The Hells of High School

Disclaimer- Nope don't own anything cept my fics. Hope ya like this chapter!


One kiss for all my trust

One kiss for all my love

One kiss cause me to break

One kiss

I just hate it

One kiss

One kiss

One kiss

That's where I started feeling

One kiss felt so good

But I never shoulda had that kiss


Ch.24 Last Kiss?


'"It's my turn to speak this time...Inuyasha...for a while i've been trying to figure why I have been feeling so different about you. While you were staying at my house I figured it out. I was falling in love with you...I have been feeling this way for a while now and then finally after you said all that stuff, and then you told me it was my choice was when it hit me, i'm not falling in love with you...I'm in love with you."' She remembered as she threw the door open and Naraku looked over at her.

"Thought you'd get smart huh?" He asked.

"Ya I did actually." Kagome smirked.

"You sure have been hanging out with that mutt a long time, your starting to sound like him." Naraku frowned.

"Your not going to hurt them, I won't let you. This is my battle, you have to fight me." Kagome confirmed.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, whether you like it or not." Kagome told him.

"I don't think Inuyasha would like that very much." Naraku smirked.

"Oh well, this is my fight. I'm not letting anyone get hurt for me." Kagome explained to him.

"You think it's that easy? What if you lose? If you fight me then you could die." Naraku told her.

"I'm actually willing to take that chance." Kagome nodded.

"What about Inuyasha? He'd be crushed if he lost you."

"At least he'd be alive." Kagome said quietly.

"This should be interesting." Naraku chuckled lowly.

"Naraku, I want to make this clear that I have no intention on backing down. Don't think i'll be afraid if I get injured. I'm going all the way with this, it's either that or nothing don't you think?" Kagome smirked as she held a sword.

"I agree quite highly, I like your attitude towards this. No fear at all?" He asked.

"Of course i'm somewhat scared but not for the reason you think. Only thing i'm scared about is you killing me then the other's would have to fight you and risk their lives." Kagome told him.

"Very good." Naraku nodded. "I thought Inuyasha wanted you to stay away though so he could protect you?" Naraku asked with a smirk.

"Ya well it's my turn." Kagome said simply. "This fight is you and me, one on one. No cheating with your dumb gang or anything." She told him.

"Deal." He smirked. "By the way, if I kill you then I have no need to fight the others so you shouldn't worry to much but since you desire to fight me i'll grant your wish." Naraku assured her.

"No cause if I die they will come after you and want to fight you." Kagome corrected him.

"So wouldn't this be meaningless then?" He asked with a questioning gaze.

"No...i'm doing this for me." She told him.

'"If I ever break my promise to her again it better be because i'm dying. I'm never letting her down ever again." ..."Kagome, i'm not leaving. Even if that dream of yours were to come true then we can change it. I'm not leaving you."..."Kagome...I love you."'


"Dammit!" Inuyasha yelled as he threw his sword into the ground.

"Well we can't very well do anything about can we?" Koga asked also getting aggitated.

"Why the hell is she doing this? She closed us off from getting to her, putting herself in danger!" Inuyasha yelled as he looked at the building.

"She's protecting you from getting hurt. I understand why it's just why the hell now? She's willing to sacrifice her life for you." Bankotsu explained. "You know very well the way she is."

"Ya and this is a one time I wish she didn't care so much." Inuyasha growled.


"Ok is he that stupid to not try the sword? This is fucking ridiculous!" Shippo yelled.

"Shippo...I've never heard you talk like that." Ayame said out of surprise.

"Well the damn half-wit is doing god knows what while Kagome is inside fighting the other idiot!" Shippo explained and crossed his arms.

"He's right, but Sesshomaru wants Inuyasha to figure out on his own. He says it's better that way." Ginkotsu said.

"Dammit..." Shippo sighed as he sat back down.


"Damn that mutt is an idiot." Sesshomaru said under his breath.

"Ya and you wanted to wait." Sango rolled her eyes. "Apparently you don't know how stupid Inuyasha really is."

"Fuck you Sango." Inuyasha said as he walked over.

"Well why the hell haven't you taken the barrier down yet!" Sango asked.

"How the hell do I do that!" Inuyasha asked.

"Stop yelling!" Rin yelled. "Your getting nowhere this way!"


"You still think it was wise to fight me on your own? Stupid girl." Naraku chuckled as Kagome bent over forward taking in deep breaths after getting the wind knocked out of her.

"Why didn't you kill me?" Kagome asked between breaths.

"I'm kinda having fun watching you suffer." Naraku grinned.

"Fuck you." Kagome said under her breath before running to him and stabbing a small knife into his stomach.

"Little bitch!" He yelled sending her flying across the room with his powers. He pulled the small knife out and tossed it by her. "Just kill yourself and let me say I killed you." Naraku said simply before running to her and picking her up by the neck.

"You...wish." She said struggling for breath before kneeing him in the gut causing him to throw her to the ground.

'I know your here Inuyasha...i'm sorry...' She thought.

"Go to hell!" Naraku yelled as he pulled out his sword now full of rage.

"No, that's where your going." Kagome stood up and pulled out a gun and aimed at him and shot twice.


"What the hell was that?" Inuyasha asked and looked at the building.

"Gun shots..." Koga said when he walked over also.

"Dammit." Inuyasha pulled out his sword with a growl hoping to stab through the barrier.

"Bout fucking time!" Sango yelled as the barrier dissapeared.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Inuyasha asked as he watched it fade away.

"That's all it took. Damn idiot." Sango said as she walked passed him and ran inside.

"Bout goddamn time!" Miroku said as he went in after the barrier dissapeared followed by the others.
"Naraku..." Kagome panted out.

"Yes?" Naraku grinned.

"Burn in hell!" Kagome yelled and stabbed him in the chest as she collapsed to the floor from being cut and using to much of her energy.

"No that's where you'll be." Naraku said as he lifted his sword over her.

"Not in your life!" Inuyasha yelled as he threw his sword at Naraku slicing his sword in half.

"So you finally decided to show up have you." Naraku smirked.

"Ya and now it's my turn." Inuyasha growled as he flexed his fist.

"Nuh uh uh, me and Kagome had a deal. I kill her then I don't kill you. Just let me kill her then we'll go on about our lives." Naraku nodded.

"Like hell i'll let you do that! Kagome wouldn't agree to that!" Inuyasha yelled.

"She did though. She wanted our fight to be only between us." Naraku explained. Kagome was falling in and out of conciousness as she heard Inuyasha's voice once again. At first she thought it was another one of those memories but then she felt his aura near and noticed Naraku talking to someone.

'No Inuyasha! Your...not supposed to be here!' Kagome thought and reached her hand out to Naraku's leg.

"You Bitch!" Naraku yelled as a jolt of power seared through his body and he was sent to the back wall. Kagome looked to see him unconcious before feeling herself fall unconcious herself.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled as he ran over.

"Oh no..." Sango said when she ran in.

"Wha-..." Miroku started but Sango just shook her head and looked at him then back to Kagome. He understood and slowly walked over to Inuyasha along with Koga.

'Dammit...I can't move...I have to kill Naraku once and for all...but i've already used alot of my energy...this is going to suck...' She thought as she tightened her eyes shut and reached for the jewel.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha asked when she moved.

"Sorry..." She managed out before everyone in the room started to glow with the exception of Naraku and herself before they were thrown out of the room and she put another barrier over the room and the tetsusaiga in the door so Inuyasha couldn't break it this time.

"No!" Inuyasha yelled. "Dammit Kagome!"

"Wow...she really doesn't want us getting involved." Bankotsu said.

"Thank you captain obvious...we've kinda noticed though." Sango said as she stood from the floor.

"She wants to fight this battle alone." Ayame said.

"What are you doing here?" Koga asked when she helped Sango up after walking in.

"Helping." She said simply.

'Kagome why can't you just let me help?' Inuyasha thought as he stared at the door. 'Your to weak to be able to defeat him...just let me help you.'

"You sure that was a smart move?" Naraku asked as he stood up. "Your still having trouble getting up, they could have saved your life."

"No..." Was all she could get out before she started coughing and slowly got on all four before standing. She crouched down once again and put her two fingers to the floor and slid them to the side in front of her using some power to trip Naraku.

"Bitch. Those powers of yours are really pissing me off you know." Naraku said through gritted teeth.

"Oh ya?" She asked softly before sliding her fingers across the floor over and over again sending him into one wall after the other then she stood after catching her breath and ran to him. She picked up the handle of Naraku's sword and slid the shattered piece into Naraku's stomach.

"Bitch!" Naraku yelled before using his own power by pushing her across the room into the door and slowly slid the shattered piece of metal out of his gut. A drip of blood trickled from his mouth after a rough cough. He walked to her as she struggled in the air as she was being pushed against the door with an invisible force.

'Ok you win.' Inuyasha heard Kagome's voice in his head.

"What?" He asked quietly so no one heard him as they argued with each other.

'I'm using the jewel to talk to you...but maybe your right. Maybe I can't do this on my own...and I know he'll try killing you if I were to die so...when I say the word kill him...but hurry cause...cause I can't hold on much longer.' She explained to him.

Naraku pulled his fist back ready to send a power ball at her.

'Now Inuyasha!' Kagome told him as she let the barrier dissapear. Inuyasha pulled his sword out of the door once the barrier was gone and pushed the door open cutting Naraku's hold on Kagome and put his sword up to the power ball that came his way as Kagome fell to the ground. Inuyasha felt himself being pushed back as he held the sword to Naraku's power and had to kneal down to hold his sword.

"Nice timing." Naraku smirked. The doors shut before anyone else could walk in and Naraku grinned.

'Kagome are you ok?' He asked hoping she was still connected but the realized she was unconcious.

"Fuck you Naraku. I've been waiting for us to be able to communicate like this for a while. Now i'll personally send you to hell." Inuyasha growled out and then felt Kagome's aura start to dim down some. 'Dammit she's really weak.'

"So many promises." Naraku rolled his eyes.

"This one I tend to keep." Inuyasha yelled out as he pushed his sword back at Naraku and watched with wide eyes as the power ball was sent back at him. He saw as streaks of power flew out of the ball and he ran and covered Kagome with his body afraid it'd shoot toward her. He heard yells from Naraku as he held Kagome close and noticed her breathing very ragged. He looked down at her with worryful eyes and then looked up at Naraku and stood out of anger and even though Naraku was getting hit by his own power Inuyasha sent one more attack.

"WIND SCAR!" Inuyasha yelled and stood in surprise as he watched Naraku just sort of dissolve after being hit. Only bad thing was he was killed before the attack from before was finished and since it's target was gone the streaks of power were searing in every which way. "Fuck!" Inuyasha yelled and picked Kagome up before running to the door and pushed it open and started running out of the building.

"Inuyasha!" Miroku yelled before they all followed when they heard the noise from inside the room.

"Shit!" Inuyasha yelled when Kagome stopped breathing. 'She's used way to much power and energy.'

He grabbed her wrist and felt no pulse. He suddenly got a terrified look on his face as he looked down at her.

"Call the fucking ambulance! NOW!" Inuyasha yelled unsure of what to do.

"Is she ok?" Sango asked as she rushed next to him.

"Just call the damn ambulance!" He yelled making her jump back. His head was rushing from worry and complete terror. He did not want to lose her. No way in hell was he going to allow that. He thought he was going to break down but knew he had to think of way to save her. Then it suddenly came to him and he lied her out on the ground and started breathing into her mouth and pumping her chest.

"I-Inuyasha?" Sango asked now frightened from seeing Inuyasha giving her CPR, it was never a good sign if someone needed CPR in her opinion.

"Sango go get the first aid kit from my car." Miroku told Sango so she'd have something to do and not have to worry. Sango was hesitant before turning to run to his car.

'Kagome come on!' Inuyasha thought feeling himself starting to lose his strength to stay calm. 'I'm so sorry Kagome...' He thought.

"Maybe you should stop for a might be doing it to quickly." Miroku told him quietly knowing he was trying so hard to get her to breathe again. He stopped and just leaned down to kiss her lips as he started to think he had lost her. He felt his heart just slowly breaking and picked her up and held her tightly. He rubbed her back gently and heard her take in a deep breath before she started breathing quickly.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha asked as he placed her back on the ground. She was still unconcious but he was just glad she was breathing. He kept an eye on her while they waited for the ambulance to make sure she didn't stop breathing again. As Sango sat next to him as she cried and he tried to comfort her somewhat although he was distracted by watching Kagome.

"You know, the teachers are going to think something's up since ya'll keep having excuses for being in the hospital." Sango laughed.

"Ya really." Rin smiled as they tried to cheer Inuyasha up a little. He was doing alot better since Kagome was doing better but he was still upset that she'd been in the hospital for three weeks now.

"Hey just be glad she's getting out today and now you get to date Kagome again...well that's if her mom doesn't find out you skipped school for a couple of days to visit Kagome." Sango rolled her eyes.

"Ya well...umm...I wasn't sick those days either..." Miroku admitted fearfully.

"I know you weren't. Wondered when you'd tell me." Sango smirked.

"You knew!" Miroku asked.

"Yup." Sango laughed.

"How many times are you going to look at the clock?" Rin asked Inuyasha.

"Until it rings." Inuyasha mumbled.

"Five more minutes Inuyasha, chill." Sango rolled her eyes.

'Damn high school.' Inuyasha thought with a glare to the clock.

"Well he hasn't seen her in about two weeks now. Anyway, her mom DID find out. She was there one of the days. We had to hide in one of the bathrooms but she caught us when we tried sneaking out of it." Miroku explained.

"You hid in the bathroom?" Sango laughed.

"Ya..." Miroku sighed. "Second time for Inuyasha to do that."

"So that explains why he hasn't skipped anymore school." Rin laughed.

"See you guys later." Inuyasha said when the bell rang.

"Damn, he didn't waste any time." Sango laughed.

"Nope." Rin laughed.

"He misses her, can you blame him?" Miroku asked with a shrug.

After being officially welcomed back home two hours ago after her nap she was now sitting in her room thinking of all that had happend. Which is what she had been doing alot for the past three weeks. What else was there for her to do while she spent all her time in the hospital? She knew one thing was for sure, she wasn't ready to be taking power lessons so much a week anymore. Sota hadn't gotten home from school yet and her mom was downstairs. She was trying to stay away from going downstairs so she could try to delay more lectures. She moved to her desk and laughed at all the trouble the jewel had caused her when she looked at it as it lied on her desk. She jumped when she heard a knock and looked to her window to see Inuyasha. She went over and opened it to let him in.

"You know we do have a door Inuyasha." She laughed.

"Ya...didn't really want to run into your mom just yet." Inuyasha shrugged.

"Your the one who broke the rules." She laughed and was surprised when he pulled her into a hug.

"Promise me something." Inuyasha told her.

"I know I know." She laughed. "I promise I won't do that ever again." She assured him.

"You better not." He told her not as amused about it as she was.

"Kagome! Phone!" Her mother yelled from downstairs.

"I'll be right back." She told him as he let her go and watched her walk out. He walked over to her desk and picked up the jewel.

"Thanks for telling me...i'll call you back later Sango." Kagome hung up the phone.

"What was that about?" Her mom asked.

"Nothing, i'll be right back." Kagome said before she ran upstairs and into her room. Inuyasha put the jewel down when she walked in.

"You ok?" He chuckled when she had burst in the door. She didn't say anything as she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck before capturing his lips in a full passionate kiss.

Kagome jumped away from him when her mother cleared her throat from behind them. Inuyasha was still a little shocked by what was going on but now knew he was in trouble.

"Sheesh, second time." Kagome mumbled under her breath.

"Well...I've been expecting you Inuyasha. I was hoping you'd use the front door though." Mrs. Higurashi said.

Inuyasha didn't say anything. Hell, he didn't know 'what' to say.

"Shall we go downstairs to talk?" She asked before turning around heading downstairs not giving them a choice. They all went downstairs and sat at the kitchen table. "Your brother went to Kohaku's house and your grandfather had to go run some errands." Her mother said meaning the house was empty.

"Great." Kagome said with a sarcastic smile.

"It's about time we settle this. Your mom is coming over." She told Inuyasha.

"My mom? What exactly are we settling?" Inuyasha asked.

"Inuyasha." Kagome said and shook her head and the front door opened and in walked Inuyasha's mother.

"Kagome, how are you feeling sweety?" Mrs. Kappei asked as she went over to hug her.

"Good." Kagome said simply.

Inuyasha and Kagome were both in the living room as both their mothers wanted to talk amongst each other first. They were forced to sit on different sides of the room though.

"This is fun." Inuyasha sighed. Kagome laughed at how bored he looked when he said that. "It's not funny." He laughed.

"You didn't see your face." She told him.

"Well excuse me." He smirked and stretched.

"Oh! You better not move. You could get sent into the bedroom if you move." Kagome said making fun of the fact that they had to sit away from each other.

"So i'm supposed to stay still?" He asked then froze. "No it's to hard, I just have to move so much." He said as he looked like he was fighting the urge to move.

"Shhh." Kagome laughed. "They'll hear us." She told him.

"You started it." He shrugged and sat back in the couch he was sitting on.

"Oh well." Kagome said as she lied down across her couch.

"So what was that kiss about?" He asked talking about the kiss that got them caught.

"Sango called. Apparently I died? That kinda sucks. You know dying is just a pain in the a-...I mean it's a pain." She laughed and looked at the door to make sure her mom didn't hear her.

"She told you?" Inuyasha asked.

"Ya...but...why didn't you?" She asked him.

"How was I supposed to? First time I went to the hospital you were still unconcious and then the second time your mom caught me and Miroku when we walked out of the bathroom and i've barely got to talk to you since i've been here." Inuyasha shrugged.

"I'm sorry." Kagome sighed as she turned on her stomach and rested her cheek against the couch.

"Why?" He asked as he got up and walked over to her.

"I didn't mean to cause trouble." She told him as he knealed down in front of her.

"You didn't." He told her as he stroked her cheek and leaned down to kiss her. Inuyasha pulled away and looked at the kitchen door to make sure they weren't going to walk in.

"Go back to you couch, they'll end up walking in." Kagome laughed. Inuyasha sighed before going back.

"I feel like i'm in time-out." Inuyasha complained.

"That's where the familiar feeling is coming from. Always getting in trouble...and it always being your fault." Kagome rolled her eyes. "So this isn't new."

"How was it always my fault?" He asked and she smirked.

"Trouble maker." She said simply.

"What!" He asked.

"You and your adventures. Killing demons." Kagome laughed.

"Man, how was that my fault we got in trouble? We used to get in trouble for just climbing trees." He rolled his eyes.

"And we did alot of that. Which always brought us here in these exact spots." Kagome sighed.

"You were the one that always 'had' to be a princess that had to be rescued." Inuyasha laughed.

"I was little! Shut up Inuyasha. I don't remember you ever complaining." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Keh, I was little too." He rolled his eyes.

"I think we're a little old for this time-out thing." Kagome sighed.

"You got that right. But apparently we're not trusted."

"Ya...I hate that. You know? Why don't they trust us? I think we know how to live our own lives. Pretty soon we'll be going off to college. What then? They can't control us then." Kagome said.

"One more year after the rest of this year...that's if we don't fail for missing so much school." Inuyasha laughed.

"Ya really." Kagome laughed along. "Inuyasha...what ever happend to Kagura?"

"I don't know." Inuyasha shrugged.

"I don't think this is over with yet. I think we have another battle to fight." Kagome said and before Inuyasha said what he opened his mouth to say she spoke again. "Together." She smirked.

"Fine." He smirked.

"So what do you think the verdict will be?"

"I don't know. Knowing our parents we probably wont ever be allowed to date cause 'we've been friends to long and we know to much about each other'." He said the last part in a high pitched voice, mimicking their mothers. Kagome laughed at how funny he sounded and sat up.

"You know...maybe we should wait, I don't like them thinking bad stuff about us." Kagome sighed.

"Maybe your right." Inuyasha shrugged.

"I'm right? Your supposed to try and talk me out of it." Kagome whinned.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"Cause I don't want to wait." She sighed.

"Then why'd you say it?" He chuckled.

"I was trying to be reasoning." She sighed once again.

"Well say what you want, I can't read your mind." He told her.

"I know. But's the right thing to do." She told him.

"Maybe..." He shrugged then looked at the door when their mothers walked in and sat on the last free couch. Kagome sat up and crossed her arms.

"So?" Kagome asked.

"We understand that you two care for each other so much..." Mrs. Higurashi started.

"But?" Inuyasha asked knowing it was coming.

"...but your only in high school." Mrs. Higurashi said still not able to get over that small fact.

"Mom- " Kagome started.

"She's right guys. You guys are young and known each other longer then any other couple." Mrs. Kappei said.

"And?" Inuyasha asked.

"We're going by how our own lives went. We don't want you kids making the same mistakes. If you know each other as well as you two do then you'll think your ok to do whatever." Mrs. Higurashi told him.

"I think we know better then that." Inuyasha mumbled.

"Ya. We're not stupid or anything. We know what we're ready for and what we're not. I'm 16 and I think I can live my own life now." Kagome complained getting upset.

"Not very well apparently!" Her mother yelled. "I'm just trying to look out for you." She said in a more calmer tone. Kagome was still shocked by her mothers outburst.

"Well we talked it out too while you two were in the kitchen and we thought we'd wait." Inuyasha told them.

"No we didn't!" Kagome told him.

"What? Your the one who suggested it." Inuyasha told her.

"I didn't mean it!" Kagome told him.

"Well whoever came up with it, it's a good idea. Maybe it would be good to wait." Mrs. Kappei nodded. "Till College." She told them.

"What! That's like two years away." Kagome said.

"It's a little more then one year Kagome. And by then, hopefully your mature enough to have a relationship where I don't have to keep finding you two all over each other." Mrs. Higurashi said.

"Is that what this is about?" Kagome asked.

"Partly." Mrs. Kappei said.

"I was kissing him cause my best friend Sango did me the favor of calling me up to tell me that I had almost died if Inuyasha hadn't tried so hard to bring me back to life!" Kagome yelled and Inuyasha blushed not really wanting that to get out.

Both mothers were stunned at the new bit of information, which left them speechless.

"You could say something you know." Kagome told Inuyasha as he just sat there. He just shrugged with an unknowing look. She glarred at him and turned back to her mother with a fake smile. "Fine, i'll wait. Maybe by then Inuyasha can grow up enough to actually care." She said throwing Inuyasha a glare before running upstairs. Inuyasha looked down at the floor beside him and sighed. It wasn't he didn't care, it was just he didn't know what to say. Usually he was more defensive it was just...he didn't want her mother thinking more bad things about him then she already did.

"I'll let her have some space...i'm sure she'll be ok." Mrs. Higurashi assured Mrs. Kappei when she looked at her worriedly.

"But now their fighting." Mrs. Kappei said and looked at her son with a look of regret.

"They'll make up." Mrs. Higurashi said. "They always do."

"Keh, that's what you think." Inuyasha said as he stood and went to walk out of the room.

"Inuyasha what do you mean?" His mother asked.

"You don't get it do you? We're not your way out to fix the mistakes you made in the past. You think we're just so stupid and that we'll go off and ruin our lives. We won't do that. Mrs. Higurashi, the reason she's mad at me is cause I wasn't trying to defend our side but I was trying not to get further on your bad side then I already am since you think i'm some kind of screw up or something. Well you know what? I don't care anymore. I regret not saying anything. Why should I try to impress you? You've known me your whole life and if you can't figure out that I would never hurt Kagome then you must not pay to much attention to your daughter. I'll follow your wishes and wait till after college, that's fine. If you still think i'm such a bad person by then...well excuse my language but I won't give a damn about what you think. I'm leaving, I said what I wanted to say. Bye." Inuyasha said as he headed to the front door.

"Inuyasha!" Mrs. Kappei yelled in surprise as both mothers were shocked. He didn't listen as he walked out the front door and slammed the door behind him. He walked around to the back of the house and got up to Kagome's window. It was still open from when he had entered it earlier. Kagome was lying on her bed with her face in her pillow as she cried. He didn't want to make her cry and slowly entered through the window. He carefully sat beside her on the bed and rubbed her back.

"Come on, don't cry, I didn't mean to do that." Inuyasha begged her. She slowly sat up and looked at him.

"That's...That's not why i'm crying." She whispered as she looked down.

"...then why are you crying?" He asked out of confusion.

"I heard what you said to them and I didn't know that was why you didn't want to say anything and I felt bad for getting mad at you." She explained to him finding the comforter very interesting. He sighed and lifted her chin to look at him.

"It's ok, forgive me though?" He asked with a hopeful look.

"Of course." She smiled at him he smiled back and wanted to lean in to her to kiss her but stopped himself. She noticed and sighed before she found the spot on the comforter so interesting again.

"If you need me i'll be at Miroku's house. I don't think I want to go home right now." He told her. She nodded.

"So that's it huh?" She asked not wanting to look up at him.

"I guess so. But it's ok. We get more time to mend our friendship back together." He forced a smile but she didn't seem to happy about that. He got up and walked back to the window. Kagome sighed and got up and walked over to him before he left. Without a word she stood in front of him and wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him down to her and closed her eyes before capturing his lips in a long fierce, last kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist and slid his tongue across her lips before she parted her lips for him. They heard the front door open and they pulled apart and Inuyasha let his arms loosen as he only rested his hands on her sides and looked back down at her.

"I don't want to wait." Kagome sighed knowing they didn't have much time.

"I know, but you know what they say. Good things come to those who wait." Inuyasha smirked and kissed the back of her hand.

"Oh shut up." She smiled at him. Inuyasha sighed and pulled away from her and put out his hand.

"Friends?" He asked.

"Ya sure." Kagome said dissapointedly with a sigh. "Wait does this mean we're dating other people?" Kagome asked a little afraid knowing that girls liked Inuyasha.

"...I guess." Inuyasha shrugged with a sigh.

"Alright." She nodded holding back her tears that she felt. There was a noise in the hallway and they both looked at the door. "You better go." Kagome whispered.

"Ok, see you later Kaggs." Inuyasha told her.

"Later Koinu." She forced a smile for him and closed the window once he was gone and went to sit on her bed ready for her mom to walk in and start lecturing her, as if on time her mom walked in.


Final Thought from Kagome:

I'm not in the mood mom. You just destroyed my relationship with Inuyasha. I love him mom! What don't you understand that you can't control my life! Fine! Well you might have won that battle but don't think we're going to be alright for a while...

AN: Finally here! YAY! Plz don't hate me. x.x

hmm...what gon happen with Inuyasha and Kagome? Agh! This sux...don't you hate mothers who think they know better when they don't? Well hopefully things get better.

Till next time!


Bye for now!