A.N. Riley doesn't exist here.

Buffy had to drag Faith to the Magic Shop, but couldn't get her inside. Buffy nodded to Dawn and Dawn walked into the Magic Shop without looking back.

"Come on Fay. You can do this. They won't hurt you. I'm here for you now. Just try to trust me." Buffy said kindly looking into Faith's eyes.

Faith looks away from Buffy knowing that she had to trust her and that it would be hard to admit that she trusted her. "I do... I just... I don't know if I can do this."

Buffy looked at Faith and pulls her into a kiss that she lets Faith participate in. "You can do it with me on your side. I believe in you and I know you can do this."

Faith nods and Buffy opens the door to the Magic Shop. She waits for Faith to go in and walks in behind her. All the Scoobies were there with a few more people.

"I guess some introductions should be made for the people that don't know each other." Buffy says. "Faith, you know Giles," Giles nods. "Xander," Xander narrows his eyes. "and Willow." Willow glares daggers at Faith. "The blond near Xander is Anya, his girlfriend." Anya wraps Xander in a possessive grip. "She is kinda possessive of Xander. I don't think you should touch him. And the girl near Willow is Tara." Tara nods shyly at Faith. "She's Willow's girlfriend."

Faith nods to everyone. Faith takes a step foreward but is pushed backwards by a wall. Faith almost falls backwards, but Buffy catches her. "Are you okay?" The blonde slayer asks

"Yeah... I'm good. Thanks Buffy." Faith replies.

Buffy turns to Willow and glares. "What the hell Willow? Are you trying to kill her? She just got out of a coma and she is still weak. That was low, really low."

Willow glares right back at Buffy. "She's a murderer and she deserves to die."

"She was part murderer. I was the other part. You don't get it! She totally didn't mean to kill Finch. I helped kill him. I threw him to her. I don't see you trying to kill me. Oh wait.. I remember now. You're trying to kill her for going against a bunch of people that acted like they didn't give a shit about her and she went to the Mayor who treated her with love and acceptance. It's our fault she turned. It's my fault." All, but the last part was yelled. The last part was said in a quiet voice near tears.

Before anyone could reach her, Faith was by Buffy's side hugging her. "Buffy... It's not your fault. I made up my own mind. I just wanted to feel loved. And I got it from him. I'm sorry. Please don't cry. I don't want you to. I'll go. Don't worry about it."

Faith made to leave, but a strong arm kept her still. "Don't you dare leave my life again." Faith turned to see an angry Buffy looking at her through tears. Faith nodded and pulled Buffy back into the hug trying to calm her down.

"I won't go Buffy. I won't leave you." Her actions startled the rest of the Scoobies minus Dawn, Tara, and Anya who really didn't see her act all bad ass and psycho. Buffy wiped away her tears and smiled up at Faith.

"Thank you, Fay." Buffy whispered into Faith's neck.

"Quite right," Giles starts. "We shouldn't blame Faith for Finch or anything after that. I mean she did help stop the Mayor's ascension through the dream with Buffy. I can tell that Faith has changed. I will call the Watcher's Council to let them know. I will see if I can become her watcher along with Buffy's or if they are sending another watcher for her."

"Giles, man, you can't be serious!" Xander screamed! "She is still a psycho bitch! She tried to kill all of us multiple times and she helped the big bad!"

"Xander's right. I am not going to stand for her being able to go free," Willow agreed.

"W-Willow... H-Her aura doesn't h-have any c-conflicting emotions. She isn't even angry at all of you for yelling about her." Tara said quietly to Willow.

"THEN IT'S WRONG!" Willow bellowed at Tara. Tara looked startled at Willow and moved away from her. "Oh baby I didn't mean to yell at you. I just don't want that cold- hearted bitch to be running free."

"The way I see it... you're the one being the cold hearted bitch," Dawn said calmly from her perch on the counter. "You let your jealousy for what Buffy and Faith had take control of you. So if anyone is a bitch... it's you."

Everyone looked at Dawn shocked. Buffy's shock became a smile with pride shining through her eyes. Faith looked at Dawn admiringly and Willow had tears in her eyes.

"She's changed Willow. You weren't there the day she was brought to the house. You weren't the one that got to see her go with Buffy willingly down into the basement and be locked up in chains. You weren't the one that saw her cry at night because of what she did. You don't get to hold a grudge against her. No one does. I don't pity her, I understand her. Get over yourselves, Will and Xand. You don't get to hold grudges anymore." Dawn said with a glare at Xander and Willow.

"I have to agree with her Xander. Dawn has a point. Plus all your attention should be directed at me!" Anya said to Xander tugging on him. "Apologize so we can go have orgasms."

Xander looked down for a second and then looked back at Faith. "I'm sorry Faith. I didn't mean to be all non-accepting. I just... didn't like being used."

Faith looked up at Xander with tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry for doing that to you X-man. I was just so... well horny and you know me after slaying. I'm sorry for kicking you out after we had sex."

Everyone looked at Faith and Xander shocked. Anya looked pissed off and glared at Xander. Buffy looked upset and refused to look at either person.

"Let's go Xander. We need to go have sex." Anya commanded. "Don't think about taking him away from me Faith. He's mine!"

Xander left quietly with Anya pulling his arm all the way out. Everybody looked at Faith, Buffy looked up at Faith with tears. "So you and Xander, eh?" Was all she said before going into the back room.

Faith made to follow her, but an invisible wall came in front of her. She kept pushing at the wall willing her way through it. She looked at Willow before going into the back room to check on Buffy. As she left she heard Willow being told off by everyone that was left in the room.

Faith found Buffy attacking the dummy. Faith moved behind Buffy and wrapped her arms around her waist. Buffy tried to push her away, but Faith held her tight not letting her go. Buffy turned to face Faith and there were tears in her eyes. Faith wiped away Buffy's tears and held her close.

"You know how I was Buffy. I love you. He can never have that part of me." Faith whispered in Buffy's ear.

"I know, but I get so jealous sometimes. I wanted you for myself. Now he has a part of you. He experienced something with you that I haven't experienced with you. I want to be the one that had that with you. I want you." Buffy whispered into Faith's hair.

"B... You don't want what I had with him." At this Buffy looked up at Faith surprised. "I don't want it to be meaningless. I didn't love him. I love you. I want to make love to you. Not have pointless sex."

Faith was crying after she finished what she said. Buffy whispered sweet nothings into her ear and Faith calmed down.

"We should get back to them B. I need to apologize to Giles and Willow." Buffy nodded and together they went to the front of the store.

Willow was having a heated conversation with Tara in the corner and it looked as if Tara was becoming pissed.

"Um.. Willow... I wanted to tell you I am sorry. For trying to kill you and for making it seem like I was replacing your spot with Buffy. I didn't mean to do that." Willow looked up surprised and Tara had a smug look on her face.

"Looks like you have to do something for me hun." Tara said calmly to Willow.

"Apology accepted Faith... I have to go now... Tara and I... um... we need to study... spell stuff!" Willow rushed looking at Tara who simply nodded.

"Nice meeting you Faith. Take care of yourself." Tara said leaving the shop with Willow.

Faith looked at Buffy with an amused smirk on her face. "There going to.. mmph"

Buffy covered her mouth and shook her head at Faith. "We don't talk about that in public babe. We just don't. Now shush. I think you have one more person you need to talk to."

Faith turned to Giles and looked him directly in the eyes. "Thank you for believing in me. I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I just want you to know that I won't let it happen again."

"You bet it's not going to happen again." Buffy mumbled with an evil twinkle in her eyes, Faith gulped.

"You are very welcomed Faith. I want you to come by later today so that we can get you back into training. Bring Buffy or should I say Buffy bring her with you. I'll call the council and see what we can do about the watcher situation." Giles said walking away.

"Hey Dawn," Faith said startling her. "Thanks for everything. It means a lot to me."

Faith walked up to Dawn and pulled her into a hug. Dawn hugged her back. Faith pulled away and smiled a little.

"No problem." Dawn said. "Hey Buffy can I go spend the night at Janice's house?"

Dawn looked at her sister begging her silently with her eyes. "Yeah sure, but be at her house before dark! And don't leave there unless you have a stake." Buffy said.

"Okay Buff. No worries. I have a slayer for a sister." Dawn winked and walked out of the store.

"So it's just you and me Buffy." Faith said. "Should we head back to the house? What should we do when we get there?"

"Oh I can think of plenty of things we can do." Buffy said slyly.