DISCLAIMER: I do not own charmed.

Here is chapter 1 of my first fanfic and I don't really know where to start so it will probably be rubbish! Please be nice!

Piper was your typical everyday 17 year old English girl. She was medium height with long dark brown hair and had always dreamed of going to America. This summer that dream was about to come true! Piper didn't know why she loved America so much; just that she had always felt some sort of a connection deep inside of herself. She believed she was American at heart and had the habit of bringing this up anytime somebody happened to disagree with her.
Piper had just finished a two year course in catering and was hoping to continue this in a reputable US catering college as along with her American lifestyle dreams, she also aspired to be the owner of her own restaurant one day.

On her last day in England Piper spent most of the day packing and saying goodbye to her family and friends. She lived with Victor, her father, in London as when her parents separated she was raised by her grandmother and after her mother died 12 years ago her grandmother decided to move to San Francisco, California to raise Piper's two sisters, Prue and Phoebe. Although Piper hadn't seen much of her sisters since they moved away, they still kept in touch, visited back and forth and were very close. Especially with her older sister Prue. She couldn't wait to see them again and catch up on everything that happened after all, 12 years is a long time to be apart from those you love.

Piper's dad was standing over her as she packed piper supposed it was just one of these things parents did she hadn't even noticed he was there until he walked in and started checking what she was packing.

"What's this?" he asked fingering through her clothes splayed out all over the bed and picking up her bikini.

"Dad, it's just a bikini!" Piper replied. She knew he was just doing his overprotective dad thing but it didn't make her feel any better about it.

"Unless of course you would rather I went skinny dipping?" She added With a sarcastic grin, knowing that this thought may be enough to drive her dad out and leave her to pack alone.

"Haha" her father answered as he threw the alleged bikini back at his daughter and laughed. "I'll leave you to it then I suppose he muttered standing up and walking out.

Piper and her dad had always been close. They had to be. They were all each other had in reality as family are the only people you can truly rely on and with her sisters halfway across the world she needed someone to count on and trust with her life.

The next day as Piper made her way to the airport she couldn't help but wonder what life in America would be like. She had dreamed about this day her entire life for as long as she could remember and above all didn't want the dreams to be ruined by expecting too highly of it. Piper must have drifted into a daydream, shattered by her father's voice:

"Penny for 'em" This is what he had always said to her when she appeared to be deep in thought.

Piper had always been a dreamer if she really did get a penny for every time she drifted out into space with intense thoughts she really would be a millionaire by now and would probably be in the Guinness book of records for being the youngest ever restaurant owner. Unless of course this had already been taken by some three year old in Hollywood which would be a sight essential for Piper to see!

In all her daydreaming she hadn't noticed the fact that they had arrived at the airport and before she knew it she was walking down the terminal building up to check in. Piper's dad was rushing and panicking asking if she had everything passport, tickets the normal airport stuff you always seem to forget. Piper double checked her bag and once they were sure that all was in order they proceeded to check in her bags.

"I'm gonna miss you all so much" Piper declared once it was time for her to board the flight. "You'd better keep in touch" she added by which time tears were welling up in her eyes

"Try and stop us!" came the reply of her two best friends Nicole and Sam. They had been best friends since they were toddlers in playgroup, it was going to be so weird not being able to hang out with them and talk about crushes and the little things they took for granted like being able to see each other everyday. They all shared one last group hug before the circle was broken and Piper left.

"Don't forget all us little people who made you when you're the big famous Piper Halliwell chef/restaurant owner extraordinaire" added her dad before stealing his last hug with his little girl. Her father's embrace ultimately forced her to fully break down into floods of tears.

"Well I'd better go now before I flood the airport and the flight is delayed 'due to unforeseen circumstances'. Everyone shared a laugh at this joke of Piper's impression of the announcer.

"Take good care of yourself and give those sisters of yours a big hug from me" Victor requested as she walked away.

Piper walked onto the plane without looking back. 'this is it ',she thought I'm actually going through with it, no turning back now and with that she walked through the gates and joined her fellow passengers who also dreamed of a new life.

Piper finally got on the plane that would take her to the realisation of her dreams. Although, unknown to her, there was another surprise in store. A new unexpected fantasy awaited her, the type that she couldn't even imagine in her wildest dreams.

so there you have it. Please review.