Disclaimers: I don't own Danny Phantom, Sam Manson, or the Song You by Evanescence, but I do own the paper I wrote this story on, The bed I sat on when I wrote this, and the Claire's pen that I got at the Mall, which I used to write on this paper, as I sat on my bed...Which I own.
(A/N) Don't ask I was up till 4 something in the morning writing this. (lol) I got inspired by the Song You by evanescence and had to write this. It takes place when Danny and Sam are older...Its another one-shot...Guess what! No death in this one...Thanks to everyone who reviewed my other stories. Now on with the fluffiness!!!
(A/N) Don't ask I was up till 4 something in the morning writing this. (lol) I got inspired by the Song You by evanescence and had to write this. It takes place when Danny and Sam are older...Its another one-shot...Guess what! No death in this one...Thanks to everyone who reviewed my other stories. Now on with the fluffiness!!!
Sam sat at the piano, the same piano her parents had insisted she learn to play. At the time she hated it with a purple passion, but now she was grateful. It had become an outlet for her feelings over the years. A place where she could be truthful to herself and her troubles.
Sitting there in the empty house in the middle of the night, she let the events of her time with Danny wash over her. It was always hard for her to speak what her heart felt. But with her recorder running, she let the words flow from her pencil and soft notes from her fingertips, echoed into the night along with her haunting, but beautiful voice.
Sitting there in the empty house in the middle of the night, she let the events of her time with Danny wash over her. It was always hard for her to speak what her heart felt. But with her recorder running, she let the words flow from her pencil and soft notes from her fingertips, echoed into the night along with her haunting, but beautiful voice.
"The words have been drained from this pencil
Sweet words that I want to give you
And I can't sleep
I need to tell you
Sweet words that I want to give you
And I can't sleep
I need to tell you
She just saw him a few hours ago, but she wanted to call him, just to hear his voice, she felt so lonely tonight. She couldn't get him out of her head, although she was used to that by now.
"When we're together, I feel perfect"
When she was with him, it was like her parents weren't always hassling her to be like everyone else, it was like she was flawless.
"When I'm pulled away from you, I fall apart"
But when they were apart, her world came crashing down and nothing was right.
"All you say is sacred to me
Your eyes are so blue
I can't look away"
Your eyes are so blue
I can't look away"
His eyes, those penetrating sapphire eyes that she couldn't tear her gaze away from. They always showed what he was feeling and at that moment the emotion in them had held her captive.
"As we lay in the stillness
You whisper to me"
It was snowing outside and at Danny's apartment everything was quiet, they were laying on the laying on the floor in each others arms, watching the snow fall though the large window that led to his fire escape.
"Baby, marry me
Promise you'll stay with me"
Promise you'll stay with me"
He had broken the silence with those very words, she'd stared out at the snow for a moment in shock before giving him her answer.
"Oh, you don't have to ask me
You know you're all that I live for
You know I'd die just to hold you
Stay with you"
You know you're all that I live for
You know I'd die just to hold you
Stay with you"
She answered slowly speaking from her heart, trying to voice her love for him openly, but once more having trouble.
"Somehow I'll show you
That you are my night sky
I've always been right behind you
Now I'll always be right beside you"
She still couldn't tell him everything, she couldn't say out loud how much he means to her. That's why she's sitting here, Pouring her very soul into this song, it is her only way of telling Danny he was her everything.
"So many nights I cried myself to sleep"
She though about the nights she laid awake crying as her world fell apart. All of those long nights filled with Worry and Pain. Thinking about Danny constantly being in danger, and her parents continuous insults of how she dressed and behaved, of how they had even threatened to send her to boarding school.
"Now that you love me, I love myself"
Nothing seemed right until she was with Danny, even before they started dating. He loved her for who she was and it made it alright for her to love herself, because of that, she loved herself.
"I never thought I would say this
I never thought there'd be
It's funny, she'd known Danny like her whole life, but she'd never thought she'd fall in love with him. She never imagined that he'd be the one who she'd always waited for, always searched for, only to find him right in front of her nose. She smiled remembering their first kiss he had been literally right in front of her, before turning around and voicing his feelings for her. Her best friend. She'd never figured he'd be the one, but she wouldn't have it any other way.
Finishing the song and turning off her tape recorder, Sam titled the Song You and along with a dedication to Danny and the date. Putting the small tape into an already addressed envelope, Sam called one of her family's many employees. Giving it to the delivery woman, and said goodnight. She went upstairs, knowing that Danny would receive the gift in a matter of minutes. Now he'd know what she was trying to say. So with her heart and mind at ease Sam drifted off into a dreamland filled with Danny and the wonderful life they would have ahead of them.
El Fin