:::Protect Me/Love Me:::

It was late one evening and Sakura Kinomoto was doing the dishes at her apartment when the doorbell rang. She turned off the water to go get the door. When she opened there was no one there. Although something that was laying in from of the door caught her eye, it was a long rectangular box. She took it and went in to the living room.

She sat down on the couch and looked at the box closely but saw no card. She opened it and saw the box and a bouquet of black roses drenched in blood. Her hand flew to her mouth and she gasped at the horrible scene. Just then a brick hit the living room window and shattered it. Sakura let out a loud scream as she hit the floor. Her next door neighbor Tomoyo ran in the door. She saw the broken window and the bloody roses and Sakura on the floor hugging her knees and shaking badly. She ran to her and on the way grabbed the phone. She hugged her and tried to comfort her while she called the police.

They went to the kitchen to get some water while they waited for the police to arrive. Tomoyo put a comforting hand on her shoulder and said "You're all right. It's gonna be ok." Sakura looked up at her and nodded. She headed back to the living and looked at the mess. Tomoyo followed her into the living room. That's when they both noticed that there was a paper attached to the brick. Sakura picked it up and read it. Her eyes shot wide open with fear and the color on her face (or what was left of it) disapeared. She dropped the paper and ran into her room and started rummaging through her closets. Tomoyo picked up the paper and read it:

I loved you and you rejected me,

Now you will pay the price!

Tomoyo ran into the bedroom and found Sakura busy running around the room and packing her clothes into a small suitcase. " I have to get out of here."

"Sakura, calm down. The police will take care of him."

"I should've listened to you Tomoyo. I should've never gotten involved with him."

"Well, it's too late for that now. But listen to me. He's not going to hurt you. I won't let him. You're my best friend and if anyone wants to hurt you they're gonna have to go through me first." Tomoyo said that with a tiny hint of sarcasm in the hopes of calming her friend down.

" Oh but if he comes after you too?"

Just then the door bell rang. "Oh my god that's him!"

"Sweetie, it's probably just the police. I'll get it." Tomoyo walked out of the room. Sakura walked towards the bedroom door and saw Tomoyo open the door. The police came in and immediately started looking around and asking questions. They're neighbors had also come to see what was going on. After much questioning, the chief of police asked them to go down to the station since it would be much safer.

::::::POLICE STATION 2:00AM:::::::

Tomoyo had gone down to the station with Sakura. They were sitting in a small room with the Chief of Police.

"Miss Kinomoto, I'm afraid your ex-boyfriend was more than just your average obsessive crazy person. He has a very colorful rap sheet. Apparently he has gotten away with multiple murders." By now Sakura was just about ready to faint. "We have no choice but to put you in a protection program. He is very dangerous so we're going to have a couple of undercover agents be with you at all times. He is very dangerous and it is very important that we catch him before someone gets hurt."

Tomoyo saw the worn out look on Sakura's face and spoke up, "Excuse me sir. She's been through a lot today and it's very late."

"Say no more. We'll have a room set up for you guys right here. You guys can rest and tomorrow morning we'll be ready to put Miss Kinomoto in a protection program. Do you have any family that you need to notify, so they won't worry about you?"

"No, I only have a brother and he lives in the United States with his wife. We talk like once a year."

"Very well then. Do you have any close friends that he knows about and could go to for information about you?"


"Oh. Then I'm afraid we'll have to put you on the program too, Miss." Tomoyo nodded and the chief showed them toward the room they would rest in for the night.

::::::::POLICE STATION The next morning:::::::::

Tomoyo and Sakura were sitting in the same room as last night, waiting for the chief to come in with the agents that would be looking after them. "Next time when i tell you I'm getting a bad vibe from someone, trust me and don't start going out with the guy. Plus you should've noticed something was wrong when he became totally obsessed with you!"

"You know me Tomoyo. And as you often say, 'I'm as dense as a door knob.' You know what Tomoyo? From now on I'm only going to like guys that you get a good vibe from." They both chuckled at that since it was such a ridiculous thing to say. Then the door to the office opened and the chief walked in with two very good looking guys. One had black/bluish hair with glasses and a pale skin. The other had dark brown messy hair with amber eyes and a tan skin. He had a mysterious and brooding look.

The chief of police looked at the two chuckling girls and said "Well you sure are in a good mood considering the fact that there's a psycho on the loose tying to kill you." After saying that the girls became very serious and quiet.

"And you sure know how to ruin the mood, Bob," said the guy with the blue/black hair as he smiled at them. That brought a slight smile out of the girls.

Bob, the chief of police, gave him a weird look and introduced them, "Ladies this is Eriol Hiragazawa and the mysterious brooding gentleman over there is Syaoran Li. They will be the agents that will protect you. They are the best agents we have so you could say you're in great hands. Agents this is Sakura Kinomoto and her friend Tomoyo Daidouji."

Tomoyo got up and shook hands with Eriol and he had a sweet smile on that just made her heart melt. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Hiragazawa."

"It's our pleasure to protect such beautiful creatures such as yourself Miss Daidouji."

And then she shook hands with Syaoran. He was had a very serious look on his face.

Sakura then got up and shook hands with Eriol who just smiled and nodded at her and she returned the gesture. Then she shook hands with Syaoran. When they touched a sense of electricity ran up both of them and they quickly pulled away. Sakura quickly said "It's nice to meet you." And she looked up at him and lost herself in his eyes.

"You too..."And he lost himself in her beautiful emerald eyes. Everybody else in the room notices this and a smirk appears on their face.

Bob, cleared his throat to get their attention and it worked. They came back to reality and looked towards Bob. "Well now that you guys are introduced, let's get down to business. We will be sending you guys to Angelic Cove (Couldn't think of anything!) You will stay at a beach house there and pretending to be on vacation. Our agents will pretend to be your fiancés this way they can be always close by to keep an eye on you ladies. You will leave in 3 hours on a private plane. Any questions?"

Ok as Bob would say it "Any questions?" now please review I really want to know what you guys think! Please please please????