A/N: This is a short chapter, but I'm trying to update more often. Thank you to everyone who reviews, they mean a lot.

And as always, Thanks to Moony's Angel, You Rock. I hope you feel better.

Chapter 7: Florence is for Lovers…and Almost Lovers.

Sirius woke unsure of where he was until he moved slightly and felt the weight on his chest and arm. The night before came rushing back like a dam that had just been opened. He smiled to himself. He was growing very fond of the young witch who was sleeping beside him. He thought about the events of the last week and decided he needed to keep his emotions in check. He wanted this relationship, but he wanted to make sure Hermione was ready and that he did nothing to hurt or upset her. Turning to watch the sleeping form next to him, he reached up and moved a loose tendril that had fallen into her mouth.

Hermione felt him stir, but didn't want to move for fear the physical contact would be broken and she wasn't ready for that yet. She smiled when he moved the wisp of hair. Opening her eyes she saw him watching her. Fathomless gray eyes looking deep into her own brown orbs, showing so many emotions, most she couldn't read. He was a man of mystery in so many ways. His life hadn't been an easy one and she knew it, but he did a wonderful job of hiding his feelings. Closer to each other they moved until they shared the gentlest kiss she thought she'd ever experienced. Breaking apart after several seconds Sirius kissed her on the forehead. "Good Morning, Love. Sleep well?"

"Very well, thank you." She answered burrowing deeper into his embrace. "How about you? Did you sleep?"

Sirius shifted, "Yes, I did." He kissed her again on the forehead. "Justine and Ron are sleeping in until time to leave for Florence, Harry and Ginny are doing some last minute shopping and Remus and Alexia are having brunch with her friend, so what would you like to do today?"

Hermione reached up and kissed him passionately. "I want to do more of this. Cuddling and kissing, but first I need to visit the ladies room." Untangling themselves, they went into their bedrooms. Several minutes later, Hermione returned to find Sirius lying on the sofa waiting on her. She climbed in next to him, wrapped herself in his warmth. After several minutes of kissing she rested her head on his chest and both drifted back to sleep.

This time Hermione was the first to awaken, extracting herself from Sirius' arms; she kissed him on the nose and headed to her bedroom. Sirius woke a few minutes later alone. He sat up wondering where she had gone until he heard the water running from her room. He stood and went to his own room to shower and finish packing. Looking at his watch he had less than two hours until they would be leaving for Florence.

Once showered and dressed, Sirius put the last of his belongings into his suitcase, closed it and put it next to the door. He exited the bedroom to find Hermione sitting at the table. She had finished before him and ordered brunch for both. Looking up from her guidebook on Florence, "Thought you might be hungry."

He walked up behind Hermione, placing his hands on her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. "Thank you, I am a bit hungry." Sitting next to her, he poured a cup of coffee and took a muffin. As he ate he wondered how long the happiness he was feeling now would last, fear began to sit in and caused him to shiver as if he were cold.

Hermione must have sensed his uneasiness. She placed her hand over his, "Are you all right?"

Sirius smiled, he knew he wasn't fooling anyone, but he couldn't tell her, not now. "I'm fine, just got a chill."

She studied him for a few moments, and decided to let it go. She knew their relationship was too new for her to push him into telling her something he didn't want to. She'd talk to Remus; see if he would find out for her. She filed that in the back of her mind and went on eating and reading.

At preciously 11:30AM everyone met in the lobby, ready to head to their next vacation stop. Sirius turned in the keys for all the rooms and checked everyone out. Hermione took this time to talk to Remus, he promised to see if Sirius would talk to him about it. Deciding to take the hour-long train ride rather then take another portkey, the group headed for the station. Everyone took their seats and the train pulled away. When Alexia expressed her desire for a drink, Remus used this opportunity to get to talk to Sirius. "Padfoot, why don't you go with me and help carry the drinks back. Sirius gave Hermione's hand a light squeeze, stood and followed his long time friend to the beverage car.

Remus ordered then turned to his best friend. "Something bothering you Padfoot?"

Sirius studied him a minute to see if Remus knew something or was fishing. "What makes you think something's wrong?"

"Hermione was telling about what happened this morning at breakfast and you've been quieter than normal this morning. So what's going on?" Remus asked, his concern showing.

Sirius looked down at his feet. "It's nothing really. I just got a little freaked out when I realized how happy I'm becoming. It can't last Remus, it never lasts for me and if I can't make it last, Hermione is going to get hurt and I can't have that. So what do I do?" Without waiting for an answer he went on. "I gotta break it off now, before she gets hurt more."

Remus grabbed his friend by the arm and pulled him to a corner of the car. "What the hell's the matter with you? You have every right to be happy and so does she. Let it be, Sirius. Just feel what you feel, talk over your fears, problems and desires with her and you'll have a wonderful life together, just like Alexia and I."

Sirius looked at his friend for a long while. "You really think that's all it takes?"

"Trust her with your heart. She cares so much about you and I can see how much you care about her. Stop analyzing everything and just go with your feelings. Enjoy being in love and happy." Remus said picking up two of the drinks.

"Who said anything about being in love?" Sirius asked.

"Whatever you say Padfoot." Remus laughed as they made their way to the girls.

The foursome talked among themselves as the train made it's way towards Florence. Hermione noticed Sirius seemed to have relaxed and made eye contact with Remus, who just smiled. He was still incredibly quiet, but that was becoming more and more normal for him. It seemed the older he got the less he talked, but she also noticed that he listened, even when you didn't think he was, he could tell you what was said.

The train pulled into the station and everyone disembarked. They walked to the hotel, checked in and met in the lobby. Ron, Justine, Ginny and Harry had decided they wanted to spend tine exploring on their own. Ron and Justine were going to meet up with some people they'd met on the train and backpack around Tuscany for a few days. It was agreed that everyone could do what he or she wanted as long as they checked in with either Remus or Sirius every two days. Sirius made Ron and Justine promise to be careful and told Harry he trusted him to stay out of trouble. Harry assured him he and Ginny would be in the hotel every night. They had no desire to hike and sleep in a tent, when they had a nice comfortable bed to sleep in. With that the two younger couples set out to explore.

Since it was still early in the day, Remus, Alexia, Hermione and Sirius decided to stroll a bit, Scout out eateries near the hotel. They found a small family owned pub four blocks over from the hotel. It was on a small side street. The owner's wife took an instant liking to Sirius and Alexia's sparing. After ordering their meals, the group began to put together an itinerary of the things they wanted to see making sure they added in time to just relax and have some time for just couples.

Hermione and Sirius sat in the pub, even after Remus and Alexia decided to look up another of their old friends. They talked about the things Hermione had marked in the guidebook, Sirius purchased for her. She looked up once to find him staring at her. "What?" she asked.

"Nothing, well actually…" Sirius stammered.

"Sirius, it's okay. You know you can tell me anything." Hermione said placing her hand on his.

He took a deep breath, remembering what Remus said. "He placed his other hand over hers. "Hermione, we need to talk. I need to talk."

"Okay. I'm not going to like this am I?" She questioned bracing herself for whatever he had to say.

Sirius smiled. He knew what she was thinking. "Hermione, love. It isn't what you think. I just wanted to talk to you about this morning." Breathing a sigh of relief, she nodded for him to continue. "This morning when you asked me what was wrong, I wasn't completely honest and I want to be." He took a drink of his beer and went on. "This morning I was thinking about how happy I am, how happy I am with you. The only time I ever remember being content like this is was at Hogwarts with Lily and James. That contentment came to an end the day Peter sold them out and they died. This morning I couldn't help but wonder how long before what I feel will fade away, and how long before I hurt you. I'd even almost decided to tell you I thought we should not see each other, not try for this relationship, because I don't want to hurt you, I don't think I could handle it if I hurt you."

Hermione started to say something, but he placed a finger to her lips to silence her. "Let me finish please. I talked to Remus and he told me I needed to talk to you, that to make a relationship between us work we needed to communicate and I had to be the one to start, that you were waiting on me. So…here I am laying it on the line. I'm a little scared."

Hermione smiled at him. "Scared of what?"

"I'm afraid of all of this, of being happy, of hurting you, of falling in love. All of it scares me. Since James and Lily, except for Remus, I've never had someone who cares for me the way you do." Tears filled his eyes, "I want it all, but it scares the hell out of me."

Pulling him to her, Hermione hugged him tightly. "I'm glad you told me these things. It means you trust me to tell me what's in your heart, and to admit you are afraid. Sirius, it's perfectly normal to be scared. I'd worry if you weren't scared. I'm scared as well, but I care enough about you to put that fear aside and follow my heart and my heart tells me this relationship is worth it, that you are worth it."

Sirius kissed her lightly, "Well if you can do it so can I." Sirius stood and held out his hand. Hermione took it and he pulled her into a tight embrace. When he let her go he smiled, "What do you say we venture out into this new world and see where it takes us?"

Heading for the door she wrapped her arm around his waist. "Let's go." She said. The pair headed out into the streets to see where this new trust would lead.