I do not own the Gargoyles, they are © to Disney

Kyla is © to me.

Sum: The gargoyles meet a girl that turns into a gargoyle at night. Afraid at first she gradually befriends them and Brooklyn takes a liking to her as does she to him. Finding out her family name has been cursed and doesn't have long until she turns into stone forever. Brooklyn is determined to make her few months happy and enjoyable. Will these two reveal their feelings before it's too late? Or will Brooklyn's heart shatter once more?

Pairing: Brooklyn x OC

A/N: This fic is based on when the Gargoyles returns to the castle and the whole thing with the Quarymen . . . I haven't seen these episode yet . . . so please don't flame me if I make a mistake . . .


L.A ; 2002

A group of 16 year old girls laughed and chatted. One wasn't talking or listening to her friends. Kyla Dana trailed after her friends, occasionally looking at the clock near by. Her eyes darted to the sky and felt her heart quicken.

She never wanted to go hopping with her friends after school, but her friends wouldn't take 'no' for an answer and had dragged her to the mall.

Kyla glanced at her pocket watch again, she wants out now, she wants to go home before it was too late. Her throat and lips were dry. Kyla licked her dry lips and was on the verge of hyperventilating. She glanced at her watch once more and stopped when she saw the sun slowly setting.

"Um guys . . ." she began, her eyes on the sky "I . . . have to . . . to go . . ." she finished with a faint Scottish accent. Her friends stopped and turned to her "Why?" one asked "Be-because . . . I have to!" she told them and tried to run, but one of her friends caught her arm "Where are you going Kyla?! You never hang out with us anymore! Not after you turned 16." Her voice dripping with anger. "Yeah! We haven't hung out for three months . . . almost like you're trying to isolate yourself from us!" another exclaimed "Is something going on at home? Is your father hurting you?" another asked concern.

Solid green eyes flickered nervously to the darkening sky, the sun was barely visible. "Please . . . I need to go . . ." Kyla begged, tears shimmering in her eyes "NO! Not until you tell us what is going on and where YOU KEEP GOING!" the one holding Kyla's arm said through clenched teeth. Kyla felt her hot tears trailing down her face and watched as the sun disappeared . . . and soon . . . her friendship as well.

Kyla felt her stomach convulse. She winced and clutching her abdomen, she fell to her knees. Kyla felt her friend release her arm and felt familiar pain ripple through her muscles and bones. Kyla's friend backed away from their friend, one was about to go over to her when they heard ripping.

As eyes widen, they watched as Kyla's clothes began to rip and cringed when they heard her screams turned into roars.

Fear ran through their blood like adrenaline. What seemed like forever, the ripping, tearing, crackling, and popping stopped for Kyla. As for the humans, the gawking stopped and the screaming began.

A/N: sorry about the prologue being short . . . please don't hurt me.