Then and Now
A/N: This is my first crossover fic, my first Kurama/Kagome fic, and my first fic that takes place in two different times. Wow, that's a lot of firsts! Oh, yeah. I used to be Lady MoonShadow1 on this site (I still am on Mediaminer). You'll find this story there, too.
Warning: Contains swearing (courtesy Inu Yasha, mainly), later chapters will involve sexual situations. You know the drill, if ya can't hack it, don't read it. Flames will be used to make S'mores.
Disclaimer (this applies to the whole story): I don't own Inu Yasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. If I did, I'd never leave my bedroom (drool).
Chapter 1
I can't believe him!!! Yesterday, he hugged me, telling me how glad he was that I was alright and today he's-he's-...I can't even bring myself to say what I saw him doing with Kikyo. How can he keep playing with my heart like that? Well, this is the last time! I'll stay with the group, I've got other friends here and a job to do, but I've gotta keep some distance between me and Inu Yasha. Maybe I'll go home for a little while and clear my head. Entrance exams are this week, anyway, I'll just stay until I'm done with them. Kagome thought as she walked down the path into the village, still fuming a bit after seeing Inu Yasha and Kikyo in the forest. When she reached Kaede's hut, She took a deep breath and stepped inside.
"Ohayo, Kagome-chan!" Sango greeted her from across the room. Shippo leapt into Kagome's arms for a cuddle. Kagome nuzzled the kit's face and gently kissed his nose.
"Ohayo! I was just stopping in to tell you guys that I'll be gone for a little over a week. My high school entrance exams are this week and I have to get a good grade on them! I'll see you guys later!"
"Goodbye, Kagome-sama!"
Kagome walked into the late afternoon sun toward the well, trying to keep her thoughts on her exams, when an orangey-red blur appeared in front of her. "Oh! Did you need something, Shippo-chan?"
"Kagome...can I come with you to your home? I'll miss you if you're gone that long. Please? I promise I'll behave!" Shippo gave Kagome the most heartbreakingly cute puppy eyes she'd ever seen.
Kagome thought for a moment. "Shippo, are you sure you can be on your very best behavior for a whole week? You couldn't be with me all day so you'd also have to behave for my Mama and Ojii-chan. And, you couldn't go running off after everything that you get curious about. Tokyo is a big place with more people than you've probably ever seen combined. If you got lost, it'd be hard to get you back. Do you really think you can do it?"
"Well, it'll be hard, but I can do it. I'm the great Shippo-sama! I can do anything! So can I, please?"
Kagome sighed. "Okay. But, the first time you mess up, you'll be coming back here and there will be no second chance, understand?"
"Now, go let Sango and Miroku know that you're coming with me so they don't worry. I'll wait for you at the well."
"Okay!" Shippo called as he raced off to say goodbye to his 'packmates'.
"Tadaima! And I brought a friend!"
As predicted, Kagome's mother rushed out of the kitchen to meet this friend. As soon as she laid eyes on Shippo, "Kawaii!" And started cuddling the furry child.
"Mama, this is Shippo-chan. He'll be staying here for about a week and he has promised to be on his best behavior. No running off on his own or anything else that would be dangerous for a human kid. Also...where're Jii- chan and Souta?"
"Souta is at Saotoru's house (it was Saotoru, wasn't it?) and Jii-chan is out buying more supplies for his spells."
"We need to tell him not to try putting spells on Shippo. Even if they don't work."
"You're right. Well, why don't you go show him around the house while I finish diner?"
"That sounds good."
"It smells good, too, Obaa-chan!" Shippo added, giving Kagome's mother an I'm-so-cute-you-know-you-can't-resist-me smile. Kagome's mother became sparkly-eyed as she gazed adoringly at the kit.
Time to distract them before Mama insists that he stay here! "C'mon, Shippo, let's show you around."
"Okay!" He leapt back into her arms, excited to see his adopted mother's home.
Well, that's it for the first chapter. Flame if you must, but constructive criticism is preferred. Praise even more so. Just review, OK?
Japanese Words You May Not Know: Tadaima =I'm home!, or I'm back!; Ojii- chan, or Jii-chan =Grandpa; Obaa-chan =Grandma; Ja ne =Later!
Ja ne!
A/N: This is my first crossover fic, my first Kurama/Kagome fic, and my first fic that takes place in two different times. Wow, that's a lot of firsts! Oh, yeah. I used to be Lady MoonShadow1 on this site (I still am on Mediaminer). You'll find this story there, too.
Warning: Contains swearing (courtesy Inu Yasha, mainly), later chapters will involve sexual situations. You know the drill, if ya can't hack it, don't read it. Flames will be used to make S'mores.
Disclaimer (this applies to the whole story): I don't own Inu Yasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. If I did, I'd never leave my bedroom (drool).
Chapter 1
I can't believe him!!! Yesterday, he hugged me, telling me how glad he was that I was alright and today he's-he's-...I can't even bring myself to say what I saw him doing with Kikyo. How can he keep playing with my heart like that? Well, this is the last time! I'll stay with the group, I've got other friends here and a job to do, but I've gotta keep some distance between me and Inu Yasha. Maybe I'll go home for a little while and clear my head. Entrance exams are this week, anyway, I'll just stay until I'm done with them. Kagome thought as she walked down the path into the village, still fuming a bit after seeing Inu Yasha and Kikyo in the forest. When she reached Kaede's hut, She took a deep breath and stepped inside.
"Ohayo, Kagome-chan!" Sango greeted her from across the room. Shippo leapt into Kagome's arms for a cuddle. Kagome nuzzled the kit's face and gently kissed his nose.
"Ohayo! I was just stopping in to tell you guys that I'll be gone for a little over a week. My high school entrance exams are this week and I have to get a good grade on them! I'll see you guys later!"
"Goodbye, Kagome-sama!"
Kagome walked into the late afternoon sun toward the well, trying to keep her thoughts on her exams, when an orangey-red blur appeared in front of her. "Oh! Did you need something, Shippo-chan?"
"Kagome...can I come with you to your home? I'll miss you if you're gone that long. Please? I promise I'll behave!" Shippo gave Kagome the most heartbreakingly cute puppy eyes she'd ever seen.
Kagome thought for a moment. "Shippo, are you sure you can be on your very best behavior for a whole week? You couldn't be with me all day so you'd also have to behave for my Mama and Ojii-chan. And, you couldn't go running off after everything that you get curious about. Tokyo is a big place with more people than you've probably ever seen combined. If you got lost, it'd be hard to get you back. Do you really think you can do it?"
"Well, it'll be hard, but I can do it. I'm the great Shippo-sama! I can do anything! So can I, please?"
Kagome sighed. "Okay. But, the first time you mess up, you'll be coming back here and there will be no second chance, understand?"
"Now, go let Sango and Miroku know that you're coming with me so they don't worry. I'll wait for you at the well."
"Okay!" Shippo called as he raced off to say goodbye to his 'packmates'.
"Tadaima! And I brought a friend!"
As predicted, Kagome's mother rushed out of the kitchen to meet this friend. As soon as she laid eyes on Shippo, "Kawaii!" And started cuddling the furry child.
"Mama, this is Shippo-chan. He'll be staying here for about a week and he has promised to be on his best behavior. No running off on his own or anything else that would be dangerous for a human kid. Also...where're Jii- chan and Souta?"
"Souta is at Saotoru's house (it was Saotoru, wasn't it?) and Jii-chan is out buying more supplies for his spells."
"We need to tell him not to try putting spells on Shippo. Even if they don't work."
"You're right. Well, why don't you go show him around the house while I finish diner?"
"That sounds good."
"It smells good, too, Obaa-chan!" Shippo added, giving Kagome's mother an I'm-so-cute-you-know-you-can't-resist-me smile. Kagome's mother became sparkly-eyed as she gazed adoringly at the kit.
Time to distract them before Mama insists that he stay here! "C'mon, Shippo, let's show you around."
"Okay!" He leapt back into her arms, excited to see his adopted mother's home.
Well, that's it for the first chapter. Flame if you must, but constructive criticism is preferred. Praise even more so. Just review, OK?
Japanese Words You May Not Know: Tadaima =I'm home!, or I'm back!; Ojii- chan, or Jii-chan =Grandpa; Obaa-chan =Grandma; Ja ne =Later!
Ja ne!