Hello! This is actually my second story. I used to go under the name of faerieskye, but now I can't access that account for some reason and it seems that the story that I had in progress is no longer on the site. I'm a bit frustrated because I worked extremely hard on that story. I'm very sorry to those who were reading it! I won't tell you the end but I plan on creating a new plot but same ending. Okay? I know it's very discouraging to both you and I, but I must write on! Hope you enjoy this story too!

Disclaimer: I do not own Trigun or any of its characters (unfortunately).


Chapter 1: New Girl in a New World

Meryl's POV

The sound of an alarm clock is a very dissatisfying sound you know? My name is Meryl Stryfe. I'm sixteen years old and I have always had a tutor for as long as I can remember. You see, my Mom has a very successful fashion line and my Dad is a booming real estate entrepreneur. Put two and two together and you get money and power. It's really nothing to gloat about. I actually like to keep it on the down low. I'm even the one who suggested the tutoring. To be in an environment with a whole bunch of high school kids would be unnerving. I'd feel so out of place. Don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against high school kids. It's just that I wouldn't fit in. I know nothing of their world, which includes sex, drugs, alcohol, and worst of all: boys. Yup, that's me, Meryl Stryfe: the only girl who's never been on a date.

I used to like to get up early. Now I have a reason to hate it. My Mom and Dad thought that it would be great to spend the last year of my education, before going off to college, at a local high school. I pleaded and begged for them to not make me but they were relentless. So here I am getting dressed for my first day of school…out there. I am very nervous. What makes it worse is that I'm horribly shy and quiet, sort of. As I'm looking through my plethora of clothes, I select a nice pair of fitting jeans and a pretty top. I like fashion but not as much as my Mom. I hate wearing skirts. They're just too flirty? I like to be on the conservative side. For footwear, I always wear a pair of Nikes. I do like to don a pair of sandals every now and then but I think Nikes are the most comfortable shoes in the world.

Outside, I step onto my balcony and take in a deep breath of fresh morning air. In the distance, I hear my five-year-old mare whinny. I smile wistfully. My time with her would be cut short because of this stupid high school. Poor Esperanza, I thought. I walk down the spiraling stairs to have breakfast. We have a medium sized staff. They are lovable and are like me second parents. Ms. Jones, the head cook, hands me breakfast.

"Thank you Ma," and I tuck in. I call Ms. Jones 'Ma' because she's the closest thing to a mother besides my own Mom.

"No problem sweetheart," said Ms. Jones.

Once I finish breakfast, I brush my teeth and brush my hair one last time. As I gaze into my reflection, I still don't see what my mother sees in me. She sees a beautiful, blossoming girl that can capture any boy's heart. Yeah, all the boys that want some ass, I thought sourly. Whenever we had guests, they of course bring their kids, which mostly consisted of boys. Let's just say a couple of them went too far and I had to teach them a lesson. Thank god for all the karate lessons.

Lining the bathroom sink were various types of make up. My Mom bought those for me saying that I should learn how to wear those nefarious cosmetics. I only wear them when I'm forced to and that usually means having my Mom come up here and doing it for me. I'm glad she doesn't go overboard.

Once outside, I tell my driver, Derek, to use the Mercedes instead of the Rolls Royce. He smiles and silently agrees. The best thing about having a loving staff is that they understand you. Another man joins us in the car. His name is Robbie. He's my bodyguard. Practically, wherever I go, he goes. What I don't understand is why he's here.

"I thought Mom and Dad were going to let me go by myself," I said, trying not to sound whiny.

"Your mom told me to go with you for the first two weeks," Robbie said. He noticed my crestfallen look. "I'm sorry Meryl. If it were up to me, I wouldn't go, but it's my job." I gave him a small smile.

"I know," and off we went to school.


Meryl and Robbie stepped out of the car and looked at the school's name.

"Gunsmoke High School?" said Meryl.

"Yup," said Robbie and we walked towards the entrance door.

"What kind of stupid name is that?" Meryl mumbled and Robbie opened the door. There were a lot of kids inside and they all stared at her. Meryl shivered inwardly and timidly stepped forward.

"Let's go to the Principal's office to get your schedule," said Robbie, once he entered. Meryl kept my head down as we passed by the students. Before entering the office, Robbie held Meryl back.

"Are you all right?" asked Robbie.

"Yeah," Meryl said in a soft voice and opened the door. Inside, the walls were lined with framed certificates and awards. A plump man stood behind the mahogany desk and gave me a big smile.

"Well you must be Meryl Stryfe. It is an honor!" said the jolly principal and held out his hand. Meryl shook it.

"Thank you sir," said Meryl.

"You're very polite there young lady. I wish you could teach some of our students a thing or two about politeness." Oh great, thought Meryl. They must have a lot of rowdy students. Okay, Mr. Boss Man, if they touch me, I will teach them a thing or two. "I am Principal Morris and welcome to Gunsmoke High. Here is your schedule and I'll be showing you to your class." Meryl looked at my schedule. It was the same material that she was supposed to learn with her old tutor. They followed Principal Morris out the door.


The hallways were deafeningly silent. Without the incessant noises of rambling students somewhat calmed Meryl down a bit. Principal Morris assigned her a locker and Meryl marked it down on her map that she was given. Soon after, she was in front of her first class: English. Meryl felt herself start to tremble. Robbie laid an assuring hand on her shoulder. Principal Morris knocked on the door.

"Come in!" came a woman's reply. Principal Morris opened the door and Meryl froze. She didn't want to go inside. She wanted to run back home and crawl into a hole. Robbie gave her a gentle push and Meryl stepped inside.

"I'll be waiting outside until your class finishes and I'll escort you to the next class," whispered Robbie.

Twenty- five pairs of eyes stared back at her. Shyly, Meryl walked to the front of the class.

"Hello! My name is Mrs. Stevenson. You must be our new student," said the English teacher.

"Yes, I am," Meryl said softly.

"Class, we have a new student. Her name is Meryl Stryfe," said Mrs. Stevenson. Once Meryl's last name was announced, whispers started filling up in the classroom. Meryl caught a few of them.

"Stryfe? Isn't her Mom a fashion designer?"

"I heard that she's anorexic."

"She's sexy. I wonder if she wants a go with me…"

"Ugh, a rich bitch."

"Class, settle down. Why don't you introduce yourselves? Knives, you first." Meryl's gaze settled down on a tall boy with white-blond hair. His eyes were an icy blue and they narrowed at her.

"Knives," he said simply and the list went on. Meryl tuned in to a few of the names.

"Nicholas D. Wolfwood, but everyone calls me Wolfwood," said another tall boy with cobalt hair.

"Legato, Legato Bluesummers," was the monotone reply of a blue-haired boy. He had golden contacts and had a dazed look. Freak, thought Meryl.


"Milly Thompson!" came the cheerful reply of a tall girl with long, brown hair. Meryl smiled slightly. She seemed very friendly.




"Jessica…" The names went on and on. Finally the last name was called.

"Vash Saverem," said a deep voice. Meryl looked into the aqua eyes of the boy. He was about as tall as that Knives person. He had blond hair that stuck up in the air. Meryl would have thought he was a freak too, but his hairstyle suited him well. She hated to admit it but he was beautiful. Meryl gave him a small smile and he grinned. She got a couple evil looks from Jessica and Lina.

"Meryl, you may sit next to Milly," said Mrs. Stevenson. Milly waved her hand wildly and Meryl smiled and sat next to her. "Since you and Milly have the same schedule, she can show you around a bit."

"Thank you," said Meryl.

"Your welcome," said Milly.


Vash's POV

An angel, I thought. When I first saw Meryl Stryfe, I felt the world stop spinning and time freeze. This was the first time this has ever happened to me. Yes, I was crazy for girls yet I've always been very gentlemanly about it. A lot of girls were attracted to me and I've taken them out on dates. Nothing more, nothing less. But this tiny girl that I have only met today affected me deeply. Meryl was beautiful, intelligent, shy, and innocent. She was never far from my thoughts and I barely made it through fourth period.

"Thank god for lunch," I said.

"Thank god indeed," said Wolfwood. He was my best friend. Wolfwood had always been a religious figure although some of his actions contradicted that fact. "So Needle-Noggin, you almost died back there in Calculus." I grunted something incomprehensible. "It's a girl isn't it," said Wolfwood.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"Whose the lucky lady this time?" asked Wolfwood. I looked at Wolfwood and grinned.

"Not telling," I said.

"She must be something to make you act this way," said Wolfwood and thought for a moment. "Lina?"







"No!" Wolfwood's eyes widened.

"Don't tell me it's Dominique," said Wolfwood.

"GAH!!! Are you crazy?" I nearly shouted.

"It better not be Milly," growled Wolfwood.

"Tell me Wolfwood, would I hit on Milly?" I said sarcastically.

"No," sighed Wolfwood. "Glad it's not my girl."

"Umm…she's not really your girl," I said. Wolfwood grabbed the collar of my shirt.

"WHY THE HELL NOT?!" thundered Wolfwood. Everyone around them walked away quickly.

"Because you guys aren't technically dating," I squeaked. Wolfwood let go of me and I fell to the ground.

"Hmm…you're right," said Wolfwood.

"Hey! What ever happened to 'thou shall not hurt Vash'?" I whined.

"Sorry, not important enough," said Wolfwood teasingly.

"That's cold," I muttered.

"Is it that Meryl Stryfe person?" asked Wolfwood and I walked into an opened door.

"I'm terribly sorry! Are you all right?" came a girl's voice. That voice, thought my dazed mind. My vision cleared and Meryl was bent over my sprawled figure on the ground. "Are you all right?" Meryl repeated.

"Are you an angel?" I asked dizzily. Meryl gave me a confused look and I quickly blushed at what I said unconsciously. She smiled softly and I could only stare at her lips. I pushed myself from the ground and I cupped her face. Meryl gasped and her eyes widened. I lightly pressed my lips against hers for a few seconds and released. Then all of a sudden, I felt the hardest sting I've ever received in my life on my cheek.


"Ooowwww!!!" Vash whined.

"That's what you deserve! Who gave you permission to even touch me, let alone kiss me?" said an angry Meryl. Okay, maybe she was going overboard.

"I'm sorry," Vash whimpered.

"Meryl, what's going on?" and Milly came into view.

"Hey Big Girl!" said Wolfwood.

"Hello Mr. Priest!" said Milly cheerfully. Meryl had a sinking feeling that Milly liked this person.

"That jerk kissed me," Meryl said angrily and pointed to Vash. He was rubbing his very red cheek.

"I didn't mean to offend you," Vash said softly and looked down. Meryl felt bad for hitting him so hard. She held out her hand.

"I'm sorry for hitting you," and Vash looked up and took her hand.

"It's all right," said Vash standing up. Meryl barely reached his shoulder.

"It's just a natural reflex for me," said Meryl. "A lot of my parents' business friends' sons like to hit on me whenever we have dinner parties."

"I see. Well, you can't really blame them for not resisting someone as beautiful as you," said Vash. Meryl turned beet red and looked down. She would have been disgusted by that comment, but coming from Vash made her feel flattered.

"Thanks, I guess," mumbled Meryl.

"C'mon guys. I'm starved," said Milly. "Let's get some lunch. I hear they have pudding today!"

"Yeah, let's go," said Wolfwood and draped an arm across Milly's shoulder. Milly blushed slightly.

"I don't mean to be rude but do they like each other?" Meryl asked.

"They're hopelessly in love with each other," said Vash smiling. Meryl smiled softly. I wish I could have someone the way Milly does.

"Meryl!" She turned around and saw Robbie walking up to them.

"Hi!" said Meryl. Robbie noticed that Meryl was in a better mood than this morning.

"Going off to lunch? Who are your friends?" asked Robbie. Meryl was slightly embarrassed with all the questions.

"This is Milly, Wolfwood, and Vash. Guys, this is my bodyguard, Robbie," said Meryl.

"Say my name again my sweet angel!" Wolfwood said, using a girlish Vash tone.

"Shut up!" said Vash and lightly punched Wolfwood in the shoulder.

"I guess you don't want me hanging around now," said Robbie teasingly.

"No, I don't mind," Meryl said quickly, hoping he wasn't offended.

"It's okay. I'll let you go off on your own for lunch but I'll be back for fifth period. Just don't tell your Dad," said Robbie.

"Thanks!" said Meryl and the foursome went to lunch.


What do you think? Please review! I'd like to hear your comments and suggestions if you have any. Thanks!