Pegasus Pt.9
WITHOUT YOUAuthor's note: Just a warning here, Jack mentions in this chapter here a few times he loves another character (read on to find out who), yes, I am a Sam/Jack Shipper, and if you read the whole chapter, you'll see those romantic moments your all waiting for between Sam and Jack! This is it folkes, the last chapter...
Sam let out a scream as it went through Elizabeth neck, her eyes immediately opened, glowing gold brightly before she sat up, flexing her neck slightly.
"A nice strong host..." She said slowly and deeply, her warm eyes now cold and icy. "It will suffice."
And it stood up, walking slowly over.
"A nice back-up host...or perhaps I will vent my anger out on you...either way, I will keep you, Samantha Carter."
Her voice sounded so cold, Sam couldn't help but let out a whimper as she was dragged by the collar to the small back door, the sound of the other door opening entering her ears as Weir dragged her through another empty hall.
"So..." Said Jack O'Neill in his most commanding voice. "How did the Gou'ald get into either Sam or Doctor Weir again!?"
Daniel flinched, as did Major Sheppard.
"They we're attacked. The doctor had no weapon." John said bravely, trying out his commanding voice as well. Daniel bit his lower lip.
"What are you doing here Jack?" He asked, staring at his friend, and general of the SGC.
"Well," He said slowly, weighing his words. "My flagship team went missing a while back you see. Well, I met up with; I don't know if you guys remember Thor? He missed you guys even more then me!" He leaned forward toward Daniel. "I think he kinda admired you guys. He was disappointed when I told him you were gone, kinda didn't speak to us for a while. But you see, when he finally found out about Atlantis, he told us their home planet has a ZPM we could borrow. I decided, since there was a chance the person it came might never return, I figured it better be me!"
Daniel groaned.
"And when we do get back...who's in charge of the SGC?"
Jack looked anywhere but Daniel.
"Julia Donovan took temporary charge."
"JULIA DONOVAN!?" Daniel screamed, making Sheppard jump. "Are you insane?"
Jack stood up in rage.
"You know nothing about her! She's nice, smart, caring-"
"You slept with her, didn't you!?" Daniel cried out, jumping to his feet.
Jack flushed red.
"It's my business, and for your information, she was my girlfriend before I left, yes I did sleep with her. And therefore I know a lot more about her then you do!"
Daniel groaned again.
"But a reporter Jack? Think about it for a second. A reporter in charge of the SGC?"
Jack pouted slightly, glaring when John let out a small chuckle.
"Yes, Daniel. A reporter. A reporter who gave up her job, a reporter who was almost killed by a bullet from the gun of a Gou'ald, and yes Daniel, the woman who is my girlfriend."
"No buts Daniel! I don't want to hear it! Let's just get on with saving Colonel Carter and Doctor Weir!"
Daniel crossed his arms.
John smiled grimly. This was going to be fun.
"So," John said, a while later as they stood by the second door and the dead guard, all suited up with extra weapons and grenades. "You do realize Elizabeth is going to kill us if we destroy any of her city?"
O'Neill glared at him.
"Major, we have no choice. And anyway, with all these threats you told me about, I will have no choice but to assign a new military leader here."
John opened his mouth in anger.
"Elizabeth is a great leader! Just because you're angry you screwed up with the Colo-"
Jack raised a silencing finger.
"Don't you dare say another word M-A-J-O-R! You're a ranking officer now, accountable for court marshal."
John quickly walked past them to the offending door and pulled at the handle, opening it quickly and stepping inside, P90 aimed and ready.
Growling slightly, and following, Jack aimed his zat high, followed by Daniel who was biting him lower lip.
"Shh." Daniel whispered as they carefully as the stood outside yet another door when shuffles could be heard.
Raising their guns, they pushed open the door, John poking his head around the frame.
"Please." Said Elizabeth Weir's voice, icy and cold. "Please join us. I'm sure Samantha Carter is dying to see you brave men."
Jack swore.
"Now throw your guns nice and slowly into the room, or I'll kill our friend here."
Sighing and muttering under his breath 'this can only happen to Sg-1' Jack threw his Zat and weapon packed vest into the room, glancing an Elizabeth Weir holding a handgun to an incapacitated Colonel Carter's head.
Stepping into the room, the three men stared at Sam, bruises covering her face and wincing as she tried to smile at them from the floor. Weir motioned them to sit beside her, and Jack ran forward, gripping onto Sam's hand and Apophis slowly picked up their gear.
"Now. I decided to have a little fun with our Samantha, but even better, I thought to do it in front of our loves. Look...poor Elizabeth is in love with you Major, yet, you didn't notice..."
John tried to stand, ignoring Jack and Daniel's hands gripping his clothes.
"It's not true!" He called out, staring into her eyes. "I loved her, ever since I got to know her!"
Apophis smiled evilly.
"How touching! But it's too late I'm afraid. She's taken solace in my power. She is enjoying herself."
"Touché'" Apophis continued. "But unfortunately she will be my host for not much longer. I prefer the more strength of a male human...but which to chose...?"
It walked over, a cocky smile placed on Elizabeth's once peaceful lips, her strut only adding to the realization she was no longer the caring woman she was before.
"Chose me!" Jack said loudly, staring into her eyes. "Chose me and spare the others."
John, his eyes now shining with tears, glared.
"No, chose me and spare Elizabeth!"
Laughing, Apophis smiled, cold laughter on her face as she stared down at them all.
"Look at you all. Pitiful. Why would I trade for something I can get by force? Why would I let you all go willingly? Humans are such a tedious race. If there were different hosts, I would change to them in a second."
Sam, her face furrowed in concentration, she suddenly sat up, wincing at her sudden movement as Jack grabbed onto her arm to keep her upright.
"The Wraith!" She almost screamed, "A powerful race! You can use them as a host!"
Apophis frowned for a minute.
"You detest them..." she said slowly, a smile spreading over her face. "They are powerful...yes...I could conquer their civilization. But primitive...very primitive..."
She smiled coldly.
"It seems Doctor Weir agrees with you. Unfortunately, you won't live to see my new body...of course, I will require a change of host...a nice strong male I think." She ran a hand over Daniel's cheek and he fell backwards, glaring up.
"Ah. But the female is strong...but Samantha Carter has a strong spirit as well...such a choice I have never need to make many fine specimens..."
"Too bad you don't get to chose." Yelled Lieutenant Ford, jumping through the doorway and firing his weapon several times. John screamed and caught her body as she fell, only to find tranquilizer darts sticking from her chest and arms.
"Where did these come from?" He asked, gently brushing a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
"Found them in the cargo bay sir." Ford answered, walking over and helping up Jack.
Sighing, Jack turned to Sam and helped her up.
"You alright Carter?" He asked, gripping her shoulder as she began to sway.
"Fine sir." She said slowly, hopping over to Weir and bending down.
"Any idea how to get it outta her?" Jack asked from behind them. Leaning over her, Sam placed her ear over Liz mouth, checking her breathing. A squelching sound suddenly could be heard and Sam was surprised to feel a huge pain in her ear.
John jumped back as the Gou'ald leapt from Weir's mouth and into Sam. Her eyes glowed, and Ford raised his gun.
"Move." Said Apophis, a trickle of blood running from her ear. "Please."
Ford pressed the trigger, surprised when a small click could be heard. They all stood still for a minute, staring at the empty gun in his hands, before Sam raised her pistol she had taken from Weir's unconscious form and fired once, it hit Jack on the shoulder, making him slide along the floor, before she ran from the room.
John skidded next to Liz, wiping the small amount of blood from her mouth and checking her pulse.
"The Gou'ald took most of the juice." John said slowly as her eyes opened slightly. "It must be weaker now."
"Give me a gun." She whispered hoarsely from the floor, opening her eyes wider and sitting up.
Frowning, John handed her his, and standing up, Daniel staying with Jack, they rushed from the room at Jack's encouragement and followed the figure sprinting down the long corridors. Elizabeth ran, John by her side until they reached the gate room, Sam standing at the gate, her gun pointed toward Grodin in the control area.
"Drop it." John said slowly, as Aiden beside him raised his gun.
Apophis, simply smiled, a sneering, scathing smile and cocked the gun.
"I think not." Several explosive gun shots could be heard and John winced, as Sam's body contorted, before falling to the ground. Her eyes glowed once, before they faded, and John looked around not to find Ford, but to find Weir holding the smoking gun.
Tears were running silently down her face, the gun was shaking, still in the firing position. Nobody moved.
"Liz." John said quietly, gently pulling the gun from her shaking fingers. Her shoulders began to shake, he quickly pulled her into a hug, where they stood, as the others carefully approached the body.
"It was in me." Liz said suddenly, so only John could hear. "I should be dead."
John pulled her closer.
"I couldn't live, if you were dead." He whispered into her ear, as her tears subsided.
She looked up into his eyes.
"I don't think I could live, if you had died." She said, as they continued eye contact.
"I love you, Elizabeth Weir." John said, a smile breaking onto his face. Elizabeth, her face slightly pasty from crying, let a small smile fall into place. "I love you too, Major John Sheppard." And she brought her lips to his, stuck in a loving embrace.
"No!" Came a cry from the doorway as they broke apart. John turned around, to find Jack standing in the doorway, his face contorted into horror. "No.." He whispered more quietly, stumbling forward until he collapsed by Sam Carter's side, pulling her into his arms. John glanced at Elizabeth who's eyes had glazed over as she stared at them.
"Come on." He whispered, pulling her towards the door. Elizabeth resisted.
"No John." She said quietly. "I need to be here." She pulled his toward Jack, stopping less then a meter away. "I'm sorry." She whispered, "I was the one who killed her."
Jack looked up, his face white, tears running down his cheeks.
"I never told her." He whispered, staring at them with clouded eyes. "I never told her how much I loved her." And she stared back at his love, his words leaving an hollow space, even in John's heart.
He stared down at the floor, when a bright white light filled the room, and a chair appeared in the middle of the embarkation room.
"Thor?" Jack asked, slightly choked, as he continued to hold his love.
The little gray alien stared down at him, before looking over the area of Atlantis.
"O'Neill." He said slowly, raising his hand. Blue light replaced the bright white in the room, before it vanished.
"Jack?" Asked a small voice from the floor. Everyone's eyes quickly snapped to the once-dead Samantha Carter, who's eyes were now open and boring into Jack O'Neill's.
"Oh thank god. I mean Thor." He said, bending down and wrapping his arms around her. "I love you Sam." He whispered, kissing her lightly. Her cheeks suddenly went bright red and she coughed, sitting up and stared at the little alien.
Elizabeth, still in shock, glanced at John, who's eyes were bright and wide, his mouth sitting open and a look of absolute astonishment sitting on his face.
"Thanks Thor." Sam said quietly, as the room full of people, and those on the control room balcony's stared on awe.
"How did you get here old Thor buddy?" Jack asked, slipping back into his humorous mode.
Thor's huge black eyes blinked.
"You never asked, O'Neill. I often came here when the ancients we're here in Atlantis. My ship contains a 'ZPM' power boosted for specific use of reaching Atlantis. It has been indeed several thousand years since my last trip here."
"We can go home?" asked Daniel from where he had been all along, unnoticed in the doorway.
Thor nodded.
"I was indeed here to collect General O'Neill. I did not expect to find the entire SG1 here as well."
"Got some extra room on that ship of yours buddy?" Jack asked, taking Sam's hand in his.
"Indeed O'Neill."
Elizabeth could hardly believe her ears.
They had a connection to Earth.
She smiled at John, who smiled goofily back. Before they stared back towards the alien and SG1.
"So." Jack said, looking around. "Anyone want to blow this place and come back with us to Earth?" The crowd looked at each other, several people made to take a step forward, before stepping back, shaking their heads.
"Looks like you have no takers General." Elizabeth said loudly, "To us, this is home."
Jack grinned.
"I'll make sure I send along some DVD's." He said, laughing.
"I'd like to stay." Came a small voice. Jack looked sharply at Daniel, but he shrugged his shoulders. Head high, he slowly looked at Sam, who repeated what she had said.
"I've been through a lot here." She said, staring only at Jack. "I'd like to stay."
Jack stared at her.
"You can't run. You have to fight." He said, confusing everyone around. But she seemed to understand.
"I can't General. I can't do it anymore. I can have a fresh start here. A place where I can help out."
"I refuse to allow it." Jack said, voice raised slightly. "I can't. Your important to me."
She looked down.
"And if everyone leaves, who's left to fight." She finished, nodding.
He nodded.
"Are you ready to go home?"
She smiled.
"Let's go home."
And SG1 disappeared in a burst of white light.
"Did you get what they were talking about?" John asked, frowning.
Elizabeth smiled.
"Not a clue."
"I hope we can be like that one day." He said, grinning.
She simply smiled.
"I love you John."
"I love you too, Elizabeth Weir."
"Let's never make the mistake of not saying to each other."
The end
I hope you guys like the ending. Ship on both fronts. If you liked this crossover, you'll love 'lost and found' my other crossover in the Atlantis section.
Please review your thoughts!