Note To Readers: Love you all! I appreciated all the constructive work you all had provided me with, I am so happy! Keep it coming, I really want to improve my writing as this fic progresses. In other words, when we come to Chapter 15...right now that's the last chapter... my writing should have been better than the first chapter ever. Thanks to all who joined my community, I appreciated that as well. You all deserved cookies and milk, and no milk for those who don't like it (such as myself). Oh, one more thing, sorry for the late update. No motivation anyone? But now, I'm back on track again. Well, I'm done with this and on with review responses from the usual letters (opening letters).

A fan:

The first reviewer is as special as the last one. You really make my day with your immediate review after I updated. Three "thank you"s! You're very welcome. I love to make the fic more complicated until everything resolve. I'm happy you're satisfied. Thankies you for all your support and review!


You reviewed quick this time! Don't make me blush... I just did a small present for a good friend, that's all. Thinking is good you know! I hope so...they better be together! I add the comedy a bit to lighten up, so thankies for that compliment plus the review.

Devil Angel M:

Oh ok! I'm looking over the future chapters and they might not be as long as the last one though. Oh well, I hope you could endure it. There are lesser than usual! Yes! (High-five Shad) Really??? I didn't catch that, if I have time, I'll change it. Oh thanks! Wonderful to know that. Hmmmmm...I wonder if that might be true.... Anyways, thankies bunchies!


Of course! Nice to be part of a community or leader of one in my opinion. It's just plain fun. Oh!!! I am trying to add more and more descriptions because I love them so much. Oh, yes...hopefully everything will come together without any plot holes. I know! How many more will we endure? Let's see. Thankies so much!


Must have it confused, sorrie! I am a total Zelink fan, and Kumiko make them work so well! Uh-oh...I don't like the looks of that...probably going to get a shield or something! (grabs Zelos as a shield) I want them together too...but if they do...where's my fic? Don't worry though, I won't make a tragic ending at least...hopefully. Though I just love angst! Thankies a lot!

The Zelda Master:

Yeah, I just love to confuse everyone (looks innocent) but not too much that you want to run away. Emotions! Without these, I couldn't judge fictions that well... Glad you liked that scene even if they didn't get to do what they wanted to do. Wow, I really did that? The italics must have messed up somehow or I was just being careless. Thanks for pointing that out and review.

Michelle of the Night:

Hopefully, that made it up for all that delay. Oh, that annoying change of view thing... I messed up...right? I'm not going to answer that comment or you'll throw tomatoes at the answer. I'm also really glad that you liked my one-shot I written for you. I worked hard on it you know! But you're always my special Fanfiction buddy. Thank you for the review and support.


Bit off topic? Then, I'm doing a great job! I don't want to just copy the story down like it is or really boring. No, that did not happen in the game... I love originality. So most works I'm doing are not about the game that much, but what happens after between the two. I will continue writing and thank you.

Reviewer 2:

I guess everyone liked that scene so I do too! Urm, I guess you can call it recovery... the letter was from the top of my head but if it made an impact, then good for it. Intense plot helps. Thank you for the comments and review!


Oops, sorry for the late update...I tried, really. That was such a weird mistake I made and thanks for pointing it out. I am happy that everyone is giving me such wonderful comments to improve upon. Oh ok, at least, you're not that confused now. Well, inspirations help with those scenes, really hard to write too. Thanks and maybe your guess is right or wrong, I can't say...


(tilts head) I'm just going to ignore your comment because obviously, you haven't finished the game... the ending reworded sort of weird, but the concept is there. If you haven't gasped it yet, I suggest you go play the game a second time. I beat the game five times to prove it too. Oh well, make a helpful comments next time...ok?

Fire Edge:

Thinking helps for fiction, for's a different story. Sneaky little missing words! I'll get you next time! Edit notes were still there? How bizarre...freaky too. I know what you mean. Anyways, hope you liked it and yes, I did receive your e-mail. Thanks for joining and review.


Actually you beat me to this one though, so we're sort of even. Well, I find myself liking to write about this couple in after stories and I am really serious. All the fics I planned to write for this pairing are almost always going to take place after the game. You know...I just love to add my own ideas into my fanfics since I find Fanfiction an enjoyable way to broaden my ideas instead of repeating them. Oh, I'm sorry you don't like're not going to be too happy with me. I always put cliffhangers here and there. Don't worry, I spend my time not only writing but reading any comments any one might make and checking his or her profile and stuff. Thanks! I rant too much...


Awww, thanks for telling me that. I appreciated it so much! I am blissful to read your comments about my fic since I spend so much time on them and you as well as a reader and reviewer. Happily for your next review and thank you so much!


Becki! Hopefully, I'll spare you a few chapters without fluff...somehow. Oh well, it took me awhile to get it too so confidently, you will too. Hehe, we have the same mind. Philosophy rocks! actually. It's supposed to confuse you, and so I did my part. Oh, thankfully, it's not the same or it will be very awkward. But if it turns out to be similar, that just mean great minds think alike. Also, I know you're a great writer and just because you have the lack of reviews doesn't mean you should stop writing! I you're your work, and it's so inspiring too. Thanks a lot!


Wow, that is one nice comment that might explode my petite mind. The pace is slow... I really wanted to hear that from someone. I want them to be together too, but I won't have a fic anymore. Talented writer...optimistically. Thank you for your delightful review.

Kitten Kisses:

Don't worry, I tend to forget lots of things as well. Since you did now, I forgive you and you get a cookie! Beta readers did their job, and everyone is happy. Damn...fixes. Me too, but they are really slow aren't they? Thank you for the concern and review.

Just calls me Angel:

I'm just pleased that you read it when I barely updated. It's okay! Your comments are enough to make a small female self like me happy. Cuteness is not my specialty, but I still love it! Thought angst is my favorite (shifty eyes). Thank you for your review!


I still remember you! I never forget any of my reviewers unless it's like a 60 chapter fanfic or something. I am just so happy you took the time to read my fic after all that time, that makes me feel so wonderful. Oh, me too. I would definitely think that Sheena should soon, but then again, I like complications. Yes, I know what I mean. But I like them both. Long live Zelos! Thank you so much for your review!


Awwww, you dislike romance? I absolutely love it. Well, you know... if no humor, there is no fun. Even in the most serious fics, there will always be humor even if I am sort of sad that maybe there will be none any time soon. This is going to be serious from now on... I think. Hopefully, you won't quit on me. Awww, thank you for that compliment. Thank you!


Oh, we both like Sheelos! We will get along just well, and no, I don't want to separate them yet... at least not in this fic. Was it because of the title? Hehe. Interesting title, no? I will! And hopefully, you will be supportive and review them for me. I appreciate it so much! Thank you!

blade liger knight:

Oh, I think I like those two words already. I give you an extra cookie for reading it in two days, hopefully, it was interesting enough for you. It just came from the back of my little mind- Sheelos. It just make sense that's all. I know! I don't know what came over me when I wrote chapter 4, maybe it was the music? I can't remember what music I was listening to back then... must be really fast classical music or something. Sorrie about that, I just have to tell you that. Don't worry, you'll get better the more you write. My first fic was probably my worst by far. Thank you for your review!

Love has its own time, its own season, and its own reasons from coming and going. You cannot bribe it or coerce it or reason it into staying. You can only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it comes to you.

--Kent Nerburn

A Separate Link

Chapter IX: Just like Birds

By Potter29vo

(Zelos's POV)

The twinkles of sunlight beamed through the window and shone straight onto my own face as my eyes refused to open from the better support of darkness it was so used to. But after a constant struggle, I pulled myself together and lifted this foolishness that befell upon me. I tried to get up but found it useless to do so.

I spotted my problem...Sheena was on top of my right arm while snuggling the rest of her body on my shoulder instead. This posture left my arm numb with the lack of blood flow but my lips curled up in a smile at the thought. She looked ever more dazzling when she's close up.

By instinct, she wrapped her arms around her body with a small grin shifted between her movement. I used my free hand to stroke her head in a cuddling way, finding the morning the best time to think. The touch of her silky hair between my fingers was bringing me the most entertainment. It surprised even me to find such ignorance in a motive such as this.

My right arm finally got away from the tight situation it was in and wondered off to the bed. With the help of both firm hands, the getting up part was easy and I tiptoed out of the room. I slid the door softly and went off to the gardens and picking out my next choice of flowers. The village was quiet, and even the rushing of the new water irrigation could be heard through the sunny morning.

The air was cool, and the birds were already singing their happy tones. I watched the colorful beings on top of those branches of the Linkite tree, being happy for who they are. Unaware of the hunters out there and yet, free. Thoughts of freedom rushed through my head. I wanted to see the outside world instead of being stuck in this village all the time.

Don't get me wrong. I love the unity of the people who gave their peace for me, and the gardens filled with hope and inspiration. I love the way the buildings would sink in with the rest of the environment as much as how the Linkite tree provided the fresh breezes. The sunshine was great here and the mountains that surrounded this area were a great protection from any foreign contact.

But the longing in my heart to know more... not just to do chores and learn the basics of cooking... but the thought of traveling through the lands I had missed and lost from the curse. The people I had known before, and meeting them again. It was hopeless to wish, but the right thing is to do.

The right thing to do might not necessary is correct though. Everything affected somebody in the world and the thought of doing something that could not hurt anyone was nearly impossible. Like this for example, if I ran off and wonder around the world, I would have lost the trust in the people of this village as well as the person I cared about the most.

The idea of something perfect was out of beyond anyone's gasp. The birds could fly higher and higher...and be free from the soft earth from which it was home to. But someday, sooner or later, it would have to come down and greeted its purpose. There was always something that interfered with something else and I had known that all along with the directions I took.

The interference of leaving was nothing like the thought of it. A person should always do what's right, but what is right? I knew much information I was given to by some wiser people. There was no end to knowledge, and at the same time, that was what made wanting this knowledge so fascinating. Maybe, I could be like a bird, and just fly away from here.

I wanted to know more. I wanted to know why everyone had to suffer from something else and if there was ever an end or beginning to anything. Of course, a human life had a beginning and an ending. Yet, other things have not been found out. For example, was love always present? Was it always there or was there a beginning? And most important of all, will there be an end?

My eyes were kept on one certain moving life at the moment and it was a white dove. I swear I saw lots of times before but I was never that interested. I feel like a bird in some ways. I'm not sure if they all could think of subjects like I do, but most could never remember most things in life. I, myself, and others I would assume could never remember every minute of their life.

Returning with the wanted item in my hand, I placed it carefully on the table. One heliotrope and one jonquil should do for this morning and I planned something else for tonight. I returned to my place on the bed as I thought of a small prank to pull on helpless Sheena on the bed with no care in the world.

(Sheena's POV) heart is burning painfully while I try to help my throat from suffering as well. Something is wrong with me again, there is always something wrong with me nowadays.

My body had never been in so much pain before, so painful that all I wanted to do was to end my life here. Of course, I did not have enough courage to do so and living was more worthy than dying. Lloyd had taught me so.

But why do all of these feelings are happening to me? Why am I the one stuck with soreness throughout my body?

I finally pulled myself together and opened my eyes from that sounding night I had. The pain was still in my chest even now, and even worst, it's not getting any better. Actually, it is quite the opposite. The feeling of burning power in my heart was getting stronger and stronger, and it was slowly taking some of my life away.

Using all my strength to get up, I found it impossible. My eyes went downward and the next thing that happened was: "ZELOS!!!"

I jumped off the bed, knocking him to the floor. He shook his head, trying to regain his consciousness from the downfall he received. The anger on my face quite noticeable as he tried to smile the situation off, but that didn't work this time. "Zelos, explain why you were sleeping on my chest?" I tried to ask calmly, holding my anger on the innocent one.

"Hey! Can't I have a little fun with my favorite hunny?" Zelos questioned me back. Now, this was getting too familiar.

"Zelos, are you ok? Did you hit your head or something?" My voice was rising higher and higher with more questions I asked. What exactly happened around here?

"Nope, I was being extra careful today. My expectations are very high when I'm around my voluptuous Sheena!" He cried out, showing that goofy smile I knew so well. This can't be happening...this must all be a dream.

This time it was my time to pinch myself hard enough to make myself jump in surprise. This isn't a dream after all. Leaving him there, I ran off to the restroom to wash my face to clear my head. He watched me leave with satisfaction on his face while I was in a mess of confusion.

(Zelos's POV)

Almost laugh at my own trick on her, I felt quite gleeful at all of this. Did I act that well? It must have been to see that priceless expression on her face. Wonder what will happen if I actually fully recover all my memory? She might have fainted by now.

I could see this was one nasty prank I played on her, I better apologized before she had taken the little joke more serious than I intended. Watching her exited the restroom I was about to tell her the truth when she already spoke first. "Zelos, I miss you a lot... Did you recover everything?"

I raised an eyebrow to hear this. "Sheena...the truth is... I still don't remember everything and that was all a big act..." Her face felled. My heart jumped in envy.

"Oh, that wasn't very nice!" She barely remembered the condition before her as I managed to smile again.

"Sorry, it's fun to tease you." I answered truthfully.

She was about to hit me to teach me a lesson when she had a sudden breakdown and fell to the floor. I dropped on my knees, worried at what just happened to her. Sheena was coughing really hard which made me feel uneasier. I ran over to fetch my handkerchief and handed it to her just in time for her own use.

When she finally finished, she handed thankfully back to me. To my surprise, blood was all over it. I couldn't help but keep my eyes on her again. "Sheena! How..."

She would not let me finished as she shook her head disobediently. "Zelos, ever since yesterday, my body is not functioning as well as it used to. I feel like my own strength is slowly slipping away." This was terrible to hear; nevertheless it must be even more terrible for her to endure.

"Sheena..." I started out when she already looked away, not willingly to hear my comfort. She acted tough for too long already. "Sheena! Listen to me, you must tell your grandfather! This might be important." But with the stubborn expression on her face, I knew she would not listen to me. My mind was going crazy with thoughts of persuading her.

Her eyes were already sparkling with tears, but she was trying her hardest to hold them back. "Zelos...I don't want to bother Grandpa." She was always too obdurate for her own good. My lips curled into a frown, still wanting her to change her mind. Her eyes suddenly busted up with excitement though. "Oh no, how can I forget? Today is..." She jumped up from her position and ran immediately to the closet, searching for something.

I was growing awfully curious about this all, and also relieved from the depressed subject going on. Was there something that important? Or was she just changing the situation? I stood up and watched as she pulled out a butterfly kimono from her closet and started to examine it with the tips of her fingers, enjoying how it looked. I just sat on top of "our" bed, and waited for her to explain.

Finally, Sheena placed it down on an empty spot on our bed. She thought for a moment before speaking. "Zelos! I forgot that you don't have a kimono yourself... ask Orochi for one." I was still confused as she sighed. "I forgot also that today was Grandpa's birthday and we must dress up properly for him. So hurry and go ask Orochi already!"

Without hearing my answer, she already pulled my lazy self from the bed and pushed me outside the door. Before she closed it, she smiled gleefully. "I'll be changing and hopefully, you're not going to try to take a peak or anything."

I listened and walked out toward Orochi's place. If I had said that I wasn't inquisitive to peak on her, I would be lying. But I knew it wasn't the right thing to do so I continued on my way with curiosity of what females really look like under all that clothing. Maybe something I would find out later on...not now though.

In front of Orochi's simple home, I knocked as the male answered. He was already in his own special blue kimono. "Oh, good morning Zelos. I'm guessing you need something to wear..." I nodded as I followed him inside.

Inside was almost the same as Sheena's home, nothing that special in particular. Maybe all Mizuho citizens were plain and simple? For my own surprise, I did not like this plain and simple things... life was something that shouldn't be taken for granted. Why live life without a little essence here and there? But I kept this opinion to myself.

Orochi searched his own wardrobe for a spare larger-size kimono for myself as I scanned the room with my eyes. The furniture was all in the proper place without any speck of dust on them. The walls and everything else were brown, boring brown I might add. The lower table and mats were similar to those of the Chief and Sheena. Nothing special except for some needles on the table I noticed.

Orochi, while still searching, started a conversation to break the silence. "Zelos since you seemed to be such a good friend of Sheena's, do you think Sheena might accept to be my partner this year?" I had no clue what he was talking about.


Orochi blushed, already forgetting that I was new. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. It feels like you've been here forever. You fit in so well. Anyways, at the Chief's birthday festival, a male takes another female citizen together. Last year, Sheena rejected me for Kuchinawa. I was highly disappointed so I had to go with Kiki instead." He explained as I nodded in understanding.

"I think she will accept you this year. Kuchinawa is not here anymore, from what I heard from the other women of Mizuho, and she has no one else to go with." I said, acting a bit dense. Of course, I wanted to be that partner...but since Orochi knew her longer, it just seemed more accurate for him to be her partner.

"And you?"

The question struck me hard. Yes, whom would I go with? "Urm...Kiki, I already asked her." I lied off the top of my head as Orochi nodded in understanding.

"Kiki is a fine citizen. She totally ignored me last year when we went together. She has a mind of her own, a brilliant leader though." Orochi decided to provide me with this information. I pretended to understand all of this just to look clever.

Finally, Orochi found a red one and handed it to me. "Kuchinawa had lots of kimonos, most which are too big for himself. You may borrow it."

I bowed. "Thank you, Orochi and I'll ask Sheena for you." Orochi thanked me as well.

I left the place, regretting what I barely said in there. One whole day without seeing could I stand that feeling? Now, since I made up that lie, I better go ask Kiki before she found someone else as well. But first, I must help Orochi first. I felt like such a pathetic messenger.

As I entered Sheena's home once more, and knocked on her door, she already opened immediately and pulled me inside. She was hugging me tight as any good friend would. "Zelos! Thanks for the heliotrope and jonquil." She was very pleased.

I tried to smile as well. "Yes, heliotrope means faithful while jonquil means sweet and secret love." I remembered what Orochi requested. "That reminds me, Orochi wanted to be your partner for the festival." Sheena's face froze.

"But... aren't we going together?" She asked almost too sweetly for my bitter heart.

"Urm..." Think Zelos! Think! I had to lie again. "I already asked Kiki."

Sheena looked even more upset than before while her face grew red. "Fine! I'll go with Orochi!" She crossed her arms in front of her chest like a spoiled brat. I laughed to see her posture like this.

"Sheena, don't worry. We'll meet up later and also, you look adorable in that outfit." I decided to lighten things up as I gazed at her small printed butterfly and flower kimono. Her face started to turn red as she laughed.

" don't call me adorable in this..." She joked.

"Ok, fine. You look gorgeous and striking." I told her the comments she wanted to hear as she hugged me once more time before leaving the room to meet Orochi. I watched her go and sighed to myself. her's just one's not the end of the world.

I was about to leave myself when Kiki, unexpectedly, peeked into the room playfully and found me sitting there. She walked in with such elegance in her usual clothes. At least someone didn't dress up yet as well. "Zelos, you're not dressed either? Do you have a kimono?"

I grinned. I decided to just bring out the lie before now than never. "Yes I do. Kiki, you want to be my partner?" That was pretty quick.

Kiki flushed when she heard this and answered almost without delay, "Of course! That reminds don't mind joining me to Palmacosta do you? I need to buy some food we don't have in the village yet."

I shook my head in reply. "I don't mind at all. Let's go." She grabbed my arm as we left the room together. It seemed she already borrowed Sheena's Rheaird on the way in.

(Third POV)

Zelos and Kiki were already shopping in Palmacosta when Zelos caught sight of someone familiar near some groceries. "Kiki, can you wait here for a second? I need to see something for myself." With this, he left in another direction.

Kiki relaxed herself by searching the area for some particular item until she spotted someone else in another direction. It was a violet haired female, by the age of Kiki and was examining some armor. Kiki's face hardened at the sight of the girl and walked over to her.

Kiki "accidentally" bumped into the familiar girl's arm as the two faced each other. Kiki smiled kindly. "Sorry about that." The young woman she bumped into scanned her for a few moments before trying to smile as well.

"Urm, have we met before?" Kiki giggled at the question.

"No, I haven't met you in my life." Kiki assured her while the girl took it as an answer and turned away from Kiki.

Just when she turned her back to Kiki, she heard Kiki mumbled harshly, "If you make one strange move, your life will end permanently." The girl spun around and caught her eyes to Kiki's.

"Urm, did you just say something?" Kiki knew she was acting dumb, but found it quite amusing.

"No, I just said- If I don't hurry and finish shopping, my life will end permanently." The girl tried to laugh with Kiki's small humor before turning her attention back to the armor. Kiki smirked and went straight back to where she was supposed to stand.

She came back just in time to meet Zelos as the two headed back to Mizuho. Kiki gave one last look at the violet-haired female before following Zelos obediently.

After Kiki left, a dove flew into the girl's arms. She snuggled it tight to her body, keeping her voice low while petting it on the head. "Don't worry, we'll find them soon enough. I can feel it."

Kiki entered Sheena's room before Zelos and saw a note on top of Sheena's table. Kiki made a quick move to the piece of parchment and stuffed it in her pocket before Zelos walked in the room. Zelos thanked Kiki for the time they had spend together in the markets. Kiki left the room afterwards, saying that she will meet him up when she finished dressing.

When Kiki knew no one was around, she read the said:

Dear Sheena,

Your life is in danger ever minute you don't get help. Follow the wind to the village of the chapel.

Kiki ripped the note apart and threw it to the south wind. She gritted her teeth and pulled out some of her needles she kept in store. She took precise aim and threw them at a white bird flying through the sky. It fell down dead at Kiki's feet. "Stupid bird..." Kiki mumbled before taking her leave, picking the dead creature up.

(Sheena's POV)

I met up with Orochi, but I don't feel comfortable all of this. I could feel sadness and fear through my body along with the pain earlier. Maybe I should listen to Zelos and tell this to Grandpa. But at the same time, today is his birthday and I didn't want to tell him such a tale.

After much thinking, I decided that tomorrow might be a better day to tell him. Today will be only for fun and the festival. Orochi watched my confused face and said gently. "Sheena, you've been keeping lots of things to yourself lately. How are you?"

I knew I could not worry Orochi either. He was like a brother to me, and I would not tell him what was happening to me or it would just hurt him as much as it is hurting me. "Nothing Orochi. I had been thinking about how much Zelos is fitting in." I lied.

Orochi shrugged. "He is fitting in too well to me. If only he had the skills to become a fine ninja..." I laughed at this comment.

"Orochi, he likes the kitchen work. We should just leave him there where he is satisfied." I said it out plainly as he agreed with me. We had been friends forever and I could always find comfort in Orochi but never more than a brother. My thoughts about the decision between the old and new Zelos were coming back to me now.

Like the note said before, I should be thankful for what I have. I really do love both of them, then why do I always hesitate in any decisions I make? Orochi and I continued walking through the festival around us, but I couldn't help but searched for a male with certain lengthy red hair.

The place was decorated with beautiful red lanterns hanging on every door of every home while everyone in beautiful clothes walking by with their partners, hand in hand. I knew I would never hold onto Orochi's hand, it was just not comfortable for me. Now, I was starting to wonder about Zelos and Kiki...

(Zelos's POV)

Walking through the village to admire the decorations they had about, I was totally strangled by Kiki. She was holding onto my arm tight, not noticing my own discomfort. I wanted to tell her to back off but knew it was too rude to do so. She seemed to be enjoying herself.

Even though I tried to hide it, I was really looking around and searching for Sheena every opportunity I could. Kiki caught me once or twice. Suddenly, her voice broke out through the silence. "Zelos, did Sheena told you something about me?"

I thought for a moment but could not remember when or what. All I could remember was sleeping by Sheena's side last night. "I don't remember...I barely met Sheena last evening and then..." I then remembered about the part Kiki liking me. "Oh! That! Kiki...I..."

She appeared to be hopeful to what I had to reply to her feelings. Now I feel guilty. "Yes Zelos?" Lying to her would be an even bigger crime...

"I'm sorry, Kiki." I answered. Her lightened face suddenly went down the pit, her lips trembling in hurt. "Kiki, we could be really good friends though." I tried to persuade her since it would make me feel even worst if I saw her crying like that.

Her eyes were watery now, but she was tough like Sheena not to cry in public. "Zelos...why?" She choked.

My eyes were to the ground now, finding the answer there. I spoke softly, "Because I already have feelings for somebody else..."

"You mean someone outside this village?" She kept her questions coming, forcing me to reveal the identity to her rival.

I sighed in relief when I was saved by an announcement from the Chief and Tiga, the Vice-Chief. Kiki forgot the situation at the moment and turned her attention to the Chief. One by one, the young children walked up to the Chief and wished him good luck. Soon enough, the teens and then, the group he belonged in as the young adults.

Kiki went in front of me since she was four years than I am. She gave me one sad look before returning her happy expression in front of Igaguri and wishing him to live over a 100 years of age. Now, I was in trouble, I had no idea what to say to the Chief until I accidentally hit the person next to me.

Sheena and I locked our eyes together for a few seconds before turning away from each other. I moved out of the way, giving her space to get through. She accepted this request and continued on. I couldn't help but watch her dashed through the line of people, her dark violet hair flying behind her and her kimono following. Orochi was right after her. I gritted my teeth from acting foolish like I did with Lloyd. I must keep my temper.

When it was my time, I went inside the room all by myself and thinking of the things I should say to the Chief I hardly knew. But none was good enough for the elderly man because of the nerves shaking inside me. The main reason why was that I wanted to make a good impression to him since he was Sheena's grandfather, and if I did at least one mistake, I might have to endure losing Sheena.

Walking in the room, there was only the older man with his rich face, no older than 50 to someone so full of life. I shut my own eyes and sat down in front of the man known as Chief. He watched me closely with his brilliant gesture on his face and nodded to see my presence. I nodded in return.

"Zelos, welcome." The Chief smiled.

The man was friendly, and portrayed Sheena very well. She had learned a lot from him. "Chief, how are you? With the lack of your culture, all I can say is wish you for the best following years with the other people of Mizuho." The Chief raised an eyebrow to hear these comments. Did I upset him? "Chief?"

"You said 'the other people of Mizuho'. Do you not consider yourself a part of this village?" The Chief asked, rising his voice to question but not enough to accuse me. I wondered why he inquired such a question, one that I had no explanation to.

"Chief...I..." I was speechless.

The Chief calmed me down a bit with a small pat on the shoulder. I took a few breaths while he speak again. "Zelos, I don't care how new to this village you are or you were the Chosen of Tethe'alla, I already considered you one of the members of this village."

I flushed to hear these words and bowed politely or as best as I can while sitting down. The Chief was so friendly in my opinion that I could never betray him in any sort of way. I thought it was best if I leave as I asked for his permission in which he nodded in agreement since there were other Mizuho citizens he needed to talk to. The Chief was still talking on my way out. "The day when my granddaughter gets married would be the happiest day of my life...hopefully, it's to you."

When I finally left the room, I held tight to my chest and felt the heart beating faster and faster. Was I just imagining things or did the Chief actually said those words? Was I actually accepted by him to be with Sheena? Grinning stupidly to myself, I went straight to Kiki, who was sitting close by and watching the sky.


Kiki silenced him by not blinking at all while she still observed the sky above her. "Zelos... the person you have feelings for... it's her isn't it?" I was confused with the determination written on her face. I felt worst.

"Kiki, I'm tired. I'll go on ahead." I used this excuse and left the girl without another word. But in a few steps, I could already felt her arms wrapped around myself while I stared around my surroundings to see if anyone was watching. Luckily, there were none.

"Have a good long rest then." She confirmed this conversation and releasing me from her embrace. The feelings spun through my head. I actually wanted her to let go! How can I be so mean to such a sweet girl? I rubbed my head to clear my mind and headed straight for the Linkite tree instead of my bedroom. Something inside was telling me to go there.

(Sheena's POV)

I calm myself since I talk to Grandpa quite swiftly. I met Orochi's eyes near my own home. He had taken the time to walk me home but I wasn't even a bit sleepy. I feel like walking through my comfortable village again. The construction was done and I feel like I need to see the whole village by myself to confirm this time of peace. I still haven't adjusted to this change yet.

Turning my attention back to Orochi, I tried to look calm. "Orochi, I'm going for a quick walk." Orochi stepped forward.

"You need a companion?" He asked.

I shook my head, knowing what my heart truly desired. Orochi understood and started walking away as I went a different path. Where should I go first? I decided that I wanted to see the Linkite tree up close since I always watched it each morning with wanting but never close enough to touch its graceful trunk.

Keeping my eyes away from the sky and towards the ground as if following my own shadow, I felt pathetic in a way. Zelos hadn't been too delighted to see me in any case. He must be having more fun with Kiki anyways. I sighed to myself, continued to my destination and wondered what Grandpa talked to Zelos about. Grandpa could be so silly sometimes, but always stern at the right time.

Lifting my eyes away from the ground, my eyes gazed upon another pair of familiar sparkling blue eyes through the darkness. My heart started to race while I just stood there with a fair distance between us. I cleared my vision by removing the loose strands of violet hair in my eyes. Finally, after I recognized that it was the former Chosen fully, I had a light smile placed upon my lips. My kimono and high shoes were forgotten as I ran over to his side.

Almost tripping over my own kimono a couple of times, I finally made it and sat down next to him, panting. A smirk emerged on his face. He must be playing around with me again. This brought more concerns to my head. Was he really regaining his personality? But that was probably impossible since there was nothing to prove this... actually, if he does recover gradually, that would be the biggest proof yet.

I shifted my eyes and tried to be casual around the male sitting next to me. "How's your day so far?" I asked the question that was probably the most obvious choice at the moment. It just felt so awkward to talk to one another at all since the last hours were spend with someone else. Maybe I didn't have the best time with Orochi, but what if he differed? I didn't want to know this possibility, but at the same time, I wanted to as well. I am such a hypocrite.

Zelos lifted his eyes up at me and watched me for a few seconds to make up his mind what to say. I knew him too well. "It was great." His final reply came out in a monotone.

I decided that I wanted the truth since I could already caught the playfulness in his eyes. So I started, "You mean in other words..."

"I had a dull time." He finished it.

There was no moon today and quite unfortunate. Grandpa's grand birthday was today, and I had spent the whole day with Orochi instead. Grandpa always taught me that I should always believe in what my conscience told me to believe. My conscience would never lie. Right now, it told me that Orochi wasn't the one I shouldn't had been with the whole day with. The person who should had taken my arm and strolled through Mizuho should have been him.

I decided to have no conversation tonight since we already read each other's minds by now and laid my head firmly on his shoulder. The next minutes went by with the rustling of the green leaves of the Linkite Tree behind us. There was no wind tonight but the air was cool and scented. Everyone else must be on his or her third dish of dinner by now. But I wasn't hungry for food, there were always more. I was hungry for his company, something that I had a dearth of today.

Suddenly, Zelos used his free hand and stroked my cheek without any words spoken. Turning my head to look at him, I never knew how determined his eyes were. Zelos's eyes used to be fill with no determination whatsoever so now that I stared at the difference of his attitude, I could really see that no matter what decision I made in the future... someone might get hurt. There was no way to escape from it.

Oh how much I wished Martel's words were true! How much I wished there was another path to have both desires I wanted. He gripped on my shoulder tight and my body tensed up at the very touch. I leaned up to kiss him lightly on the cheek. The happiness written on both our faces could not be described in words.

His other hand on my cheek moved to my chin and held my head up tight. I didn't want to close my eyes this time, what if something happened again and I could not see it myself? For some reason, hearing it would pain me more. His breath was fresh as he moved his face closer to mines. His gripped hand was now around my waist.

Our lips touched for what seemed like a second when this time we automatically removed ourselves from each other. Zelos spun around just to see Kiki, who was standing in her kimono and was heartbroken from the expression on her face. Now, I felt even guiltier of the crime I had taken. I glanced around me to see a blue kimono. It must be Orochi. My conscience was breaking apart.

"Kiki, come back!" I heard Zelos crying out and following with his footsteps running after her.

With all my courage, I turned around to face the brother I knew all my life. His face was calm unlike Kiki, and this hurt more than anything in the world. Talk to me! Ask me! Discipline me! Do something! My lips were shivering for being so pusillanimous in front of my own brother. He was my friend and like a brother that I knew him all my life... Why does he have to be so calm all the time? Does it hurt to tell me something?

"Orochi... I..." He shook his head with a straight face on.

"I respect your own views Sheena." He replied. This broke my heart more than I could ever imagine. If he were to shout at me or even to argue with me, my heart wouldn't be in this much pain. If he showed any concern at all, I wouldn't even care. Even if he hit me, I wouldn't mind! But anything... anything but nice and cool all the time!

"Orochi, why do you have to be so nice to me all the time? You're like a brother to me, you should discipline me and argue with me. You have the right to do so! Then, why do you act so cool at the time? I left you for someone else!" I announced my heart out. My lips trembled more than I could imagine and my heart ached more than anything else in both worlds.

Orochi still showed no expression that told me that he understood all this. He stood there and spoke softer than before. "Sheena, you are your own person. You make your own choices. I do what's right for me. And right now, what's right for me is your happiness." Tears bottled in my eyes. "That' my own view."

After hearing these words, every thing died down in my body as if nothing had ever started between Orochi and I. Orochi had this talent with words I did not. All I could manage now was- "Thank you."

(Zelos's POV)

I always thought I could run. Well, Kiki ran faster. I raced after the other Mizuho female in my life. She finally stopped after I heard her breathing cooled down a bit and her posture not as tight as before. I stopped in my own tracks and walked slowly closer to her side. She did not flinched or moved.

I decided that I had enough courage to bring the situation out between the two of us. I went to her side and glanced at her from the corners of my eyes to see her emotionless face. She must hate me so much right now. Clearing out my throat, I wanted to be friends... I didn't want things to go negative between the two of us.

"Kiki, I'm sorry." Maybe apologizing was the best method right now.

She kept her gaze in front of her. "I don't need your apologies. You hadn't done anything." I did not know why but even in her calm voice, I was scared to go on any further. Her voice was spoken so soft and so forgiving that I regretted so much to hurt her before. The attention was back to the ground, but I had to continue.

"Kiki, you're a great female individual. There is someone perfect for you. That person is not I." I said. What if she exploded?

For the first time this whole conversation, she turned her head toward me with gleaming tears in her eyes. Her head was tilted to one side. "Zelos, you don't know what you're putting yourself into." I now mocked her by tilting my head to one side too. "Sheena... there are lots of things about her you don't know. How do you know she actually care for who you are?"

I froze. No... I trusted Sheena with all my life. "Kiki, there are no secrets between Sheena and I. It's getting late, we could talk about this tomorrow." I decided that this conversation was going too far... I just could not take it any longer.

Running back, I met Sheena once more near the Linkite Tree. She seemed to be daydreaming for she did not see my arrival. I was about to sneak up behind her when she suddenly spoke softly, "I'm sorry, Zelos." Just then, my mind was losing control again like it had its own will.

I struggled to keep conscious but the only thing left I saw was Sheena running toward me. Now, I completely blacked out and the blurriest image yet came to my mind. I was confused until the view came into focus once more. The view was still blurry that I could not make out very well, and yet, the voice was clear.

The image I saw first was in a pleasant big room somewhere. Everything was so blurry that I could not see it well but I could tell that outside the window was dark and it was probably late at night. I blinked a few times but it did not help. Other things I could make out were a fire in the fireplace and a bed near the wall. The next thing I noticed was the person on the bed got up. The person was blurry too but it was easily seen that the person was of normal height and violet colored hair. That's strange...

Then, the door opened and revealed a taller person with light colored hair... orange? No, it was flaming red hair. That person was obviously my height and had the same color clothes. It was me! I watched as that particular person walked over to the other person with the purple hair. Now, I could tell that other person was a she.

In a split second, I saw the female cried out with lament in her voice. "I'm sorry, Zelos." The next sound was a something breaking and then, someone falling. Two thumps came from both of the cause.

My eyes shot open and saw Sheena looking down at me with fear in her eyes. This had happened to me too much. I got up and stared at her from top to bottom. Sheena had purple hair, and moderate height. I could not keep my eyes off of her. I'm sorry, Zelos. That was Sheena's voice ringing through my ears. I'm sorry, Zelos. That was the mysterious female in his vision and her voice ringing next in his ears. They were eerily similar... No...

My eyes glared at Sheena at the thought. "Sheena, I couldn't believe you're the only person I could trust and yet, you're the one that hurt me." Sheena's eyes widened.

"What are you talking about?"

The person closest to you might be your worst enemy. The paper he pocketed the other day said that! It must be referring to Sheena! His temper rose in his mind and everything became so clear. Kiki told him that Sheena was keeping a secret from him and how Sheena always acted so strange around him. It all made sense! "Sheena, you're the one that cursed me. You're the one that caused me to be like this. And now, you're trying to be my friend? Unbelievable... just unbelievable."

Sheena's fist curled up and eyes hurt. "Zelos! I demand to know what's going on? Why would I curse you?" I did not want to hear her words any longer and continued to back away slowly from her.

"No... I'm not listening! Your words are poison!" I shouted. Everything hurt and all I wanted was to get away. If I can't trust Sheena, I trust no one! I am on my own. Maybe it was best to leave that soft side behind and toughen up a little. Maybe I should run away... yes... my Rheaird.

The next thing I knew, I took it to the skies and flew south to any place but here. I don't want to see her again. I trusted her with my life and she was the one that was the cause for my suffering all this time? She lured me into this trap and I was not going to get out by staying there!

(Sheena's POV)

The words that came from his mouth were so unlike him. He never acted this way before. Even when things got tough between the two of us before his accident, he was never like this. I didn't curse him, did I? Since I don't remember I did so, I wouldn't have done it. My mind was racing while I watched his Rheaird flew up and headed south. Where was he going? He doesn't know anyone any longer! What if he met up with the real people who were trying to hurt him?

I bit the bottom of my lip in a quick decision. No... even if he thought that I was the one responsible for all his pain, I should race after him. He could not survive on his own out there! He doesn't even know how to use a sword! What if he hated me? I cared about him more than anyone in the world right now. How could I let everything fall apart like this? I firmly placed my decision to accept his hate for me if I could lead him to safety.

Taking my own Rheaird, I chased right behind him. The sudden wind now pounded in my ears since I was going at a higher speed than acceptable to match his level and not lose sight of him. Maybe things weren't well between us... maybe things weren't perfect between us... but we weren't enemies! We were never enemies! What made him change like this? What made him turn his eye and look in a different direction? He was like a fleeing bird, always changing his mind and confused. My heart ached that his pain must be even harder than I could imagine.

Maybe even harder than the own pain in my heart right at the moment.

"Zelos! Please turn back!" I pleaded, wishing he would forfeit.

"NO! I'm never going back. I'm never wanted to trust another person again!" He shouted back but still concentrated on his own Rheaird. I almost hated myself for being weak.

This chase was useless. If he kept on going at this speed, we would be running around in circles for I do not dare to speed up and bumped into the back of his Rheaird, which would possibly knocked him off it. I gritted my teeth and attempted to think of a plan to stop this fleeing bird from going too far.

Impossible was the word in my mind right now when I suddenly saw him lowered the Rheaird into the town of Iselia. Iselia? Of all the towns or cities he could have picked, he chose Iselia? Why? I hit my head for being stupid. It was obvious. He wanted to go a place he knew he could recognize from the back of his lost mind and Iselia seemed like a peaceful cutoff to this chase. He knew as well as I do this would take forever to finish.

I landed right outside Iselia and walked in its open entrance. It was pretty late and my body was exhausted, but I was on a mission for Zelos. Zelos doesn't know what he's doing. He could have been injured! He was acting foolish. My search didn't last long since after a few feet or so, I already found him on the ground and held his head like it was about to explode. I cautiously walked closer to him. He had been like this a lot lately and it must be those memories flashing back to him. Memories... were that why he thought I cursed him?

Before I got closer to help him up, my eyes darted to the person standing next to his body. That person was where I left my attention on. The person had exactly the same color hair and eyes I did and like most other citizens of Mizuho, but I had never seen before in my life. She's not from Mizuho... was she? This little prediction was out of place since there were some violet-haired people living in other parts of the two worlds instead of Mizuho.

There were abundant violet strands over her eyes the same way I had mines with the acceptation that she had more over her eyes at the moment. She was about my height, if not less, then exactly my height. At the moment, I could not tell and there was no way to tell but my abilities of estimation. Was it just me or her outfit was similar to Kuchinawa? It looked like the exact outfit with the layers except with the color of violet. Her eyes were teary and her skin was pale as if she was sick.

My eyes went back to the red-haired on the ground, who seemed to be in enormous pain. He kept on groaning in pain and held his hands to his head. It seemed to be worst than usual. I leaned down to help him and his eyes opened with fear I had never seen in my life. His eyes filled with fear like a bird when it saw a person especially a hunter chasing after it except much worst. His whole body was shaking in my arms and he seemed to be behaving very strange.

When the stranger took a step toward us, he held onto me tighter and curled into a smaller ball he had created for himself. I glared up at the female, who was causing him so much pain. Was she the one responsible for his change of personality once more? My eyes widened at my own question. Or was she the one responsible for his change of personality the first time?

He might have mistaken her for me since we both have the same height, hair color, eye color, and lots of similar features. This brought shivers down my spine. We were too similar and the girl seemed to be around my age too. I took out my cards in defense just in case. She had a staff in her hands but showed no use for it whatsoever. With a shaking voice, I managed to ask a question anyone would ask right at this second.

"Who are you?"

"Sheena, it's me. Amaya."

Ending Notes: Yay, I'm done with another chapter. This chapter was filled angst huh? I just had to add some in here. Though I missed out in the fluff. I don't know and I don't feel like doing fluff right now. I thought this small twist to the fanfic should bring some excitement. I am very busy and not enough time to check off my work and my betas are really busy as well, but no problem however since I will get this chapter beta as soon as I can! I can promise you that. Anyways, next chapter, we get to catch up where we left off. Evil cliffhanger... hehe, but you guys could always guess what happens next. I like it when everyone started speculating. R & R, love you all!