Disclaimer: I own nothing, etc. Flames will be used to burn down everything and everyone I intensely dislike.
This is a fic where Katie and Freddy hardly meet at all. It is an F/K though.
Katie sat down and switched on her computer. Since Battle of the Bands she had felt more lonely than ever, since the togetherness of the afterwards. The band had broken up, as Dewey had moved away, and Zack's songs hadn't been the same without his influence.
No-one else could write songs, and no-one else felt the same without Dewey. Some of the band members had moved away, and only Summer, Zack, Freddy, Lawrence and herself were left at the same school.
They still said hi to each other as they passed in the corridors, but Lawrence was quiet and withdrawn, Summer and Zack were going out, no-one liked Freddy anymore as he was a bit of a bully. Katie just sat in her room, or in her class, putting all her energy into lyrics, and practicing bass. She didn't think the band would get back together, but she still couldn't stop herself.
She logged onto AIM. For once Freddy said hi to her. That was a surprise, usually no-one did. She didn't even know why she still logged on.
GoinDown: Hey, Katie. Wots up?
SilentButCool: Nuthin, y r u tlkin 2 me?
GoinDown: wot, so now im not allowed 2 tlk 2 u?
SilentButCool: well u neva normally do. So goodbye, im tryin 2 find a penpal.
GoinDown: wot abt me?
SilentButCool: ?
GoinDown: y cant I b ur penpal?
SilentButCool: we see each otha evry day. Wots the point?
GoinDown: so? We don't say hi 2 each otha.
SilentButCool: k, ill giv it a try. Wots ur address?
GoinDown has emailed SilentButCool.
SilentButCool has replied to GoinDown.
SilentButCool: t/y, ill write to u soon. Now, cya.
GoinDown: cya.
SilentButCool signed off at 18:45:32 pm.
What do you think? It's only the beginning, the rest is going to be in letter form. So, please, R&R!