Sequel to Lessons in Love: High School

Other Titles, by me:

- A past not long forgotten

- Young Love, Forbidden

- Keep in the family

- Lessons in Love: High School

- Everything Changes

- Toxic

- Lessons in Love: College

College Fic: Sequel to Lessons in Love: College. After being left by Leo when she was 17 Piper is starting her life again with a special guy, when Leo comes back determined to get her back. P/L R&R

Ages: Prue - 22, Piper - 19, Phoebe - 17, Missy - 19, and Leo - 20.

Disclaimer: I do not own Charmed or any of it's characters, any others that are not in charmed on the other hand are mine. But this story does happen to be mine and my own idea.

© Charmed-Phoebe03

Lessons in Love: College … Chapter 1 (Here We Go Again)

Piper's PoV

Doing this, going to school again was gonna feel weird. She hadn't been in school since … she paused from what she was doing … Leo… but that was in the past she had a new guy in her life now, and she wasn't going to give him up for anything in the world. But she had to admit she hadn't done everything in her plan, she hadn't intended to have a gap year but considering the circumstances it seemed like a good idea at the time, and she hadn't regretted it all now thinking she would never have the guy in her life with out it, oh that year was full of big changes. It had taken a long time to get over Leo, but she was glad that she did … hey if she hadn't she would have probably died from a broken heart. But he had all changed that, he had given her a reason to live again. But she anyway she was going meet him later, she had to worry about how she was going to get on her first day. She hadn't planned on going to Junior College, after all Leo hadn't wanted it, but that way she would still be able to see Wyatt. She couldn't leave him, she loved him too much … and he loved her. She could remember all those times after they had bathed, lying on her bed … seeing him laugh … it was worth all the heat ache she had suffered before … with Leo. Oh god she had to stop doing this to herself, every time she thought of Leo her heart seemed to break just that little bit more. She had to think of the hope that filled her heart, not only for her love life but for school too, she needed this. She needed too, grams was already a little disappointed that she had missed a year, but then again she loved Wyatt like he was her own, but she felt she was holding back on her dreams. That was something she wasn't going to do for a while, and besides Wyatt was part of her dream, she just hadn't expected it so early on in life … Leo had done it too, he had changed everything just like … Wyatt had she thought with a happy sigh.

Right School- think school she thought determinedly. Laughing she pulled on a pale pink sweater over her white lacy bra with a pair of light blue stonewashed jeans, yeah this would be good. Looked pretty good too- she thought with a giggle. Grabbing her bag she headed for the door, this was gonna be the start of a whole new start- she knew that she had said this many times before but she was determined that it would be different … it had to be. Before she got to the door she saw a pen and paper near the phone. Right! She thought ducking near the paper as she wrote. Then leaving the looked the door.

It read ….

New School Year Resolutions:

1. Don't fall in love with any guy that has the following qualities:


Cheeky smile

Walking god

Mr. Popular

… or more importantly don't fall in love with a guy that has all of these qualities.

2. Don't fall in love with any new guys either, one is more then enough.

3. Finish school with good and I mean good marks.

4. ONE guy is enough- remember that.

5. Get a job

6. And importantly have a good time!

7. ONE just one!

8. And if all else fails- nun.

… And that is what she intended to do- she was going to do well and looking in her reflection in the mirror at the end of the hall- she was going to look good doing too. She thought happily. Infact she needed to add that to her list! Yeah she'd do that. Hey maybe she should start a diary … … … um … … na! She thought as she galloped down stairs of the apartment building that she shared with Wyatt. Shutting the door of the building she headed east- towards the bus stop. Sure a car would be nice but come on, they don't grow on trees. And it would be easier on her- oh whats the use building it up like that she was only going to build her hopes up- another thing to add to her list, she thought dryly. The bus was to get there soon and then it would be on to campus, whoa! She was getting excited now. She had been waiting for this her whole life- well maybe not her whole life but a long time at least. This was a whole new world and she planned on living to the full- living it one day at a time, okay maybe a week at a time … hey what could she say she had responsibilities! She couldn't abandon then no matter how much the want to, but then again … she didn't. Who would? Not her.

Sitting on the cold bus seat, she waited for the bus that went passed the college. Pulling her denim jacket closer around her body as she waited she couldn't help but think about Leo. Leo … he … he had really been special to her, she had been devastated when he had left. He hadn't even said good-bye she couldn't understand it … back then she had been naïve and hopeful. She had hoped they would spend their whole lives together even after just a few weeks, she- … she had been besotted, love-sick, smitten what ever you called it. And when she had heard how his parents had been set on moving after he had left she had been more than heartbroken, I mean! … how the hell could he not tell her? Oh she could feel herself welling up inside she had to stop thinking like this it was no day to get emotional- no day at all. She thought as the bus was coming closer to the stop. Right here it was- time to get this new … okay newish life in gear, she thought as stepped onto the bus. Paying the man she headed the front seat, she couldn't handle get anywhere else she would have dropped to the floor- just thinking of Leo had made her weak at the knees, right no not now she wouldn't be able to get back up again. Right think new beginning, new future. Right that was it, think positive- don't dwell on the past it can't hurt you were it is, it is only good for destroying the future, there was no way on earth she wanted Wyatt seeing her this upset over another guy. No- she couldn't do that to Wyatt he was too precious to her.

Getting of the bus, she made her way to the college- walking directly through the park. Seeing the kids playing she was literally grinning with excitement. Oh- how she wanted she wanted a proper family. Her, a kid … and a father. But maybe it was too much to ask for, she loved her family. Prue and Phoebe were the best- even when they recently found out they had a younger sister it had been cool. Paige was great, infact it was good knowing that there was someone wackier then Phoebe, she thought with a giggle. No they were all great- she loved each and everyone of them. And even just recently finding out Paige had been supported- and she loved Wyatt. Walking up to the main building she pulled out the timetable from her bag- she still had plenty of time, getting there early would be good though, she thought look over the pink paper in her hands. Management. Room 417. Where the hell is that? Oh. Management was something she needed. She had always wanted to be chef and she had advanced cookery on her list too- but management was something that would give an extra boost on the old resume she thought happily. Walking up to a tall guy, she tapped on his shoulder.

"Hey, excuse me but-"

"Hello, I'm Dan you are?"

"I'm Piper and I was wondering if you could tell me were room 417 is?"

"Oh yeah, sure- down the hall, up the stairs and it's the one on the right"

"Oh thanks" she said as she started to walk away.

"Oh wait- I know we don't really know each other Piper but I was wondering , if … if you would like to go out with me?"

"Erm … " she had to admit he was cute- no wait rule no 2. Don't fall in love with any new guys either, one is more then enough. "er … I can't I'm sorry, I can't, I'm-"


"Well theres a special guy in my life and-"

"no its okay you don't have to explain, it was nice to meet you Piper … I hope I see you round"

"Yeah- you too"

She said as she saw him go off. Shame she thought. He would have been nice- but that wasn't why she was here. She was here to get smart she thought cheerfully. Walking her way up the stairs she headed for room 417. This was going to be great.

- 3.15 pm -

Right now being bored was the new understatement of the century. She had been through a lot of classes today and she was just glad this one was over.



Went the bell- thank god she thought dryly. Walking down the hall she hopped down the stairs, and out the main doors which lead to the green grass. It was really beautiful, but she couldn't wait she needed to get to Wyatt she thought as she headed towards Loudon Building. She was so excited she could wait to see him, Her special guy.

Please Review I'd be grateful … Next Chapter: Is that who I think it is?