Full Summary: When Inuyasha finally makes a move on Kagome, she rejects him. However, she rejects him on the simple fact that she's not ready. Inuyasha takes it to heart and thinks that she's just disgusted with the fact of doing something so sacred with a half demon such as himself. Words are said, feelings get hurt and meanings get mixed. Can Sango and Miroku, with a little help from Shippo, help fix their best friends' problem or will the two lovers have to simply do it on their own?

Disclaimer: I obviously do not own Inuyasha or I would not be writing fics, I would be writing new episodes or something like that. So yeah, I own nofin.

A/n: Hello all, this is my first fic on here. Please, please no flames! I would though, appreciate "polite" criticism. This fic is loosely based off the song, Undiscovered. No, it's not a songfic, just a fic based on a song...if you get what I mean...:-/

Enough of that, here it is...


Chapter One: Mixed Signals


So quiet.

So unbarably quiet.

She could hear her heartbeat, thudding...no, thundering within her chest. It beat a harsh and wicked rhythm as she stood at the edge of the lake. The silence around them throbbed within her ears, causing her to wonder whether it be her heartbeat or his. She didn't dare look at him. She was afraid. She was afraid that he'd tell her to go home...that she was nothing but a simple tool he used to locate simple shards.

Her chestnut eyes scarcely glanced about the still, but vibrant water just inches from her brown loafers. Not a creature was stirring, not even the three sitting back at the camp. No, they were totally, without a single doubt, alone. She could hear him breathing just as easily as he her. She could feel those eyes upon her, contemplating what to do next. She knew that he was standing just as still as she. There was something different about tonight...the only problem was that she couldn't differ whether the difference be for the better or not.

'Why won't he say something?'

She took a deep breath, trying not to break the spell about them. 'But isn't that what I want?' She frowned slightly. Didn't she want someone, most preferably him, to break this endless silence? Someone to stop this absurd uncertainty that had suddenly fallen upon them? They were supposed to be friends, companions.

From her common sense on the subject, she had always thought that the only time an uneasy silence fell between you and your commrade was when something wasn't as it should be. 'Well, this is definitely how it shouldn't be. One of us is usually rambling on about something by now.'

The wind picked up gently, causing the once still lake to slightly quiver and ripple. Goosebumps rose up over her skin and she could have sworn she heard him take in a deep breath. She watched stray hairs of ebony flying about her face and gently tickle her cheeks. 'Either I can sneeze or move.' She debated the problem just a few seconds before she heard the soft underbrush cackle and snap beneath him. He was walking to her, she knew for sure.

'I can't take it anymore! Just look at him!'

He couldn't help but gasp as she turned those emotional eyes upon him. They stared at him with a questioning sheen about them. Other than those magnicficent eyes, she allowed no other emotion to arise upon her delicate face. The wind blew about her more and began to kick up her skirt, lifting it slowly about her, just showing a reasonable amount of leg. She looked utterly perfect and he hated that he had never been much of a romantic type. If he had, he would have described every little detail of her from her wavy mane to her lightly pale skin that he could see from his stance, had goosebumps rising all across it.

"Kagome," he whispered.

She let her eyes drift closed for a moment, letting out a bit of air she seemed to have been holding. In a way, the spell of silence had been lifted, but only for him. Only for his voice, his lips...for Inuyasha.

Kagome opened her eyes to find him standing before her, his strong gaze burning into her. However, it was so very different. Unlike an angered glare, it was gentle yet demanding all at once. It seemed to demand her undivided attention, demanded that she look at him.

His lips curved into small smile, as his eyes softened remarkably. His eyes seemed to close a bit, as if he were becoming sleepy. Kagome knew though, that he was not sleepy. The look was, if she dare even think it, of affection, adoration perhaps even. He'd read her eyes wonderfully. He knew that all of her senses were being devoted to him, no matter what.

She felt his rough, but warm hand grasp hers and hold it. The hold upon her hand was light, but she was certain that it would not leave. "Inuyasha," was all she could whisper.

The wind had settled once more and the silence devoted to the two had found its way around them. It seemed to shield them from anything wrong or undecent that may be happening anywhere but there. They were in their own little paradise and Inuyasha couldn't have wished for a better setting to take her.

"I care for you so much."

Kagome nodded, watching his eyes waver. There was an enternal battle waging between Inuyasha and himself. Perhaps on what to say, or what to do. Kagome couldn't tell the reason, but all she wanted was for him to speak.

Yet she wanted to ask a question that had been plaguing her every thought. It kept her awake at night and awoke her when she finally did drift off into sleep. She caught his gaze and he knew that she wished to speak.

When it was her turn, she lost her courage. She couldn't speak it and decided that it was a stupid doubt that she should forget. "I've almost lost you a few times, huh?" smirked Inuyasha, breaking her desperate train of thought. Kagome nodded, laughing. Her soft laugh mingled with his own and it sounded so sweet to their ears. 'Like a melody for just us.'

"Inuyasha," whispered Kagome once more. "Please tell me what you wanted to tell me. Tell me why you dragged me out here away from everybody. What do you want to tell me?" Her blunt bravery shocked herself just as much as it did Inuyasha. He stood there a moment, his eyes deciding what to say. They searched her face for the answer, as if perhaps her nose or lips would give him the answer.

Kagome hid her inner smile as she felt Inuyasha unconciously run his thumb across her hand. 'He's obviously thinking pretty hard on this.' Her eyes grinned to him and he knew he'd been found out. He hated that.

"Kagome, why do you hafta look at me like that?" he spat, his hand dropping her own. Kagome's blissful expression twisted into an annoyed frown. "What do you mean?" she asked snippidly. Inuyasha turned away, turning his back against her. "Like...like you know what I'm thinking," he murmured. Had Kagome not been so hopelessly intune with his every movement, she wouldn't have heard his soft comment. His softness turned back to stone though as he turned back on her. "I hate it when people think they know what I'm thinking!" he spat once more.

Kagome's eyes grew shinier than ever, but not from happiness or glee. No, from frustration and utter disappointment. 'What is his problem? Here I am, loving him with every fiber of my being and he's more concerned about whether or not I know what he's thinking! Inuyasha, you stupid jerk!'

Kagome turned away from him and held her face within her slender hands and wept. She was past the point of caring what he thought of her, what he wanted of her. She wasn't what she'd hoped she was, so it didn't matter anymore. "Kagome?"

Inuyasha watched her shoulders shake and tremble. 'I can fix this.' He stepped forward and grabbed her shoulders. This was the last chance. If he blew it now, she'd leave for sure. The Shikon jewel just had a few more shards, at the most five left to be found and they knew where each one was. She didn't really need to be here anymore and they both were fully aware of it. 'I can't loose her.'

She turned to face him, tears cascading down her cheeks as her nose and cheeks became rosey. Inuyasha would have smiled on any other day had he not been the cause of her sorrow. She looked adorable, flushed and so vulnerable. Instead, he leaned forward and gently kissed her moist lips.

Kagome's eyes shot open as his lips touched hers. 'What is he doing?! I thought he was being immature and his stupid self? This isn't the Inuyasha I know!' She sighed softly against him as kissed her a bit insistantly, urging her to kiss him back.

'I can't complain...this side isn't half bad. Heck, it's wonderful.'

Kagome leaned forward and replied to his kiss, pressing her hands against his chest. Her lips were on fire and she hated how short the kiss was. Her eyes opened to find him looking at her with blushing cheeks. He looked like a young schoolboy after stealing a kiss from the girl behind the schoolhouse. He was so cute in Kagome's eyes and she leaned forward. "Kiss me again, Inuyasha."

Without a second thought he complied.

He kissed her harder this time, making her air rush out of her in surprise. He liked the effect he had upon her. He felt her soft fingers upon his neck, tucking under his hair for perhaps warmth or to just feel him. He liked to believe it was the latter of the two.

Kagome felt his hot tongue press against her lips and she slowly allowed him to deepen the kiss. She felt lightning coursing through her, running through her body and fingertips. She loved this half demon. No matter what anyone else said, she loved him. No matter what Kikyo wanted or did. No matter how much her friends would protest or how her mother would feel. No, she loved him and with the way his tonuge seductively danced with her own, she knew the feeling was returned.

His kisses grew more insistant and passionate by each sigh and gasp by Kagome. She encouraged him, both human and demon, to carry on. He wanted her more than anything, to show her how much he loved her. He wanted to show her that he could love again. He wanted her to know that she was his and, with her consent, would always be his.

Kagome couldn't remember how she ended up upon the dewy grass. She couldn't even remember when Inuyasha had taken off his outer layer of clothing. She knew that she would always remember how hot his skin felt, even through the thick fabric of his inner clothing. His lips began to travel about her neck and nipped at her chin. He could mark her as his own, he could show to all the other demons...even that damn Kouga, that this girl was his and his alone.

At the pure satisfying thought of Kouga seeing the mark upon her throat made him want to nip at more than ever.

Kagome thought a moment, gathering her thoughts as he seemed to become distracted with his own. 'Does he expect us to...to go further? I don't know...I love him but I can't have...I can't...'

Inuyasha decided that she'd be far too shocked if he were to suddenly bite her, hard enough to draw blood. Especially on skin as fair and soft as hers, he knew it would hurt. He decided he'd distract her with something totally opposite to pain. Something he had long since been deprived of...pleasure of a sort.

His demon side was kicking in as his hand slid down her silky legs, not finding one sign of inperfection upon them. He leaned forward and kissed her hungrily, his primal urges kicking in as his human side screamed to take it slow. He decided that he'd obey and be gentle. His hands crept up her skirt as she groaned against his kiss. 'Where did he learn to kiss?'

At this thought, Kikyo entered Kagome's mind. When the two met, they were both in their teens and both most likely inexperienced, just as Kagome. Yet at the thought that Kikyo had the honor of teaching the wonderful kisser, Inuyasha how to, she wanted to please him ever more. More than Kikyo ever had when it came to kissing. So she fought back and kissed him with just as much passion. She did not know that her fierce kissing had had a different outcome. She wanted the kiss to be mind blowing, not a signal to further his hands.

But that's how Inuyasha took it.

His forefingers and thumb grasped her bikini bottoms strap and were pulling them down her legs. Kagome was so caught up in the amazing kiss that she was earning from Inuyasha in reply to her own, she didn't noticed the panties slowly sliding down her thighs.

Inuyasha groaned softly against her lips before heading back to throat. He gently kissed and lapped at the area he would mark. A burning of excitement roused within his lower stomach, tickling him from the inside out to his skin. He couldn't wait any longer.

'Oh no, I'm not ready to go this far...I'm not ready! I'm not ready!' screamed Kagome inside. She knew what the shedding of undergarments led to. She wasn't that naive. She had to stop him before his urges got out of hand. She knew that when she was ready that the task of making love to him would not be that gentle, and she knew she'd be able to handle it.

Just not tonight.

Inuyasha kissed her sweet neck once more before he heard words that cut him to the core.

"Inuyasha stop."

They were innocent but sure. 'She doesn't want to be my...my mate?' He looked up into her eyes and tears were brimming upon her lower lashes. 'She's so disgusted with just thought of it that...that she's going to cry.' He pushed up and sat back on his haunches, not meeting her eyes.

"I'm so sorry," whispered Kagome, grabbing his hand. She didn't know that it would be that big of a deal. He could wait couldn't he? He loved her didn't he? "I'm just not ready."

Inuyasha's eyes looked up and the light caught them, causing them to reflect the moonlight and hide all emotion from her probing eyes. "Inuyasha?" questioned the weeping girl, her brow furrowed into nothing but pure concern and guilt. 'Why can't you grow up and just get it over with?'

She wasn't left long to think about it, for he was already dressed and standing above her. He gave her one last broken glare before taking off into the opposite side of the woods. "Inuyasha?" She rose up on wobbly knees and clasped her hands to her chest.

Kagome watched the space in which he'd taken off and shook her head. She couldn't remember if it had been she or he who had rejected the other, but she suddenly felt as if he'd told her to stop. She felt so horrible. She didn't know what his kisses would lead to...she thought they were just loving little ways to show it. She had no clue that this had been his intentions.

Kagome looked down and saw her bikinis half way down her thighs. She quickly pulled them back up with a sigh. It was then that reality hit her. It was then that she realized she may have ruined her chances of ever proving her love to him. That she'd let him down and made his doubts pure fact, that she was just some stupid, immature little girl. 'But I'm not,' she argued silently.


She looked up and found Sango staring at her. "Kagome! What's wrong?!" Sango looked over her shoulder a moment and called out, "Miroku! Over here!" Sango cradled Kagome within her arms, patting the younger girls head in comfort. "What happened?" Kagome looked at her best friend with teary eyes and simply replied, "I let him down."


A/n: Well...hate it? Love it? Could care less whether I continue? Please let me know!