The day went fast for Lil. It went too fast. She was dreading the next bell that would send the school home for the rest of the day. She knew what she had to do and there was no turning back now. She had already given the note to Tommy at the end of fifth period. He was supposed to meet her after school. She doubted that he actually would, though.

The bell rang, sending students racing for the nearest door. Lil finally made her way out of the school. She watched as her bus drove off, leaving her to face Tommy, if he ever showed up.


"So...I was suppose to meet your sister after school today. She wanted to talk to me about something or another. She wrote me a note in fifth period."

Tommy and Phil were playing basketball at Phil's house.

"So, you stood her up?" Phil asked as he wiped away some sweat from his forehead.

"Well, yeah. I mean, what did you expect me to do, Phil? I really don't think I'd be able to talk to Lil. Not without making things worse."

"Do you like her?" Phil questioned.

"What? Phil, you aren't serious, are you?"

"I'm serious. Do you like Lil?"

"I cannot believe you are asking me this question. After all she put me through?"

"Tommy, do you?"

Tommy didn't say anything for a while.

"I love Lil. I don't know who she is now." Tommy said softly.

Phil nodded. "Another round?"

Tommy grinned. "So I can kick your ass again, Phil?"

The two started playing again.

"Hey, you two. It's six-fifteen. Dinner will be ready in ten minutes. Tommy, are you going to stay for dinner?" Betty asked.

"Yep. He sure is, mom."

"I just have to call my mom." Tommy laughed as he jabbed Phil in the ribs and ran inside to use the phone.

Phil was left alone outside, shooting hoops by himself.

"Hey, Phil." Lil said as she walked up the street.

"Hey. So I heard Tommy was suppose to meet you after school today. He didn't make it, did he?"

Lil shook her head. "Is he here, Phil?" Phil noticed the pleading in his sister's eyes and he told her he was.

"You know what, Phil? I'm trying so hard to make things right again. Nobody's really helping."

"I know, Lil. But you just have to face the facts that you messed up. If you give it time, things should fall back into place."

"Thanks Phil." Lil said as she walked into the house.

As Lil walked in, Tommy walked out.

"Did she say anything about me?" Tommy asked.

Phil shook his head. "Nope. But I can tell you that she wants to make things right between you guys."

"Phil, no matter what, nothing will ever be right between us."

Phil and Tommy started another game until Betty called them in for dinner.

"Where's Lil?" Phil asked.

"She's not hungry." Howard responded.


For the most part, dinner was quiet that night. Phil attempted to start a food fight with Tommy but was stopped by his father.

"Um...Tommy, let's go start on our homework. Upstairs." Phil said as they finished putting the dishes away.


The two boys made their way upstairs and into Phil's room.

"You were sure in a rush to come up here. What's the deal?"

"I don't know. It's just gotten kind of depressing lately. You know, with my mom and all."

Tommy gave Phil a confused look.

"That's right. I didn't tell you guys." Phil muttered. "Just forget I mentioned anything."

Tommy shook his head. "Phil if something's wrong, I would like to know. I mean, it may not be any of my business, but..."

"Tommy, my mom's sick."

Tommy laughed. "Sorry, Phil. But, big deal? My mom gets sick all the time. She'll get over it eventually."

"Tommy, that's not what I mean. My mom has cancer."

Tommy's jaw dropped in shock. "Oh my God, Phil. I am so sorry. I had no idea; otherwise I would never have said that. Is she okay?"

Phil nodded. "She's holding up. You know her, always the brave one."

"Are you okay?"

"Now I am. Lil is being the calm one for the both of us. She's taking it just as hard as I am, but she tries not to show too much emotion in front of me. She calmed me down a bit once we found out."

"When did you find out?" Tommy asked.

"Um...last night."

Tommy whistled. "Wow. How long has she had it?"

"Well, they just found out a couple weeks ago. Who knows how long it's been inside her. You know, Tommy? That's just the thing that gets me. There's something inside my mom. Living inside of her, killing her in the process. I mean, not right away, but eventually, she's gonna die 'cuz of it. And it's really scary to think about."

Phil started to tear up.

"I'll be right back."

Tommy stood up. He walked to the doorway of Phil's room. As he stood there he heard soft crying coming from the room next door.


Tommy knocked on her door. It took a couple seconds before anyone answered.

"Yeah?" Lil's voice sounded choked.

"Can I come in?"

"If you want to."

Tommy stepped into Lil's room. It was just like he remembered it. Neat, clean, and organized.

"What do you want?" Lil asked, trying to hide the fact that she was crying.

" heard you crying. I wanted to see if you were all right."

"What do you care?" Lil snapped. "Didn't you say that I don't care about you guys? So why would you care if I'm alright?"

"Phil just told me about your mom. I'm really sorry. I can't believe it either."

Lil rolled her eyes. "Is that what you really came here to say? You know, you used to be so brave, Tommy. But, now you can't even bring yourself to speak what's really on your mind."

Tommy sighed. "Lil, I really don't want to get into this with you right now, okay?"

"Fine. But you know you're going to have to face it someday. We both are."

Tommy nodded. "And when that day comes, I'll be happy to confront you."

Lil smiled. "Whatever, Tommy."

"Hey, Tommy." Phil poked his head into Lil's room. "There you are. We have to finish our homework. Come on."

Tommy nodded. "Coming."

Tommy left Lil's room and headed off to Phil's room to finish their homework.

It was at that moment that Lil realized she had really screwed up. What her friends were all saying, things would never get back to normal, it was all true.

Lil kept her vow to Phil. She did "quit" her job. She quit hanging out Leslie and Diane. She started therapy and was able to get through her drug problem. Brett was put in jail for rape in five cases.

Even though Lil became a better person all in all, she wasn't able to fully gain her friends back. Kimi, Chuckie, Dil, and Phil would atleast talk to her, Suzie once in a while, but it wasn't how it used to be. Things were changed.

Lil laid in bed one night thinking. "It's scary how so many lives can change over one lie."

