Disclaimer: I don't own DB/DBZ/DBGT or any of it's characters!

AN: Hey Guys! I starting a new fic called Goten's Adventure to the past. When Goten accidentally goes to the past with the time machine to the Cell games saga like 9 days before the tournament. Even though I didn't finish my other story DBZ High School Style, I just had to write this one. So I hope you like it and PLEASE REVIEW!


Back To The Past

It was a bright and sunny day and there was a little boy playing outside with the animals, he had black eyes, and black spiky hair that seem to go in every direction just like his father.

His father.

He never met his father, his father died in a battle to save world for the people, his father was the strongest man that was alive. His father was Son Goku.

And he was the youngest son of Son Goku his name was Son Goten. Every body told him that he looked just like him, he was always proud that he looked just like his father.

Even though he never met him he saw pictures of him and the stories he heard of him always amazed him from his brother and mother. His older brother was Gohan and his mother was Chi Chi. His mother was very pretty and had long black hair and he loved her very much.

And his brother Gohan was very tall and was very smart and strong because he was the one who beat cell. When he heard that he couldn't believe that his brother beat cell and once was also stronger then his own father.

"GOTEN" said a voice and suddenly his train of thought broke.

"Goten, Dinner!!" said the voice. Goten recognized the voice it was Gohan.

He flew home as fast as he could and his brother was waiting for him.

"Hey Squirt" said Gohan.

"Hi niisan, is dinner ready? I am really hungary." Goten said. Gohan chuckled a little bit.

"Yeah its ready come on" Gohan said.

" Ok lets go" he said.

At Dinner

" Um Boys tomorrow we're going to Bulma's house." Chi Chi said.

"Ok" Gohan said.

"Yay! I'll get to play with Trunks" Goten said happily.

"Of course sweety but first you have to finish eating dinner" Chi Chi said.

"Ok mom" Goten said and ate his dinner.

After Dinner

"Ok Boys time to go to sleep" Chi Chi said.

"Ok mom Good night" Goten said and hugged his mom and went to Gohan.

"Good night, Niisan" he said and hugged him.

"Good night, Goten" Gohan said.

Gtoen went to his room that was next to his brother's room and fell on the bed and went to sleep.

Next day at Capsule Corp

"Hey Guys!" Bulma said.

"Hi Bulma" said Chi Chi

"Hi Trunks" Goten said smiling.

"Hey Goten, come on lets go play" Trunks said.

" okay lets go" he said and they ran of to play.

"Those Boys" Bulma said smiling.

"Yeah they love to play" Chi Chi said smiling too.

"So Gohan how's school going?" Bulma asked.

"Its going fine" he replied.

"That's great, hey you know what Krillen is over too you can talk to him if you want too" Bulma said.

"Sure that sounds great" Gohan said and left to find Krillen.

Goten and Trunks were playing hide and seek. Goten ran into a room, it was where Bulma kept the time machine and Goten went into the machine. Only that he tripped and pressed a button and it started and he went back into the past.

In the Past (Cell Games, 9 days before the tournament)

Goten got out of the time machine and knew something was wrong and he wasn't in his time line. He couldn't go back home because something was wrong with the time machine. That meant he was stuck here, which he didn't even know where he was.


"This is nice" said Chibi Gohan laying in the grass.

"Yeah it sure is" Goku said who was also laying in the grass.

A few hours later after they relaxed Goku & Gohan went home for lunch. After they were done eating Gohan went to study while Goku just went outside for a walk in the woods.

While he was walking Goku felt an unfamiliar ki, which was very strong. Not as strong as him but still it was strong.

"Oh man, I hope this is not another enemy, not know" Goku said as he took off to where the ki was.

AN: Well there it is guys I hope you liked it! Please review and for the guys who are reading my other stories I will get right on it. Well Thanx! Bye! See ya!