Oh, hi there! Hi! Remember me? Geez, I hope you haven't forgotten this poor little soul just trying to find a little audience for a story.

It's been more than a year since I wrote the words "The End" for Oblivious. I remember Order of the Phoenix was being released that month.

*Sigh* I've been dying to scream this out (though technically, it's 'write') since that day I finished reading Book Five (courtesy of my good friend, mutsumi: Sirius is not dead! I won't have it! Such a majestic way to die, if you ask me (My, I'm being sarcastic again…). He deserves something more heroic. Anyway, I love his character. But I can understand if any one of you out there finds him extremely annoying. We're still tight, though, right? Alright?

Okay, on to this sequel… I have to tell you the truth, I'm not yet finished with the whole story, but I'm already done about midway through.

Oh man, I don't know what more to say. It's nine o'clock in the evening and I haven't had my dinner yet, so I hope you forgive me if I just end my – uh, kind of long introduction here and leave you with my story.

the tension is here... between who you are and who you could be... between how it is and how it should be... -- switchfoot, "dare you to move"



May 18, 1977

I saw him again tonight. Lately, I'm starting to feel like I'm supposed to know him. But… I don't. No matter how long I lie in my bed thinking of the endless possibilities where I'd met him… nothing. He's like a forgotten memory. He's a complete stranger – who knew me. Is this real? I know it's not – it's not supposed to be. But why am I afraid? My whole body shakes as if cold blanketed itself around me every time he visits my thoughts.

It feels real.

And I hate it.

I've never felt more helpless and hopeless in all my years. I'm seeing more and more every day. It seems like there's a certain power that wants me to feed on this, one at a time. But every single time, it ends the same. I die. I'm dead. Though this feels so concrete, I just hope this isn't what the future holds for me.

I saw even more just moments ago. This time, it started with a cold and rainy night. There was a thunderstorm, I remember. But I was already scared—not of the storm, but of something else, something bigger, powerful, and mostly frightening.

I was in the same room where everything would end eventually. I was waiting. I know I was. I just don't know for what… or for whom. But the anxiety was overwhelming. I felt like I was standing over the edge of a cliff while someone was incessantly trying to push me to jump… or else.

And then, the lights went off. My heart pounded as if it was literally trying to pump its way out of my chest. I was terrified. But at the same time, an overwhelming sadness was creeping into me. A life ended just seconds before everything went black. A life of someone so close to me. I didn't know whom, I didn't know how. But I felt it – a sudden void inside me.

Then, the windows suddenly shut. Dark magic was looming all over the place. Everything was banging on the walls. I almost felt the earth shaking beneath me… or was it my knees that couldn't hold themselves straight up anymore?

Deadly silence.

It was happening again.

Just then, I heard a loud crying. It was a baby. I walked to the crib fixed in the center of the bedroom. A boy. A little boy.A helpless little baby boy. I looked at him cry, seeming like he was mourning. Was this my son? I always felt connected to him. But to be my son? True, he had the face of someone I know – someone so familiar to me. But does that say anything for him to be my child? Though, in any way, I just had to get him out of there… but where were we to go? We were trapped.

I picked him up and cradled him like my own, trying to subside his tears.

I was about to run for the door when he—the being who's void of any human emotion—banged the door open and stood menacingly in my way. I knew this was going to be the end.

And then… that was it. Everything would always stop there. And the next thing I can remember, I was lying on the floor – lifeless. The baby was now defenseless as the cloaked figure slowly glided towards him. I heard the monster's cruel laugh, knowing that nothing stood in his way now.

He raised his wand… and pointed… at my son.

He bellowed an Unforgivable and then a flash of blinding light.

I wake up.

Until now, I wonder what happens after. Or if ever it will ever be shown to me. And if not, I just wish that these dreams would stop. Or I'll drive myself insane soon enough.



in restless dreams i walked alone... the narrow streets of cobblestone... 'neath the halo of a street lamp... i turned my collar to the cold and damp... when my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light... that split the night... and touched the sound... of silence... -- simon and garfunkel, "sound of silence"

There it is! The Prologue for my next story. I'm so happy I'm finally able to upload it. Anyway, about Chapter One… I guess it'll take about a couple of weeks before I upload it. Uploading will be taking quite a while nowadays 'cos I am currently a young overworked underpaid professional. Hmmm… I don't want to rant about my life so, 'till next time…!

Oh yeah, I know you would want to know why "Curtain Calls." Well… maybe I'll explain it when I upload Chapter One. Heehee…

Hey, don't forget to leave a review. Thanks!