All about loving you

A/N: As you can see, I'm starting a new story. To those few people that read my other story (Those Hazel Eyes), please don't shoot me! I know that I should update more regularly but I just couldn't get this one out of my head. I just had to write it!

A few notes: Katie, Oliver, the freaky twins (Fred and George), and Angelina are in their last year. Alicia is in her sixth.

Harry Potter in his third.

By the way, Shrek 2 so totally ROCKS!

Chapter one: At home and on the train.

"Katherine Bell, if you don't get up in five seconds, you're going to be late!"

I moaned and turned around in my bed again. Just like all the other nights during summer holiday, I had gone to bed way too late. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my clock. Nine thirty. I moaned once again and slowly got out of bed.

I tripped over my clothes that were scattered all over my room. First things first, what am I going to wear? I opened my closet and took my favourite black jeans with a plain, white blouse. I quickly got my Hogwarts trunk and filled it with clothes, books and my Quidditch supplies.

I looked in the mirror and a couple of bright, green eyes stared back at me. My long, black hair was pulled together in a pony tail. I had a pale skin and a not too skinny body. I had grown a bit over the summer, but I was sure that the twins had grown twice as much.


Sweet Merlin! Why is my mother always so… stressed every start of term? I grabbed my trunk and hurried downstairs, as fast as I could. Really, this trunk is going to kill me! It is way too heavy. And I don't think my brother is going to be much of a help.

My brother, Seth Bell, is already graduated from Hogwarts. He lives together with his fiancée, but comes bursting in once a week for food, when Lizzie, his fiancée, had tried to cook again. And a week later, it's his laundry. You get the point. And, for a change, he's here again.

"There you are," my mother greeted me when I stumbled in the kitchen. "Here is some breakfast. Seth is driving you to the station." She gave me some cereals and a cup of coffee, which I gave to Seth. I never really liked it.

"Come on, Kat. Or we'll never make it." Seth tried to carry my trunk the muggle way, but he didn't manage to. "Damn! What do you always put in that thing?" He finally took his wand out of his pocket and bewitched the bloody thing to his car.

"Oh, honey!" My mom took me in a tight hug. "I still can't believe that my baby girl is going to her final year." She sobbed in my hair. "You just look so much like your father." She said with adoration in her voice. My dad was killed by Voldemort's Death Eaters, when I was two years old. "Go on, now! Seth is waiting." She pushed me outside before I could even say something. "Don't do anything stupid, take good care of yourself and stay away from those bloody twins!"

I chuckled. "I will, mom." I hugged her and gave a kiss on her cheek. I quickly went to Seth's car and we drove away.

I had finally arrived on platform 9 ¾. Seth just had given me a hug and hurried off. So, here I am. With a trunk that is extremely heavy and no sight of my friends. I looked up to the grey clouds and of course, it started to rain. I sighed and began to pick up my trunk.

I had managed to get my trunk a little bit closer to the train.

"Need help, Bell?"

I looked up and saw Marcus Flint with a false grin on his face.

"No, thanks, Flint. I'll do it myself." I was already panting and sweating, but I didn't want that Flint touched my trunk with his troll-like hands. I still remembered what he did to me, last year.

"Don't be ridiculous." He pushed me aside and without any effort my trunk was in the train in an empty compartment.

He can forget that I will thank him!

"Well, you owe me something, Bell." He winked disgustingly at me and walked away.

Ieuw, ieuw, IEUW!

"There she is!"

The door of my compartment flew open and before I knew it, the twins had hugged me, closely followed by my two best friends, Alicia Spinnet (a sixth year) and Angelina Johnson ( a seventh year).

"We were looking al over for you!" Angelina said. "Where were you hiding?" She flopped down in front of me and pushed her dark brown hair over her shoulders.

"I'm sorry guys. I had troubles with my trunk-"

"As always," Fred claimed, making all the rest to laugh. I punched him between the ribs.

"As I was saying," I continued while shooting Fred angry looks, "I was trying to get my trunk on the train when Flint showed up and insisted to help me."

Alicia snorted. "That bloody devil! Some nerves, he has. After the incident, last year. I wouldn't have let him touch my trunk!"

"Well, I wouldn't either. But he just pushed me aside and picked it up!" I said miserably. I sighed deeply. Flint had cornered me, at the end of last year, and kissed me. He even had touched my breasts. I had of course told Angelina and Alicia about it, and of course, a few minutes later the twins knew too. I had forbidden them to tell Oliver Wood. He would've gone mad. No one gets to touch his team mates.

Just then, Oliver Wood decided to join us, so we couldn't talk about the subject 'Marcus Flint' anymore.

"Hi there, kids!"

I looked up and I gasped. Sweet Merlin! Oliver Wood had grown a lot. His hair was a bit longer then the last time, and it looked good on him… Maybe a bit too much. He was wearing a t-shirt and a light blue jeans, but you could still see his muscles that he had created over the summer, but not too much of them. His hazel eyes were sparkling and his smile made him even more sexy!

"Where have you been?" Fred asked. "Oh no, don't tell me. I know, you were giving autographs to your fans?"

"No, Fred," George said, "he was seducing an innocent girl!"

"Shut up, both of you," Oliver said, with a smile on his face. "I was just dropping of my little sister with other first years."

"Oh!" Alicia squealed. "That's right! Why haven't you brought her here? You brute!" Alicia almost yelled. Oliver shrugged and flopped down next to me.

"I'm not going to help Annelina making friends if I take her with me all the time. She has to make her own friends." Oliver said, which makes perfectly sense.
I was dozing off. Alicia and Angelina were talking about their holidays. Fred and George were debating their newest inventions and Oliver was staring outside.

"By the way, Katie," Fred said. My head snapped up. "Did your mother warned you about us again?"

"Of course she has!" I said.

"It has been nearly three years!" Fred said, surprised.

"What did you do then?" Oliver said, with a smile on his face.

"Well, it was summer holiday and we thought we would visit our Katie. So we flood to her place. But we didn't know that her mother had some friends over. So eh… We jus ruined her whole house. But it there wasn't much damage! Just her porcelain-" Fred explained.

"And her carpet because of the wine that fell-" George added.

"And Mrs. Bell's haircut." Fred concluded.

Oliver chuckled.

"And since then, she gives Katie warnings every start of term." Fred said.

"Well, I would, too." Oliver said.
I had fallen asleep. I was dreaming about Marcus Flint chasing me in Hogwarts corridors. I was screaming and running, but no one was helping me, although the corridors were packed with people.

I woke up because I nearly fell of the bench. Hold on… This bench feels extremely comfortable. I looked up and stared directly in Oliver Wood's eyes. I had fallen asleep on his shoulder and had made it myself easy to kick Alicia and Angelina off the bench so I could steal the whole thing. My head had found its final place on Oliver's lap. I quickly sat straight up.

"Where's the light?" I asked bewildered. "Are we there yet?" I rubbed my eyes so I was sure I wasn't still dreaming.

"Well, no," the voice of Angelina said. "The train just stopped abruptly and the lights went off."

Several moments passed in silence. We heard commotion in some compartments further and several people were running back and forth.

"I hope Annelina is okay," a Scottisch voice said.

"She's a Wood, Oliver. Of course she's okay." I assured him. Oliver grabbed my hand and squeezed it, but didn't let it go. Hey, I don't mind.

An older man opened our compartment and the light that his wand produced, blinded us all. "Everybody ok?" His hoarse voice asked. His eyes looked concerned to us.

"Sure, ehm… professor." Angelina said.

The man smiled and closed the door again. Two minutes later were the lights back on and the train started riding again. Only then, Oliver let go of my hand.
Well, that's it for the first chapter! Happy happy joy joy! I hope you liked it. And I am extremely sorry for all the mistakes. My native language isn't English. Review... please?