Hey guys I know haven't updated this story in forever but plz forgive me? I have created two new stories and ive been concentrating on them. Well heres chapter 10 plz don't be mad at me

Last time: Everyone cheered loudly. Everyone knew the two were meant to be together and that's the way it should be. They all settled down once more and began eating. Once everyone was done they all took there leaves. All was peaceful in the castle……till morning atleast.

This time:

Morning came sooner then anyone could have wished. Kagome was currently lying next to Sesshoumaru with one of his arms wrapped around her waist. Shippou had fallen asleep in the lounge chair with rin next to him.

Kagome stretched her arms above her head. In the process she woke Sesshoumaru up. She smiled warmly and twisted around to crack her back. Sesshoumaru sent her a dirty glare but she continue to crack her back then her neck. Sesshoumaru hated it when she did that.

Kagome got up and walked over to the window. Not much longer than two minutes later the general of their ( Sesshoumaru and Kagome's) army came bursting in the room without even knocking. Sesshoumaru would have killed him if he had not began speaking right away.

"Lord, Lady….there is an invasion on the southern border of the lands. The people of the south are setting fire to the land. Killing humans that walk across their path. The Lord cant even control his people. Sir we must do something before…." He would have continue if it was not for a blue blur running past him.

It was kagome. She loved getting involved when there was trouble in her land. She left the room before Sesshoumaru could argue with her about it. She ran till she neared the southern border. The sight before her made her want to puke. Half of the forest was dead while the other was still on fire. Human bodies lay mingled around the road and a few in the trees. She continued walking along, sleeve covering her nose, till she found the group of rebels.

A few low life demons but one who shocked the hell out of her. There was Kouga and a few of his tribe members preparing to take her on. It was as if she was expected to be in his presence at the moment. Before she could take another step, there was a rope around her neck as well as her feet tied together too. It was Kouga doing it all. He pulled the rope tighter around her neck. He began walking her like she was a show dog. If she didn't keep up, the rope would be pulled tighter. She had no choice but to obey him.

Sesshoumaru on his way:

Sesshoumaru arrived at the southern borders about 10 minutes after Kagome. He had to explain to rin and Shippo where kagome was and where he was going as well. When he arrived, he stared blankly at the scene before him. He smelt fear laced in kagome scent as well as Kouga's too. His eyes began to leek a crimson red. His claws grew and poison began dripping slowly down them. He growled and took off in his full demon form after kagome.

Back with Kagome: Viewers are warned….rape is implied (skip to where Sess begins speaking if you do not like it.)

Kouga had dragged kagome all the way back to his den. She was currently lying on his makeshift bed. Her ropes tied to a post behind her at the moment. Kouga had gone out to get her something to eat. She was hungry after walking for so long. Kouga came back soon after she began thinking all of this.

"I'm Back….So how's my woman?" he asked as if it were true

"IM NOT YOUR FUCKING WOMAN Kouga" she screamed. Kouga only smirked

"Well I guess I'm just gonna have to make you aren't I?" he stated and asked more then anything. Before kagome could reply Kouga was in front of her.

He pushed her down so she was lying on her back. He pinned her wrists above her head. He shredded her kimono to pieces, only leaving her with her bra and panties on. He carefully cut through both. He licked his lips hungrily. Silent tears rolled down her cheeks.

With Sesshoumaru again….

He finally found the scent of Kouga and Kagome. He smelt fear and lust mingled together. ' That mangy wolf is forcing himself on her…damnit!' he screamed in his mind. He quickly picked up his pace until he was outside the cave. He walked quietly as not to be heard. He walked in to see Kouga ripping up kagome's clothes.

As Kouga was about to force himself on kagome, a force threw him against the wall. Kagome opened her eyes to stare into Sesshoumaru's golden orbs. A small smile graced her lips. He growled at the site he had to see. He took off his shirt and draped it over her small figure. She took it around her shoulders and buttoned it up. It went down to just below her knees. Sesshoumaru ripped through the rope binding her to the wall. Then he went to deal with Kouga.

Kouga was knocked unconscious against the wall. He was just beginning to open his eyes when Sesshoumaru grabbed him by the neck. He dug his claws into his filthy neck. He continued to dig until he heard a satisfying crack of the wolfs neck bones. He was dead instantly and dropped to the floor in a heap.

His eyes flashed crimson one more time and went back to normal once again. He slowly walked up to kagome. She graciously took the hand offered to her. He pulled her up and picked her up bridal style. She put up a little fight yet soon went to sleep and Sesshoumaru took off.

Once he arrived home he gently place kagome on their bed. She trembled slightly at the loss of warmth. He stroked her head for a moment and called in his general, Nanashi, once again. He arrived a minute or more later.

" Yes Sesshoumaru- Sama?" he asked as he peered over at kagome. Before he could say much Sesshoumaru spoke.

"take the the out break…the leader is no longer around….now off with you" he stated as he closed the door.