Auction Ahoy Auction Ahoy!
By DragonLass

Thanx to all of you who helped with the Japanese names! They will be included in future stories, this one will be inconsistent if the names are changed. So, enjoy, and thanx again! ^^ PS. The 7th Warrior is up if you haven't already seen, it, I finally got time to do it.

" Going twice..." Nikki repeated. Meilin looked impatiently.
" Oh, please," Syaoran muttered sadly, glancing over at the traumatized Tomoyo. " God, please..."
" I don't believe it." Tomoyo muttered, staring at the 650 dollars in her hand.

Nikki looked helplessly at Rika and Chelsea. They exchanged glances that plainly said ' Oh, gosh, please don't let our plans end this way...'. Seeing that her two board members were not going to solve the problem, she turned to the two potential give-aways. They too exchanged looks that plainly said ' This isn't happening..."
There was nothing Nikki could do. With great difficulty, and avoidance of eye contact, she raised her hand slowly to signal the sale.

" So...."
" Wait!!!!!!"

Nikki breathed a sigh of relief as Sakura re-emerged and ran to Tomoyo. she whispered something and handed her a small bundle, before seating herself again. Tomoyo's eyes glittered again with a new luster, as she called out.

" 850!" Nikki gasped as she did a little mental math in her head. But, she wasn't about to protest.
" Going once, going twice, sold! To Ms. Daidouji for $850!" A cheer rose from all around as Sakura and Tomoyo hugged in victory. Meilin clutched at her hair, screaming the unfairness of it all.

" It's not fair! I wasn't given a sporting chance. Besides! That money wasn't hers to begin with!" But, no one seemed to hear her frantic cries. Sakura looked to Syaoran, and smiled shyly. This evoked a blush from the boy, and he returned with a rather crooked smile of his own, and a shrug. Tomoyo smiled sneakily. She walked over to Sakura and leaned over as if to hug her. Just as Sakura leaned over to, Tomoyo stepped aside. Sakura tipped over precariously, and winced as the floor neared, only to find herself leaning against something warm. She looked up, and felt blood rush, as she found herself meeting a pair of soft lion brown eyes.

" Are you alright?" She found herself drowning in the deep tenor of his voice. She nodded.

They both turned away awkwardly, when suddenly, Eriol turned over, and spoke.

" Would you like to go on a date?" Sakura was confused,"...with him?"

Syaoran glared at Eriol. Tomoyo in turn backed behind Sakura.

" She'd love to." Sakura glared. It seemed more like Eriol was asking Tomoyo out. " We'll make it a double date."

How was that? A new story to continue this will be up soon, so don't you worry! In the meantime, I'll be updating The 7th Warrior Trilogy some more, as well as The Entrance of Two! Ciao!