Fox of Light: Welcome back to Chicken Soup for the Danny Phantom Lover's Soul. I hope you enjoy the next selection


The Day I Went Evil and Took Over the World

When I first got my ghost powers, I had no idea what to do with them. They were useful when I was shoved in my locker, and I could just phase right out of it, but other than that, I didn't know what to do.

After about a month, ghosts started to appear and I used my powers to take them back to the ghost zone. That's when I figured that my ghost powers were to be used for good and stuff like that. So, I fought ghosts and stuff for some time, with the help of my friends.

One morning I woke up and felt....evil. A desire took over me to take over the world, but I held that back and got dressed. I went downstairs to the kitchen where Dad was working on another one of his ghost experiments. When he was done making his new ghost gadget, he held it up in the air, triumphantly. "Yes, the Fenton Ghost Sleeper is complete! It releases a gas that makes ghosts fall asleep."

He turned the new machinery on, and a light green colored gas came out of it. The instant the gas reached me, I passed out.

I woke up in bed about an hour later with both of my parents looking down at me. "Daniel Fenton," My dad said with a serious tone in his voice, "Is there something you're not telling us?"

"Yes there is something that I'm not telling you. I'm half ghost. And now that you know that, I'm going to leave this house and take over the world with my ghost powers because I feel like it." I changed into my ghost form and phased through the ceiling, out of the house.

I knew that I couldn't take over the world alone, so I flew to Wisconsin. It took me 3 days too, including rest stops, and steeling food since I didn't bring money with me. I just flew whatever restaurant had food that sounded good, while intangible, grab what food I wanted and left. It was fun watching the people scream when they saw their food "fly away".

Well, back to why I went to Wisconsin. I wanted to meet with Vlad Masters, the other ghost hybrid. I knew he wanted to take over the world, and had invited me to do so with him, but I rejected that idea. But now, as you know, I want to take over the world.

I finally reached his castle. I phased inside the building and instantly knew that searching for him throughout the castle would take forever, so I did the next best thing. "Vlad! Vlad! It's Danny Phantom."

The elder man entered the room that I was in, and smirked at me. "Well, well, Danny Phantom, it's been a while." He changed into his ghost form, Vlad Plasmius. "So, tell me, little badger, why did you come here."

"Well, I wanna take over the world, and well, I'd be unsuccessful if I did it alone. I remembered your offer from before and decided to come to you to see if we could take over the world together," I said.

"Does your idiot father have anything to do with this decision?"

"Well, yeah, you see, 'cause he found out that I was half ghost when he used the Fenton Ghost Sleeper thing that makes ghosts fall asleep, and well, I obviously fell asleep. After I confronted my parents about it, I decided to take over the world. I also woke up feeling evil that morning too."

"Ah, the wonders of being a teenager, one day you just wake up and say 'I want to take over the world!' I really like you, boy."

"Uh, thanks....I guess."

Together we left the castle and went to take over the first thing Vlad had in mind.....the Packers. We went to the Packers' headquarters and threatened the people there to give us the Packers or else, but they said that they couldn't because they were owned by the city of Green Bay. Since we were already in Green Bay, taking over the team was easy. We just used out ectoplasmic beams to scare the people and they followed orders. So basically we got a two-for-one deal. Scare the people in Green Bay and take over a major football team and a city.

After taking over the team, we decided to head to the big cities across America. They were easy to take over as well. The police, the army and all the other special forces couldn't do anything to us, because every time they tried to attack us with something, we would go intangible and the weapon would go right threw us. After we took over the major cities in America, the whole country surrendered to our power.

So, after taking over America, the rest of the world was a piece of cake. In fact, we didn't really have to fight at all. All the other countries across the world were afraid of us and feared us, because they knew that if we could take over America so very easily, we could take over their country just as easily too. It was a smart choice to leave us alone, because if they would have bothered us, we would have destroyed their country.

We thought that we wouldn't have any more challenges, until my dad suddenly showed up out of nowhere. "Alright Danny, and your ghost friend there who I swear I have seen before, give up, or else I'll use the Fenton Ghost Peeler on you!"

Vlad and I looked down at my dad, then at each other and nodded. We used our beams to zap my dad. He looked back up at us with black marks all over his body like he had been burnt, and smoke coming from his body. He held the remains of the Fenton Ghost Peeler in his hands. "I, Jack Fenton, promise not to bother you again." And he ran off.

So Vlad and I returned to his castle where we lived happily ever after for eternity, while torturing the world.

The end


Fox of Light: This portion of Chicken Soup for the Danny Phantom Lover's Soul was brought to you by a teenage girl who just had a large butterfinger blizzard. She got extremely hyper and decided to write something about Danny randomly deciding to take over the world. She really hoped you enjoyed her evil randomness.

Signing out, Fox of Light.