Rynna: Okie dokie pokie! I want to clarify something for everyone!

Inuyasha: You can't clarify anything period!

Rynna: Shut up and let me talk!

Inuyasha: Why should I?

Rynna: Because it has to do with Kagome, Sesshy, You, Kikyo and Kouga!

Inuyasha: WHAT!!!

Rynna: Sesshy doesn't like Kagome that way! He likes her cousin! And the only reason he is protecting her is because of her powers and Mailyn! So yeah! Kagome and Kouga went out in their freshman and sophomore years but Kouga cheated with Kikyo and Miroku and Sango scared Kikyo away. And Inuyasha and Kikyo were going out when they were at a different school in junior year! Now it is senior year and they all go to school together… so don't be mad at me anymore!!! And I hope this clarifies it for that reviewer!!!

Inuyasha: mumbles I guess you can clarify something…

Rynna: I'll take that as an apology! Well here you go! The next chapter in my wonderfully retarded fic!

Chapter 24

"That's what I smelt on her…" Inuyasha trailed off.

Sesshomaru sighed. His brother couldn't even remember the scent of someone who has been trying to kill him since he was eight! "Baka…"

"Shut up fluffy!" Inuyasha scoffed. "Anyways, shouldn't you be finding out information on him right now? Or were you too busy to notice anything other than my problems?"

"Your life is so much more interesting than mine little brother." Sesshomaru said, his voice returning to his former icy-ness. "Of course mine is forever entwined with yours so there is not much difference."

"Whatever Fluffy…" Inuyasha said running up the stairs. "and I need that damn information!!"

"Yes your highness." Sesshomaru said, sarcasm dripping from his every word. "And don't forget to do your homework!"

"Shut up fluffy!" Inuyasha's voice rang down the hallway.

Sesshomaru smiled to himself and quickly headed down the hall to his research room. This was going to take a while.


She turned on the water and tested if it was warm. She let the bath fill with the warm soothing water and slipped into the tub. Sango sighed in relief as the water relaxed all her aching muscles. Now she could meditate.

A man with long pitch-black hair that was tied back into a ponytail entered the room. He was adorned with a purple, blue and white kimono. "Aw my dear Sango it has been so long." His cold voice making her eyes shoot open. "Ever since your tajiya clan came to destroy my castle I knew I would run into you again. And I see you have made friends with dear Inuyasha."

"Who are you?!" Sango said grabbing a towel and hopping out of the tub. "What do you mean my clan came to destroy your castle? We don't have active castles in Japan anymore!"

"Aw my dear Sango. You do not remember your past life do you?" His blood red eyes running over her form. "I see you are not as scarred as you were before. Maybe it is just me who remembers…"

"What are you talking about?! And who in the seven hells are you?" Sango said backing into the wall. "How do you know Inuyasha and how do you know my name?"

The dark haired man scooted towards Sango and reached his hand towards her face. "Do not be scared of me. Your death will be swift."

"Get away from her!" Miroku's voice called from the front door of the Sango's apartment. "Naraku if you harm a hair on her I will kill you where you stand."

"Aw Miroku I was wondering when you'd show." Naraku said turning to face the monk. "Have you told her how old you really are? And why that wind tunnel hasn't killed you yet?"

"Shut up Naraku!" Miroku growled. "Get out of here now!"

Naraku turned toward Sango and pulled her into a kiss. "I will come for you again my dear Sango."

"Out!" Miroku screamed. His deep blue eyes burning with hatred.

"As you wish." Naraku said fading into fog.

Sango slumped to the floor and sobbed into her hands. "Miroku what is he talking about? Why is he saying that your really old and that the wind tunnel was supposed to kill you long ago?! I don't understand! He said that I don't remember my past life! Tell me Miroku!"

"Its okay Sango." Miroku said cradling the girl in his arms. "Shhh. Everything will be okay… Im not going to lose you again. Not to him. Never again."

"Miroku?" Sango said looking up at the boy.

"Shhh Sango. Everything will be fine… I promise." Miroku said rocking her back and forth while her rubbed circles on her back.


Kagome sat on her bed thinking about what happened that day. 'First we see that bitch Kikyo… Then Sango has this weird premonition thing… What the hell am I supposed to do about this… What does Naraku want with us? Im so confused…"

"Whats wrong Kagome?" Mailyn said lifting the girls chin so she could see into her hazel eyes. "Don't worry Kaggie! Im sure everything will be fine! Don't worry so much!"

"It's not like I mean to." Kagome said falling back on her bed. "I don't know what to do! I just get so lost sometimes…"

"Aw Kags, don't worry!" Mailyn said laying next to her cousin. "You have Inuyasha to help you and protect you!"

"Oh that's makes me feel so much better." Kagome said sarcastically. "He couldn't get his head out of his ass long enough to even notice that something was bugging me. Ugh sometimes I just don't know what I'd do without you Mai."

"Well you'd have to deal with stalker boys and drug dealers and…" Mailyn said counting off her fingers.

"Okay! Okay! I get the point!" Kagome said smiling at her. "Thanks for always being there for me."

"Your welcomes!" Mailyn said giving her a hug. "Now go make some dinner! I'm getting hungry!"

"Hahaha! Okay. I need to make sure Sota gets some food too." Kagome said hopping off her bed and down the stairs.


Sesshomaru's eyes widened as he looked at the screen. "Oh shit." He said standing up and running to Inuyasha's room. "Get everyone over here immediately!" Sesshomaru said walking quickly back towards the research room.

"Why Fluffy?" Inuyasha called after his brother.

"Just do it! Now!" Sesshomaru's voice roared through the house. "Hurry up!"

"Okay okay!" Inuyasha said picking up the phone and dialing Kagome's number. "Get over here now. Its urgent!"


Rynna: okay I know short chapter! Don't yell at me!

Inuyasha: Well hurry up I want to know what happens!

Rynna: Ugh. Don't start! I have other things to do you know.

Inuyasha: Well start doing this!

Rynna: Just review and I'll post as soon as I can!