Title: I'll Be There
Author: Kaede Yuki
a.n. : Hi...hi...!!! Currently, I'm taking a 'short' break from Feign. I'll Be There was written about two months ago. I never thought of posting up this fic. I was just scribbling ideas that popped in my head at that time, - that is why, as you can see, this fic is less elaborate compared to Feign. But after being convinced by a friend, who also happens to be my beta-reader, I've decided to post this up although in my opinion, this isn't as good as I'd expected it to be. But anyway, I hope you'll enjoy it and please R&R. I'll be waiting!
Keys jingled from beyond the door; the soft creaking sound of the door opening ajar echoed the silent apartment as the blond detective stepped in.
"Dee?" he called out but when silence greeted him in return, Ryo's brows creased with a frown on his façade. Executively, he made a beeline towards the globe light despite the darkness that engulfed the apartment he shared with his lover; he had the room layout mapped in his head in precise details that he could be blindfolded and yet, still knew his way around.
As the sphere began to illuminate the room with soft tangerine light, a smile crept on Ryo's face with softened jet black eyes. The serenity that befell upon his possessive raven-haired lover was so endearing that Ryo couldn't bear to break its tranquility.
Tossing his favorite white jacket over a nearby chair, Ryo sat down beside his sleeping lover as he admired every inch of the man's features. The flaxen man reached out a hand and gently brushed aside a strand of dark long fringe that fell out of place. Even under the closed lids, he could still feel the magnetism of his lover's smoke-green eyes, - pulling him closer and closer till the vast distance between them became no more than a small gap.
The rapidity of his heartbeat pounding in his ears was making it harder for him to breathe. He could feel the other man's warmth tingling under his own skin. Distinctive cologne from around the younger man's slender neck with a speck of manly perspiration filled his nostrils as he inhaled every scent that encircled his love. Ryo could feel his cheeks getting warmer and warmer by the second as he drew closer to capture the other man's lips with his, - a soft brush at first contact but as he pressured on, it was as though it had a mind of its own. Ryo dampened his lover's dried lips by licking it with his tongue. He was going to pull back before he woke the man but his thoughts melted away when he found the other responding back. Throughout the time, his lover barely opened an eye; - it was as if he already knew the counterpart at the touch of the lips. A completely harmless kiss became more and more urgent as Dee's tongue darted into Ryo's awaiting cavern and tasted every corner of his lover's warm engulf. The immense attraction towards his dark-haired lover was draining away all his energy until he had to rely on the strength of his arms to support him from collapsing on top of Dee.
"...mmmppphh... Dee... Dee..." Ryo moaned despite how much he tried to resist voicing out his pleasure, as he tried to break away from the kiss.
"Hush... and let me savor this..." Dee replied in return, deepening the kiss with intensity.
"...Dee!... I need..."Ryo never got to finish his sentence when a contaminated thought filled Dee's mind and abruptly, he broke off the kiss to sweep his lover off his feet.
"Why didn't you say earlier?!" Dee demanded with a devilish grin as he got onto his feet.
"Dee! That is not what I meant!!" Ryo shouted furiously out of embarrassment.
"You're so gullible..." Dee teased, turning the knob to their room, "But frankly, I couldn't be more bothered. I'm turned on, baby!! I'm not going to..." He was going to say, "I'm not going to let you have any sleep tonight" when Dee fell onto his knee, nearly dropping Ryo in the process if he hadn't tightened his grip around his lover to secure him from falling.
"Dee?!" Ryo was obviously startled but his thoughts were overwritten with concern when he saw the anguishing, agonizing pain that was written all over Dee's face.
"Dee? What's wrong?" the blond man demanded with fright in his pitch black eyes.
"It's nothing..." Dee struggled to get the words out, "...Love, can ... can you please get me..." he swallowed hard before continuing, "...can you please get me the bottle of painkiller from the kitchen?"
Without further ado, Ryo rushed into the kitchen, rummaged through the first-aid kit for the medicine requested and returned with a white plastic bottle in one hand and a glass of distilled water in the other, within a split second.
Dee barely moved from the spot but the perspiration that drenched his forehead and the paleness of his face was hardly unnoticeable. "Here..." Ryo said, kneeling by his side as he handed the bottle to his lover. Not even taking a minute to think twice, Dee tossed at least five white tablets into his throat and took big gulps of water to wash them down.
"Feeling any better?" the fair-headed detective asked but the slight hint of trembling in his voice did not go unnoticed. A simple nod was all he got in reply.
"Think you can manage all the way to your bed with me as your support?" Ryo asked trying to force a smile.
"Yeah...sure..." He accepted the offer without any rejection, - not that he could even reject. Ryo slipped an arm around the back of his waistline while tossing Dee's other arm around his neck as he practically lifted the man from the cold floor and onto the mattress bed.
Reclining limply on the over-sized bed, Dee tried to smile and reassure his lover that he was fine but the worried look on Ryo's façade had already told him of his lover's skepticism.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Ryo asked, breaking the silence that hung awkwardly in the room. Dee contemplated on whether to tell him or not as he chewed on his lower lip.
"Are you going to tell me what is wrong with you?" he waited for a reply but when none came, "At least tell me why you bailed on me this afternoon and requested for half the day off?" Ryo pressured on.
Sighing in defeat, "I had an appointment with the resident doctor this afternoon. But when Mike told me to see a gastroenterologist, I sort of needed some time alone to think..."
"Did Mike tell you what was wrong? Did you go see a specialist?" Ryo showered anxiety on his lovers with questions.
"Mike couldn't verify the problem because it wasn't within his jurisdiction. He did recommend a specialist at the General Hospital, but I didn't go," he admitted, "... I came straight away home afterwards. I thought that it could wait a day or two"
"Dee... you're in so much pain!! How can you take it so negligently?!" tears were brimming in his eyes, clouding the mystifying darkness of his eyes.
Reaching his arms for his lover, Dee pulled Ryo close to his chest as he raked his fingers along Ryo's soft blond hair to calm his petrified lover, "Chill, love. I promise. I'll make an appointment with the specialist tomorrow morning and then, I'll meet up with you for lunch, ok?"
"Don't strain yourself to have lunch with me. You should come home straight after your appointment,"
Closing his eyes with a smile at his lover's thoughtfulness, Dee sighed contentedly, "I had rather have lunch with you than to bore my mind out at home alone. Tell, you what. Why don't we meet up at Mikimoto's for lunch? I know you love the fresh salmons and tempura there..." he said, sounding very suggestively.
It wasn't because he wanted to eat there badly, but it was because of the earnestness of his lover to make him worry less that made his heart flutter and head nod automatically in return. But Ryo couldn't help feeling slight tingling warmth crawling into his heart that Dee remembered how much he loved eating out at that particular restaurant.
"Just promise me one thing, - if you're not feeling up to it, stay home. I don't want anything bad to happen to you," Ryo said sadly, trying to brush away all the negative thoughts that filled his mind.
"One tempura will be readily waiting for your arrival," Dee said, totally ignoring the statement and the nauseous pain in the stomach.
'I'll be there, Ryo. By hook or by crook, ... I'll be there...'
"Dee, you sure you don't want me to drive you there? You don't look so good," Ryo asked with apprehension while his palm darted straight for Dee's forehead to feel his temperature. He was already running late for work but a nagging feeling in his head had made it more reluctant for him to leave Dee alone. Moreover, Ryo didn't like the color of his lover's face even a bit; it was as though all color had drained, leaving only whiteness equivalent to a piece of copier paper.
"For the hundredth time, I'll be fine on my own, baby. You'd better get going if you're going to beat the traffic and make it in time..." Dee reassured, brushing away the hand on his head gently as he kissed his worried lover on the lips lightly.
"I'm serious, Dee. I can always give the precinct a call; tell them that I'm running a little late. Or I'll ask Ted, Drake, even, J.J., if I must, - to trade shifts with me for today," Ryo knew he was acting rather over-protectively, and if Dee had noticed it, he hardly show any annoyance or agitation owing to that Dee had never liked being treated like a kid, especially not by his lover. Without saying another word, Dee practically ushered Ryo, if not more, - out the door.
"The unit doesn't need another slacker like me, Ryo. They need more of a diligent cop like you. Now, stop wasting time precious time on making up excuses to skip work. That is my area of expertise, not yours," Dee said, flashing his lover a sardonic grin.
Ryo's head fell sideways with a frown, "Now, wouldn't that make Rose's day to know that his no. 1 'elite' officer has other proficiencies," he retorted mockingly.
Wrapping his arms around Ryo so quickly that he nearly startled the other man, Dee pulled his close to his chest, "No. 1 'elite' officer... my...my, such compliments. However, I had much rather think myself as a freeloader, a waste of taxpayer's money. I find that it defines me better. But we wouldn't want Rose to have his day, would we?" he whispered close to Ryo's ears, melting through his ears and into his heart like butter. The blond officer could feel his legs giving away if Dee hadn't held him.
Inhaling the masculine scent of his lover, "No... Dee," Ryo whispered back, "You're not a freeloader; you're not a waste of taxpayer's money. You're more than that... even if the world doesn't recognize it, I will. You are an elite detective; the best of the best... and you are the one and only person I would want to be in love with, to be loved by... Don't you ever forget that..."
Pushing apart a little but hands remained firm around his lover's middle, Dee hovered close to his lover's lips to feel his hot breath caressing his drying lips, "I know, baby... I know... And I love you, too, - now and forever."
Although it was pretty lame and sounded very much like a cliché, the words alone made Ryo's heart overflow with joy. Drawing closer till their lips met, Dee could feel the moisture of his lover's lips against his own. Dee's skillful tongue parted Ryo's lips slightly and advanced into his lover's awaiting cavern to savor the sweetness of his lover that lingered within every nook and cranny. What originally was an innocent kiss left both of them gasping for breath when they finally broke apart.
Straightening his rumpled coat, Ryo looked Dee in the eye with underlying concern, "Promise me that you'll take care of yourself when you're on your own..."
Heaving a sigh, "Ryo, I'm perfectly fine..." he tried to convince the man but Ryo returned a pleading look back at him. Throwing his arms in defeat, "Fine! You win. I promise. But you take care, too. I don't want you to do anything reckless when I'm not there to watch your back, 'kay?"
In a blink of an eye, Ryo's pinky found its way to Dee's, entwining both fingers together like kids making some sort of promise.
"I feel like a kid doing such kiddy stuffs," Dee grumbled.
"I expect you to keep your promise, Dee," Ryo reprimanded sternly with a no-nonsense look on his face.
"Alright already. Now, get going," Dee said, shoving Ryo out the door.
"Ok...ok... I'm going... I'm going..." his lover chanted back as he rushed towards the closing elevator door. Dee watched in amusement but as soon as Ryo was out of sight and he was safe behind the closed door, Dee practically slammed his back against the door. The fake mask tore off immediately, revealing the true agonizing façade beneath it as he clutched his abdomen, the source of the excruciating pain he endured throughout the charade he acted in front of Ryo. He wasn't hiding the truth from Ryo on purpose, but he really didn't want his lover to worry anymore than he already has.
Forcing his legs to stand, 'I'll go meet the specialist today and I'll make it to have lunch with Ryo in the afternoon, even if it kills me.' He made a promise to himself as he regained his composure despite the amplifying pain that making every step impossible. It was as though his legs were glued to the floor.
But when he finally got there, he'd almost wished he hadn't.
"Mr. Laytner, I suspect that you might have contracted an atrophic gastritis, though I cannot be a hundred percent sure until the tests return from the lab. What I can tell you for sure is that you have an inflammation of the lining of the stomach and it is serious. Even before the result is out, I would seriously advise you to cut down on alcohol and cigarettes, - alcohol in particular. Your stomach is badly abused with alcoholic beverages. Cutting back is the mildest restriction, owing to the fact that the likes of you WILL NOT be able to hold back the urge..." counseled the gastroenterologist, a Russian beauty with a heavy English accent by the name of Dr. Emmelina Sergei, emphasizing heavily on the gravity of the matter.
"Old habits die hard," Dee tried to crack up his usually mischief but found himself sounding very lame. His mind could hardly function properly after digesting the whole lot of information the doctor fed him.
Ignoring his earlier statement, "Well, Mr. Laytner, I expect to see you on regular basis for check-ups. If the inflammation is left untreated, you have a higher risk of developing stomach cancer. I hope you understand the circumstances,"
Totally lost in his own thoughts, "Yeah...sure..." he replied blandly. His mind tried to register every word said but nothing seemed to be able to break into his trains of thoughts. The pressure of breaking the news to Ryo about his condition alone seemed to weigh more than anything else on his shoulders.
Getting up from his seat, he needed out so badly that it was apparent to the petite doctor of his motives. "Mr. Laytner, I know it is not easy to cope up with such pain alone. Hence, I would suggest that you inform your family and your superiors about your current health condition, so that they will lessen your workload and be able to help you. You might not know when a helping hand would come in handy," suggested the good doctor.
"My family...?" he repeated with a saddened expression. 'Haven't got one. Unless of course, if it's Penguin. But telling her would make her worry more than she already had. And the last person I ever want to confront this matter with, is Ryo. How am I supposed to tell him that some soreness in my stomach is actually eating me alive?'
"I must warn you beforehand, Mr. Laytner. You have a serious case of anemia. Light-headedness will overwhelm you unceremoniously, and there is no telling when you will fall unconscious. Therefore, as your doctor, I must advise you not to drive unless it is absolutely necessary. If you should ever feel fatigue while driving, please pull over by the roadside. Call someone to fetch you or call a cab. Just don't drive. The last thing I expect from you, Mr. Laytner, - is you lying motionlessly in ER. I know of your profession and I am very well aware of the danger that comes with it. So, please heed my advice."
Dee was standing by the door when those grave words pierced their way into his heart. He knew of the risks better than anyone but the words she said seemed to weigh more. It was the first time he felt the pressure of his job.
Turning his head slightly to his left, from the corner of his eyes he stole a glance at the steadfast gastroenterologist as a sign of his acknowledgement towards the counsel she gave. But not even a word of thank was said when he left the office.
Slipping into the driver seat, Dee could actually feel the pain shifting in his system as he hurled forward, his head was practically pressed against the steering wheels with agony. Beads of sweat trickled down his knitted brows in futile attempts to suppress the throbbing pain in his stomach.
'God!' he mentally noted exasperatingly, 'Why on Earth are you making my life a living hell when I finally got everything I ever wanted in life?'
Forcing his spinal cord to pull his body back into a proper sitting position, Dee started the ignition and tried to ignore the pain by focusing his attention on the road. After all, it was going to be at least half an hour's drive to Mikimoto's, - he might as well make full use of the time conjuring some good ideas on how to break the news to Ryo without having him overreacting in public.
"Yo, Ryo. What are you still doing here?" Drake asked as he scarf down his long-awaited 'breakfast'.
Bobbing his head out of the pile of files around his desk, "... huh?... You said something, Drake?" the blond detective asked innocently.
"Yeah..." replied his fellow colleague carelessly, "I was just asking why are you still here?"
"I still have some paperwork that needs to be done by noon... and I have to run by Commissioner's office later to drop off some files..."he rambled on until reality kicked in, "God!" Ryo exclaimed out loud, nearly startled the rest of the members in the unit, "What time is it?!" the blond officer practically demanded.
"Take a good look at the clock, Ryo. You've been working non-stop since this morning and it's already one. If your lunch date with Dee is still on, I suggest you had better flip the siren to clear the way for you to get there in fifteen minutes tops," Ted added as he handed a black file labeled Classified on its cover, but Ryo was too much in a hurry to take note, though he and Dee was very much involved in the case and pretty much the rest of the members in their unit as well. After all, it wasn't everyday they get concrete evidences to pinpoint a filthy rich drug-trafficking, prostitute trader and most likely the mastermind of an organized crime like Kyle Tristan to life imprisonment. He was the top of Dee and Ryo's list of the most wanted after Leo Grant died half a year ago.
That was why Dee couldn't be more pleased to hear over the radio that they had Tristan on the run when he stepped out of Mikimoto's to check what's keeping his lover. Assuming that that was the reason to why Ryo could not make it, Dee silently sighed in relieved. After waiting for a whole hour, it wasn't hard picturing Ryo in a catastrophic road accident. But when reality hit him on the head, Dee was practically perspiring cold sweats down his back on account of his lover's impulsiveness even though he was the cool-headed one between them.
'What if Ryo's sedan had a collision with whatever vehicle that bastard's driving while he was on the chase? What if Ryo's engaged in a shoot out with Tristan?!! Who's going to cover his back?!!' frantic ideas came to mind as he started the ignition and without much contemplation, he sped off down the familiar highway where the squad had Tristan on the chase.
With Dee's reckless driving skills, it was possible for him to join in the chase half the time need by others to arrive from the suburban area where Mikimoto's resided. Drake and J.J.'s squad car was the first to spot Dee at the scene.
"Dee-sempai!!" J.J. squealed over the radio. Dee winced.
Roughly snatching the speaker from its holster, "Drake!! Put some restrain on him, will ya?! I'll be deaf by the time I reach forty if this keeps up!"
"Meanie!" Dee could mentally picture J.J. pouting in the other car. Sounds of ruffling filled his end before Ted's voice came through, "Dee!..."
"Yo, Ted. What, Drake got tired of J.J.'s clinginess and you so kind-heatedly took in the parasite?" Dee joked over the radio.
"Dee-sempai!! I am NOT a PARASITE!!" J.J. protested in the background.
Dee laughed so hard that he was forced to remember his illness when pain returned to his abused stomach.
His car jerked off the lane causing angered honks from vehicles that he startled.
"Yo, Dee. Are you okay?" Ted's voice returned to the communicator.
"Yeah…" he replied gruffly as he bit his lower lips to suppress the pain from taking over his mentality. 'Yeah, Ted… If you only see me now, you'll know that I'm 'okay'…' he thought sarcastically.
"By the way, where's Ryo?" Dee forced his voice to sound as natural as his pain would allow him.
"Ryo? I thought he was with you. He left just before we got the call on this chase. Weren't you guys supposed to have lunch together?" Ted asked quizzically.
'Good. He's not here. If he were to see me swerve off the road,… I don't want to start imagining the lectures I'll be receiving when we get home…'
But as pain intensified, Dee's eyes began to blur. Though he blinked a few times to clear off, he can't ignore the endeavoring darkness that was devouring his sight.
Slapping himself hard on the cheek, Dee tried so hard not to give into his lightheadedness. In his subliminal state, his foot on the accelerator began to add pressure on the pedal causing the car to go beyond its regular limitations.
And before he knew it, his car rammed into a cargo truck. Within the few minutes of conscious Dee contemplated which hurt more, - his stomach or his entire body crushed under the weight of his car.
'That Russian doc's not going to like this…' smiling painfully at that thought, '… I'm willing to bet that once she finds out about this, she's going to say, "I told you so"…'
Fits of cough seized him but he couldn't be more bother even if he spat blood in the process. He was half-heartedly aware that not only did he have external injuries but he had this hunch that he had punctured his already abused stomach when a metal rod from the cargo truck thrust through his body.
Picking up his right pinky, "Ryo… I'm sorry I broke my promise…" he voiced out loud although he knew that each time he spoke, his entire system was crying out in pain,"…w-w…will… will you forgive … me…?" his voice trailed as he faded into endless oblivion.
Ted and J.J. who watched the whole thing unveil before their eyes, was horrified as Ted swiveled the car to a halt just a good distant from the accident spot.
"Dee-sempai!!!" J.J. cried out as he rushed out the car and towards what was once Dee's prized vehicle.
"Dee-sempai!!" he gasped at the sight of Dee's sorry state.
"J.J. step aside!" Ted ordered as he came soon after with a crowbar in his hand. With all his strength, he tried to yank Dee's crumpled door open but to no avail.
"J.J.!! Call the fire brigade and the ambulance!! Now!!!" Ted shouted back at his stunned colleague as he continued relentlessly trying to open Dee's side of the door. Ted tried so hard to focus on his unconscious colleague who looked as thought he spend the last ten minutes in a blood bath. He could see the pole poking through Dee's abdomen but his body trembled at the thought of the rod's depth in his friend's body.
"Dee, don't you fuckin' dare die on me!!" Ted shouted out of frustration.
2nd a.n. : This story is going to be alot shorter than Feign, probably two chapters only, - depending on the response of the reader (That means YOU!! ) So, review and tell me how you want the story to be, - whether Dee remains in a coma, Dee dies, Dee wakes up, or Dee dies and Ryo follows? You tell me. And please tell me which you think is a better fic, - Feign or I'll Be There? Love ya guys lots!! v