Disclaimer: I do not own CCS!

"..." character's speech

'...' character's thoughts

(...) my rambling

Thanx to:

serious-klutz: Thank you for reading! Your such a great person! Yeah I kow it took Eriol a long time, but boys do take long to process new information, don't ya think? Hehehe. Thank you once again :)

Gipsychan: Thank you for reviewing! I'm so glad that your enjoying my fic!!! Thank you once again and here it is the last chapter :)

Chapter 4

The taxicab came to a stop in front of the Daidouji residence as Eriol stepped out to gaze his surroundings. Paying the driver, the cab drove away, leaving the gentleman alone in that late afternoon. He gazed down at his watch and hoped that Tomoyo had already returned from her day at school.

Although exhausted by the long airplane trip, the gentleman was determined to see his maiden. With a smile, Eriol stepped forward and pressed the intercom, wondering if his little surprise visit would be welcoming.

Tomoyo Daidouji leaned forward upon the railing of the white bridge. She sadly gazed down at her reflection upon the water. Why couldn't she move on? She felt pathetic in believing that one day her love would return to her arms, and yet something inside her heart told her to wait patiently.

Obediant, the lady did wait, in hopes that this waiting would soon end. Although Tomoyo knew that Eriol was in love with another woman, she couldn't understand why she believed in this absurd hope. Yet her feet would always bring her back to this bridge full of memories of their time together.

The white bridge was where they first became true friends, the place where they would talk for hours, the place where they met, the place where Tomoyo had kissed him goodbye. As hard as she tried to forget, those precious memories would not leave her alone. Every time Tomoyo passed through the bridge a voice would always echo inside her mind telling her to wait.

The lady sighed, maybe her heart was playing tricks on her, but she didn't care. No matter what, she always found herself waiting for him to return.

Seeing that it was getting late, Tomoyo pushed herself away from her spot and turned to walk her way home.

"I knew I would find you here." spoke a familiar voice.

Startled, Tomoyo slowly twirled around to face a gentleman she knew. With eyes wide open, Tomoyo shock her head in disbelief, thinking that this was only an allusion.

Eriol smiled as he was catching his breath from the long run. He finally stepped forward, wanting to reach his love that stood gazing at him in utter surprise and shock.

"I'm deeply sorry for making a mistake. I should have been more patient, Tomoyo Daidouji, and I understand if you're mad at me."

The lady smiled, "You're here." she softly whispered.

Eriol nodded his head, "Forgive me love for taking such a long time to reach you. I've been a fool in ignoring the truth."

Tomoyo stepped back. "What about Kaho?"

Eriol shock his head, "We weren't a match. She left."

"Then tell me, who is your true match?" Tomoyo needed to hear him speak out her name.

Eriol adoringly smiled as he slowly reached her figure and picked up her hand. He tenderly kissed her soft fingers, causing the lady to blush and feel her heart beat race. Eriol then slowly lowered their hands, which had slowly intertwined with each other perfectly.

"I came for the maiden by the name of Tomoyo Daidouji." Eriol spoke, causing Tomoyo to embrace him in a tight hug.

This felt perfect. Both bodies fit each other like a puzzle and they knew they were right. Tomoyo then gazed up, revealing the tears of joy that had erupt from her lilac eyes. Eriol kissed her tears away before trailing the kisses down her nose to reach those red lips. Tender and softly, Tomoyo allowed herself to dive into this warmth. They felt a surge of passion fill inside their bodies, as Eriol tasted her sweetness.

When both parted for air, the lady gazed into those beautiful azure eyes and saw a sea full of promises. De ja vu. She somehow had recalled a moment exactly like this one.

"No more waiting. The search is finally over my love." Eriol whispered before kissing her softly.

Tomoyo smiled. Finally they were untied.


Thank you those who have followed this fic and leaved me such a wonderful review!!! Hope u enjoyed this last chapter!!! Plz leave me a last REVIEW!!!!! Thank you once again and cya around in another fic :)