Elven Script: I was a bit late in the posting too. So, I have not the right to blame you, my friend. But I am very happy and gratified that you decided to post a review. And the muffins are cute!
Muddie21: Heard ye! Heard ye! And here's your epilogue. Hope you like it!
Valinor's Twilight: don't worry my friend. You'll be just fine! Just believe in your story.
Mizz samoa: Thank you for such a glowing compliment. Your words are treasured and I apologize for the wait. Hope you enjoy this one as well. And thanks for thinking so greatly of me. I am touched.
Sister kitty: Oh sure! I would never dream of leaving my dear readers out in the dark! Here's the chapter that has long been awaited. Hope you enjoy it!
Werecanigeteyeslikethose: Cool name you have got! I am sorry I made you cry. Here… (Hands out a tissue.)
Uptowngirl48: Thanks! And please don't cry! I hope the epilogue would make you happy.
Lady Seiryu: are you a fan of Fushigi Yuugi? I love that series! And I am writing a fiction in it. I am not sure when I will post it but I assure you, I will post it for certain. And dry your tears my friend! The epilogue is here!
I also thank all the people who shall review this chapter as well! And thanks to all those people who have me in their esteemed list of Favorite author or favorite story. Hannon lle. The experience was a pleasurable one!
I have also posted a one chapter fic titled "Back Home". Be sure to read it too!
- Anarya of Lorien.
Now that all is settled, let the story begin!
Okay! You know the drill! I don't own LoTR and the elves aren't my minions. And Morgoth is not my first cousin once removed and No! Sauron is NOT my betrothed! So there people!
Thoughts or dreams are in Italics
- Anarya of Lorien
Epilogue (Beneath the boughs of Lorien)
Haldir's Point of view:
I smiled as I watched Ithilgalad load our bags into the ships that awaited us there. We were finally going back.
"Here Ithilgalad. Can you place this with the other things?" I turned to find Ithilwen stand there with her hands holding onto a small elfling…a small girl whose hair glowed golden. Beside her stood Séregon.
"You do have a proper introduction ready for Meril, Séregon. Don't you?" I heard Ithilwen ask him warily. He merely smiled as he nodded his head.
"I am in league with the great Finwe now!" Ithilwen rolled her eyes as all of us laughed.
"Let us hope that your children don't fight like the sons of Finwe, Uncle Séregon!" Ithilgalad joked.
"Aha! I don't have sons Ithilgalad! Be glad for that! All I have are Síladiel and Malriel." He turned to his eldest daughter who smiled at him as she hugged Ithilwen from behind.
"I couldn't ask for more." He said content prominent in his words. I smiled, my thoughts lingering on her…the one I hoped to meet.
The lady had already left for the Undying lands…along with the other Ring bearers and now, we were traveling with the Lord. He was standing there, deep in conversation with Cirdan, the lord of the Falathrim. He then turned to us,
"It is time, don't you think?" I smiled as I bowed before Cirdan. He smiled at me and then turned to the others,
"The ship shall leave Mithlond in a little while. I would advise you to board the ship now." He said his voice gentle. Ithilgalad walked ahead and climbed the plank that led to the ship's deck.
Lord Celeborn turned around to smile at him.
"I hope you're excited, Ithilgalad." My son smiled as he turned to me,
"I am. But I daresay there is a person who is more excited than any of us, more than Uncle Séregon."
I smiled as I shook my head. It amazed me sometimes how wise my son could be. It had been centuries since she had left and now, Ithilgalad stood grown and mature. I was proud to say that he was my deputy in the border duties…and had we remained any further, he would have surpassed me in ranks.
We had been to many places together…from the halls of Minas Tirith to the pits of Dol Guldur. And in all these years, I had seen her in him.
He had asked me many times about her, when he was an elfling. It had stung my heart when he had asked me where his mother was. The fact that Olwen and Ithilwen had always been there for him consoled me…but this was a small price to pay for the joy we were to face now.
I was a little guilty in knowing that our son had missed his mother in the years that he needed her the most…I hoped he would forgive her. I had aided him in that act by telling him how beautiful his mother had been and how she had rued her parting…how she would be waiting for him in the Hither Shores…rousing his curiosity…and his respect.
"All aboard!" I heard him shout as I helped Malriel board the ship. She smiled as she pulled me down and kissed my cheek affectionately. I smiled as I hugged her back and kissed her cheek in return.
I was feeling happier by the moment. Soon, we would be there…I would see her…I smiled as I felt the ship move, her anchor now released.
I felt Ithilwen's eye on me and I turned to her to find her smiling at me. One person, who knew the entire story…of my Laurelin…of my Anya.
If there was any time when I was so pleasantly nervous, I did not remember it. I couldn't wait for the ship to lay anchor and the planks to be positioned. I could discern many elves standing there in the harbors of Eldamar…many of my colleagues and many friends…yet my eyes strained to catch a glimpse of her. In all those elves, her form eluded my vision.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to find the Lord stand there, a smile on his lips.
"Calm down." I smiled embarrassed as I turned back towards the shoreline… the Lady was there. So were many other Nobles…yet…her form alone I could not ascertain. Was she still in the Halls of Mandos? But wasn't three centuries long enough a wait? I sighed as I turned back to find all my friends throng the deck.
"Ai Elbereth! I see the Lady!" I heard Séregon shout. I turned to find the Lady stand there, in her silver robes… her golden hair dancing in the wind.
She raised her hand in acknowledgement as we slowly disembarked the ship.
As soon as I felt the sandy ground beneath my feet, I had a deep sense of satisfaction. We were truly home now…yet though my heart rejoiced at this venture, a part of it felt a little let down…she had not come. Was she still in the Halls of Waiting? I did not know the answer.
I smiled at the lady and bowed down before her.
"Mae govannen, Haldir." She said her voice just as I remembered it. The same soothing gentleness.
"Mae Govannen, Hiril nin." I replied, kissing her hand. She smiled as she gently raised my head to gaze into my eyes.
"Your time has finally come, has it not, Haldir?" I smiled as I nodded.
"Ada! You cannot leave us like tha-" he stopped abruptly as he stared at the Lady Galadriel with wide eyes.
"My lady!" he cried as he rushed towards her and hugged her. After all…she had raised him in infancy!
"You have grown, Ithilgalad." She remarked as she turned to me, her hands stroking my son affectionately. I remembered how she had done the same for me when I was young."
"You must be dying to meet her!" she smiled as her hold around my son tightened. Ithilgalad spoke for us.
"Yes! I can't wait to see Naneth. Ada tells me she was very beautiful. He takes immense pleasure in provoking my curiosity." I grinned at my son as the rest from our party joined us.
"Mae Dollen, Galadriel." The Lady smiled as she bowed before Lord Celeborn. They then turned to us.
"A feast has been set up in the city of Tuna for the arrival of the Lord of the Golden Woods. And I daresay…you shall find the food here truly filling." She looked around, her eyes truly content.
"Milady…if I may be excused…I am not that hungry." I said, not wanting to sound so rude but unable to help myself. Her eyes rested on me as she smiled.
"That is understandable. But you shall not be excused from attending a feast laid out by Finarfin himself. I would request you to be patient Haldir." I smiled apologetically as she turned around and led the way to fair Tuna that rested in the cleft of Calacirya.
The feast was unlike any I had attended in Lothlórien…or anywhere in Arda for that matter. The elves sang songs in the tongue of the Noldo as we ate and drank. My head snapped at every elleth who traipsed my way…hoping that she might be here. But I did see neither Laurelin nor Anya. I was puzzled. Had she a newer form now that she was once more in Aman?
It confused and scared me. Had I already passed her by without knowing? But then didn't the Lady remark at how her brothers looked the same? Then…where was she?
Once the feasting was over, the Noldo who were our brethren showed us to our rooms. Spacious quarters that seemed way more beautiful than the fair talans of Lothlórien. My room had a balcony that looked out into the sea and a small terrace that was domed with spirals…a beautiful gazebo that let in light in the most alluring manner. The bed in my room was huge and had deep blue spreads in velvet with silver coverlets in satin. The walls were in a glorious shade of lilac with paintings and tapestry that would engage me for hours at end. There was also a small library full of books. Since I did understand the high tongue of the Noldor, I did find the collection interesting. I was examining a deep blue tapestry that showed Varda Elentári creating the stars from the dews of laurelin…
I sighed as I gently ran my fingers over the velvety surface of the fabled tree…Laurelin.
There was a knock at the door and I snapped back to reality.
I walked to the door and opened it to find an elleth stand there, her gray eyes mirroring mine and her golden tress shining with a glittering tiara. It took me a while to control my shock…
"Naneth?" I asked, not believing my eyes that my mother was still here. She smiled as she nodded.
"Haldir…you have grown." She remarked as she hugged me. I smiled as I embraced her. She drew away from the embrace and held my hands in hers.
"I cannot believe you are the same elf who I…" her eyes saddened suddenly as she released my hand and her face was downcast.
"You are not to blame, nana." I said as I took my hands in mine and led her inside. I knew she was probably worried about leaving me when I was a child to sail onto the undying lands to wait for my father who had fallen in battle.
"Oh Haldir! I cannot believe it is you! You look so much like your father!" I smiled as my thoughts traveled to my son. He did look like me a lot…would she remark in the same way?
"Naneth…" she smiled understandingly.
"The Lady told me everything. I am sorry I wasn't around…I could have stopped most of this misfortune." She looked around…
"Where is Ithilgalad?" she asked, her voice bubbling with earnestness. I smiled as I seated her on the couch and walked towards my door to fetch my son.
The meeting between my mother and my son was cheerful. They seemed to bond well from the very start and I smiled as I watched my son listen to my mother remark about my childhood antics and my son rolling on the floor with laughter.
There was another knock at the door and this time though it was my brother Orophin.
"The Lady wants to meet you and she asked you to bring Ithilgalad along." Then he stopped mid-sentence when he saw our mother sit there, looking at him with a graceful smile on her lips. There was a shout of 'Nana' as he rushed forward to hug her. I rolled my eyes though I couldn't help but feel glad at this reunion. When both he and Rumil were there, I took my leave with Ithilgalad.
We waited outside the lady's room, my heart racing as I stood there, my hands shaking a little. Was she inside with the lady?
"Come in, Haldir." I heard her voice in my head. From the way Ithilgalad nodded, it was obvious that she had asked him to come in as well. We walked in to what seemed like a huge hall where she sat with Lord Celeborn in raiment of shimmering white. She smiled as she beckoned us closer.
"It seems as though there is an errand for you, Haldir. You must go to the gardens of Lorien for me. Will you, Haldir?" She said seriously. I felt a little crest fallen. It was apparent that the four of us were the only people in the room. I nodded as I bowed before her. I raised my head and turned to Ithilgalad. She smiled as though understanding what I had meant to ask.
"Ithilgalad will be coming with you as well." She said smiling. I smiled in return and bowing once more before them, I turned around and when we were just a few steps away from the door, I turned around and looked at her. She was still smiling at me.
"The errand, Haldir." I heard her voice in my head. I turned around and walked away without turning around another time. True to her word, there was Séregon who was waiting outside with a scroll in his hand. He smiled at me as he handed the scroll to me.
"You can hand this over to one of the attendants in Lorien." He said. I nodded as I placed the scroll inside my cloak and turned to Ithilgalad.
He was ready as usual and then I turned to Séregon. He motioned towards our steeds that had traveled with us to the Undying lands being Elven steeds themselves.
"Galu, Haldir." (Good Luck, Haldir.)
I smiled as I mounted my steed and with Ithilgalad beside me, rode to the fair gardens of Lorien.
Haldir's Point of view:
The ride was indeed quite pleasant. There was lesser fatigue here than what we would have encountered in the shores of Middle-Earth. As we neared the gardens, I couldn't help but slow down to take in the beauty of the place. It was similar to Lothlórien just how a small potted garden is similar to a meticulous garden. There were archways formed by the intertwining branches of the trees on either side of the path through which I led my mount.
"The gardens of Lorien are indeed beautiful." I heard Ithilgalad remark as we walked along the path. I was to hand the message to any attendant that I might see in Lorien and surprisingly the gardens were empty.
"Is this where the Valar come to rest when they are weary of the world, ada?" I smiled as I nodded.
"The gardens are huge! But there is no one at sight! How strange!" he was truly my son. He seemed to read my thoughts out loud.
"I think I'll mount my horse and go on ahead. If that's fine with you…" I smiled at him as I nodded again.
As soon as my son had galloped away along the seemingly never-ending path, I saw a glimmer of silver and gray as an attendant stood there, her black hair shining with jewels.
"Excuse me?" I started hesitantly. She turned around and smiled at me a she bowed.
"Yes…you must be Haldir. I was told you bring a message with you?" I nodded, affirming her question as I held the scroll. She took it from me gracefully and bowed once more.
"Thank you. You may stay in our gardens if you wish. This place brings healing and refreshment…and…" her green eyes bore into me. I knew she could read my thoughts. Probably she was like the Lady or perhaps she was a Maia.
"You seem to need it."
I smiled as I nodded. She turned around and walked away into the mists that seemed to cloud parts of the garden. I turned around towards the path and walked to my horse. It struck me then that Ithilgalad had rode on ahead of me. I climbed my steed and nudged his flanks.
Was this the place of healing? Then…was she here? I shook my head as I smiled. She was probably in Mandos…still waiting.
I sighed as I located the palomino steed of my son tethered to one of the trees by the path. I dismounted my horse and walked to the tree, tethering my mount as well. I could hear the sound of my son's laughter and the distant sounds of another elleth. For some reason my heart pounded.
I walked towards the sound to find my son and another elleth with brown hair which was adorned with strings of mithril, with her back towards me. We were in a garden with well laid lawns and a silver fountain which resembled an elleth pouring water from a ewer. Our eyes met and my son stood up from the stone bench on which he was seated.
"It took you long enough ada!" he exclaimed throwing the elleth a smile as he said it. She stood up and it seemed like she was smiling at Ithilgalad. Her silver and blue robe glimmered and shone. Her hands held my son's cheek gently as she caressed him. Then, slowly she turned around and stared right at me.
The breeze that blew gently failed to cool the flush of my cheeks. She smiled at me as her brown eyes slowly filled with tears. Her form still like the mortal one who had stolen my heart…except for her ears that resembled that of the Eldalie.
"As lû ann, Haldir. It has been long."
I smiled as I walked towards her as she stood there with her arms held wide.
Finally…she was here…with me.
Author's Note:
And so we have reached the end of this tale. I hope you have enjoyed reading this tale as much as I had enjoyed writing it.
I would like to thank all the people who have read my story and have been my supporters through rough seas and calm.
Hannon lle. A tirio lle athan gaer, nuin sila el galad. (Thank you. And see you beyond the sea, under the light of the stars.)
- Anarya of Lorien.