amelia charmed the customers into art, and out of their money.

Amelia chattered on about Zel until Lina thought she was going to lose her mind. Filia had made good on her promise and had called Amelia to tell her how perfect they were together. Currently, Amelia was talking about how marriage was wonderful and how Lina would be a great wife.

"Is marriage all you can think about?" Lina growled.

Amelia looked hurt. "A girl's greatest dream is to be a wife and a mother."

A slow smile stretched out across Lina's face. "You're right, Amelia. And I know how I can convince Zel of that. Do you have any pictures of him?"

"Only his driver's license photo." Amelia said slowly while staring at Lina.

Lina nodded. "That will be just fine."

Amelia got up cautiously and went towards the file cabinets. She knew from personal experience that the devilish grin on Lina's face only meant trouble. And Amelia suspected that Zel was going to get kicked plenty while he was down.

Lina began laughing somewhere behind her and Amelia squashed the sudden urge to run.

The process took half the night but in the end Lina was satisfied. She kissed the item in question then hugged it to her chest. She slid it into a drawer for safe keeping until the time came to use her ultimate weapon. She shut the drawer and turned off the light.

"Hi, Amelia. Is Lina in?" Zel greeted her as he walked through the door.

Amelia bit her lip. "Hello. She's here but I don't think you want to tangle with her. She's been in a strange mood the last few days."

"She can't throw anything at me that I can't handle." Zel said arrogantly. "The office?"

Amelia nodded. As he disappeared into the back of the gallery Amelia began praying for his soul. No one spoke those words about Lina. She was more unpredictable than a freak storm when riled.

"I think I'll go out for a cup of coffee." Amelia decided suddenly and grabbed her purse. She was out the door in a flash but promised herself she'd come back in fifteen minutes and check the gallery for survivors.

"Hello?" Zel walked into Lina's office.

Lina was on the phone. She smiled and covered the reciever with one hand. "Zel. Come on in. Have a seat." To the phone she said, I'm sorry about that. No, we just sold the last statue Hizaki made. A new one should arrive in four days. Should I call you when it comes in? All right, I'll talk to you then. Goodbye."

Lina hung up the reciever and stretched her arms out. "Thank goodness, she finally hung up. Mrs. Wooly can just keep talking forever."

Zel dropped a folder on Lina's desk. He watched as she opened it curiously and scanned through the pictures inside. Her eyes widened then she looked up at him with a question written on her face.

"Yes." Zel said. "These paintings are also forgeries. The lab analyzed the painting I sent them and these are strong, possible matches to my painting."

"I see." Lina breathed. She studied the pictures closer and tried to familiarize herself with the paintings subjects and brush style of the artist.

"They look familiar." Lina said slowly and squinted at the signature in the corner. "They all seem to be Dilgear paintings."

Zel nodded. "It's interesting, isn't it? How the artist only painted in Dilgear's style."

Lina shrugged as she leaned back in her chair. "Maybe it was how he started out as a painter. Most young artists are assigned to copy masterpieces for credit in college courses."

Zel shot out of his chair at this remark. "LoN, Lina! That's a great idea."

Zel leaned over and kissed her thoroughly. "I'll see you."

Lina touched her lips with her fingertips with surprise. "What idea?" Lina recovered enough to yell after him.

Zel's voice floated back. "Later."

A few moments later, Amelia poked her head into Lina's office. "No one's been hurt, right Miss Lina?"

"Not yet." Lina said absently as she watched the computer screen and typed .

Amelia sighed. "Good. I really didn't want to have to clean up any blood."

Lina quit typing and looked at her employee a little strangely. "Are you okay, Amelia?"

"Yes, of course!" Amelia said brightly and with an internal sigh of relief. "I'll go and get you some nice tea. Be right back!"

Lina shook her head as her employee left humming a song. "I swear that girl has mupltiple personalities."

"How's Zel doing?" Amelia called as she busied herself with fixing tea.

"He's a jerk." Lina mumbled to herself as the office door banged open.

But she was smiling as she said the words.