Second Chances
By Chomper318

Author's Note: Tales of Symphonia belongs to Namco. I'll String Along With You belongs to Diana Krall. This ficcy belongs to me. I hope readers will like it, it's my first TOS fic.

I'll String Along With You

You may not be an angel
Cause angels are so few
But until the day that one comes along
I'll string along with you

I'm looking for an angel
To sing my love song to
And until the day that one comes along
I'll sing my song to you

For every little fault that you have
See I've got three or four
The human little faults you do have
Just make me love you more

You may not be an angel
But still I'm sure you'll do
So until the day that one comes along
I'll string along with you

--Diana Krall


"Meow, what do you think she's doing? Taking a Katz nap?"

"Hmmmm, meow, I don't think so. She's not a Katz, but..." the blue Katz with a safari hat nudged the young woman with the dark hair with one of his paw, "But, it does seem like she's asleep." He bent over the lithe body that was lying on the sandy beach and shook gently. When the young woman remained unresponsive, he shook her again, but this time, a bit harder. Sand flew around her. When the blue Katz motioned to shake the woman thrice more, his companion placed her paw on his.

"Meow, stop that. She doesn't want to wake up." The pink Katz looked down at the young woman who was lying on her side, head tucked to her chest. Her hands lay to the side, fisted up like a ball. The pink Katz gazed at her companion's eye, noting the sun setting in the background. "Look, she may be hurt and in need of help. In any cases, it'll be dark soon. Come on. We should bring her back to the village. "

The blue Katz stared at the pink Katz, who wore a vest similar to his own, which had many pockets to keep all the necessary items for an expedition. "Meow, alright—but you explain this," he gestured to the young women, "To the Elder Katz."

The pink Katz rolled her eyes, "Meow, I will. Now, help me carry her."

As the sun dipped behind the horizon, the two Katz carried the young woman to Katz Village. An old man sitting on top of a floating chair smiled. Then, with a wink of an eye, he disappeared, laughing.