Disclaimer: I no own Wolf's Rain. It kicks ass too much for me to own it. ;p
A/N: Thank you all so much for the reviews! ;; Oh, and the characters will be very out of character in this chapter. This chapter is mainly humor.
Just a Little Hungry
The trees were blocking the view of the moon. This would be the second night Michi was staying with them.
"I want food." Michi stood up infront of Kiba, her stubby arms on her hips. Kiba opened an eye to look at her, and let out a sigh.
"There's no prey in these parts of the woods. We'll go hunting once the sun rises." With that, Kiba closed his eyes again, trying to fall asleep.
Michi's cheeks turned a pink color as she got angry. She crawled up in his lap, and grabbed his face. She started to pull his lips here and there, attempting at getting his attention.
"You said that yesterday. I want food now." She wasn't going to give up. Even if it meant annoying the heck out of him.
Kiba groaned, and opened his eyes again. "I told you. We'll go hunting tomorrow. Now, go to sleep." Kiba picked her up from his lap, laid her down on the ground, and closed her eyes by lightly pulling them down with his fingers.
She squished her face together, thinking. "Fine. I'll just stay up all night 'til morning!" She sat up, leaning back on her arms. She stretched out her legs, and began clicking her sneakers together while blowing spit bubbles. "La, La, Loo!...Hee Hee!" She began singing and giggling at her bubbles. Kiba was about to scream.
"OKAY! Fine. I'll go and get you a bird or something..." Kiba said in a hoarse whisper, hoping the others wouldn't wake up. He stood up, about to walk off and get something, when Michi ran up to him and tugged on his pant leg.
"I don't want a birdy." She said plainly.
"If I find a bird, thats what your having." Kiba said, and began to head for the thicker woods.
"I said: I don't want a birdy." She placed her hands on her hips again.
"Well, what DO you want?" Kiba was about to crack.
"I want a beef. I like the beefs." She flashed him a cute smile.
Kiba was speaking through his teeth. "Michi, you can't find cows in a forest. Cows don't live in the forest, they live with humans."
"Yes, they do."
"No they don't. Daddy used to get me beefs."
"Well, 'daddy' and you lived in the city. He probably got it from a butcher. We, however, are in the forest. There are NO COWS IN THE FOREST."
"Fine. Then I want a bunny."
Kiba felt like hitting his head against the nearest tree. "Michi, rabbits are not out this time of the year. Now, if you don't be quiet, I'll get you a berry, and you'll be happy with that!"
"Why won't you get me a bunny?"
"...No you didn't."
"THAT'S IT!" Kiba stormed back off to where the others were, taking her along with him. He roughly laid her down ontop of Hige, who jumped a bit.
"THERE! EAT HIGE!" Kiba stomped his way back to where he was sleeping.
"...Who's eating me?" Hige looked around in confusion, and noticed that it was Michi who was lying ontop of him.
Michi growled at Kiba. "I will NOT eat Uncle Hige! I want a bunny!"
"Where's a bunny? What's going on?!" Hige looked over at Kiba, who was panting furiously.
"WILL ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT THE HELL UP?!" Tsume screamed at all of them. There was silence, then Michi crawled over to Toboe.
"Brother Toboe, will you get me a bunny?" She pulled at his hair a bit, before he stirred.
"Yeah...okay...later..." Toboe yawned and turned over. Michi let out a 'Yay!' and giggled, crawling into his arms, soon to fall asleep herself.
A/N: I might not be uploading for a while. Give you people time to review, you know . ::gets rotten fruit aimed at her:: o.o;; ::covers self::