Redemption is Near
By Livinlifedabestucan

Summary: Buffy catches Faith and brings her home... What happens after that?

Rating: R

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the words said

The story.....

Faith P.O.V
She caught me right after I got out of that damn coma. Now I am stuck here... with her. She knew I was weak and that is why she caught me. She has me locked up in her basement. Her mom died while I was in the coma. I lost my chance to tell her I was sorry. Mrs. S. was the nicest person to me. She was like the mother I wish I had. She treated me like B and Dawn. Dawn doesn't know I am here, if she did she would have helped me out... Right?
Why I am cursed to do the whole thinking thing? Straight out of a coma and I am already in chains. That's right Princess Mighty has me locked in her basement in chains. Her words were, "I would have you in my room, but Dawn is always taking my clothes."
You know, I don't think it's fair I'm stuck on a wall waiting for B to get back so that I can actually eat and move around. Then again since when was I fair to her and the Scoobies? Queen B says I can't be out of the chains while she is at work and at school. So I get to suffer until she gets home.
B is a goddess, I always thought so. Her small golden body that is so powerful. I know I have feelings for her, she can never know though. She might kill me if she did. She isn't letting me get stronger, I guess she is a bit fearful of me, or she doesn't have the time to watch over me. I know she needs me though, I feel it every time she gets home from patrolling. Maybe she'll let me exercise a bit more if I can convince her that she is wearing down and she might get kill out there if she is tired and shit like that. I don't get stronger by walking around in the basement and I know she knows this.
Oh... there's noises upstairs. I think that B is home. Better not make any noise, last time I made noises B got pissed. The footsteps are getting closer to the basement. I can't feel B, so it has to be Dawn. Shit, I am not suppose to be seen. Oh wait... there's the cord for the curtain... I have to close this thing before I am found out... not that I would mind, but I rather be alive instead of dead.

No one's P.O.V.

Dawn walks down the stairs to the basement to the dryer. She sighs and bends down to open the dryer.
"Buffy never brings this stuff upstairs. I always have to do it. And now I can't even be in the basement. I don't see any monsters down here. So it can't be that bad."
Dawn takes out the clothes and walks back upstairs.

Faith's P.O.V.

Ugh. That was close. Dammit B where the hell are you? I am so hungry I could eat my chains off my arms. Oh, there's shouting upstairs. B must be home. I can hear angry footsteps coming downstairs. Shit B must think that Dawn saw me. Stay calm Faith, she won't hurt you... much.

No one's P.O.V.

Buffy came home to find her sister with clothes from the basement. She has this panicked look on her face, but quickly changes it to one of anger.
"Dawn! I told you not to go into the basement!" Buffy shouts.
"Buffy calm down. I had to get my clothes, you never bring them upstairs. We don't have any monsters in the basement anyways." Dawn stated.
"Stay out of the basement!" Buffy shouted again. She rushes out of the room to go to the basement. She closes the door behind her and locks the door. She walks cautiously down the stairs and looks around to see if anything was out of place. She can't find Faith, but she can feel her.
Good, Buffy thought, she remembered the curtain. Buffy walks over to Faith and pulls the curtain back to reveal a really pale and worn out Faith.
"Hey B," Faith rasps out.
"Faith," Buffy says quietly.
Buffy unlocks Faith's chains. Faith was able to stand for a few seconds, but her knees buckled and she to fall. Buffy quickly grabbed a hold of Faith before she feel on her face and brought her over to the mattress that was lying around the basement.
"Come on Faith, we need to get some food into you. I'll be right back; I have to go get the bags I brought home with me. Don't go anywhere." Buffy warned.
Buffy stands up and starts to walk to the stairs but is stopped by a whisper. "Not going anywhere B. Not going anywhere." Buffy continued to go up the stairs with a slight smile on her face. Buffy went to the living room to get the bags that were lying on the floor. Buffy walked back downstairs after locking the basement door.
Buffy looks around the basement trying to find where Faith went, but she can't find her. Faith steps out of the shadows in front of Buffy causing her to stumble back a bit.
"B, calm down. It's me. Where did your slayer senses go? I thought you could feel me out and such." Faith said with a small smirk in place.
"Ugh Faith! Go sit down before I accidentally stake you or something." Buffy said teasingly.
Faith doesn't handle the threat too well and looks down to the ground remembering Finch. Buffy looks at face confused until she remembers what she said and quickly wrapped her arms around Faith.
"Faith... it's okay. It was an accident. Don't worry about it." Buffy whispered into Faith's ear.
Faith nods and walks over to the bed and sits down quietly. Buffy stands looking at Faith and then moves to bring her some food.
"Hey skinny slayer. You need some food on your bones. I need you to eat all this food so we can start your exercising gig." Buffy says laying out some food for Faith to munch down on.
Faith starts to eat her food silently. She can feel Buffy's eyes watching her like a hawk. After eating her food, Faith stands up and stretches.
"So what torturous activity do you have me doing today B?" Faith asks raising her eyebrow.
"Oh I don't know. Maybe running a thousand laps around the house or something simple like that." Buffy sarcastically teases.
"Oh yes... that is definitely easy." Faith mutters.
"You have to carry me up and down the basement stairs twenty times." Buffy says quietly watching Faith's emotions running in front of her eyes.
"Okay." Faith said picking up Buffy and wrapping Buffy's legs around her waist. "Hold on little B."
Buffy hits Faith softly on the shoulder. "I'm not little!"
Faith smiles down at Buffy and nods. "You're smaller than me.. so you're my little B."
Buffy frowns a little, but then grins. "You said I was your little B. Is there something you're not telling me Faithy?"
Faith blushes, "No... why would you say that."
Faith rushes up and down the stairs preventing Buffy from saying anything to her. She can feel Buffy nuzzling into her neck. She can hear Buffy's shallow breathing indicating that she was indeed asleep on her. Faith wrapped her arms around Buffy a little tighter in fear of Buffy falling when she was walking up and down the stairs.
After finishing up her exercise, Faith brought Buffy over to the mattress and tried to lay her down. Faith couldn't free herself from Buffy's death grip and was pulled down on top of the blonde. She quickly rolled over in fear of waking up the sleeping goddess, but found out that she couldn't go that far. After struggling for a little bit, Faith became tired and started to drift off to sleep snuggling into the embrace of the older slayer.

Do you want me to continue? Review please.