I don't own Danny Phantom.

This story was written for my Phantom100 LJ community for the "On your own" challenge. I read a story kinda like this somewhere, but I don't remember who wrote it so if it was you, tell me and I'll either put your name here, or take it down. Kthnx.

It was just a dream, wasn't it?

"Danny, you aren't going to learn anything if you won't even make an attempt." Sam said to her friend as she watched him cling to the scuffed wall of the ice skating rink. Danny looked up with a sarcastic grin. "Well, don't let me distract you two from having fun."

"If you insist," Tucker shrugged and skated off with Sam. "Sure, let's go ice skating today, we'll all have fun." Danny grumbled as he slowly inched back toward the rink's exit. "Let's just completely ignore the fact that I don't know how to skate." Danny's grip on the wall tightened as his feet started to slide in opposite directions.

"What's the matter Fenton, don't you know how to ice skate?" Dash laughed as he easily coasted over to Danny.

"Oh, of course. I just like pretending that I don't." Danny glared as he turned to Dash, one hand still on the wall. "And what are you doing here?"

"I'm here with Paulina." Dash said and crossed his arms over his chest and skated backwards away from Danny. "Yet more proof that I am, indeed, better than you."

"Well if you're so sure of yourself Dash, why do you have to keep proving it to me?" Danny said as he nearly slipped. "And besides, everyone has at least one thing they can't, or don't like to do."

Dash narrowed his eyes and stopped skating. "Yeah, and in your case, one thing means everything!" he said and forced a laugh.

Danny sighed and turned to face the other teen, his arms crossed. "I wonder why it is you feel the need to constantly make fun of me, Dash. Is it because you feel, in some small way, threatened?"

Dash stared wide-eyed and tried to look angry. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"No, really, do I frighten you or something? Because I've never gotten as much shit from anyone else as I have gotten from you." Danny tapped his chin and pretended to think hard. "There's something to that, I think."

Dash was either angry or embarrassed, because he had turned a shade of deep red as he looked around the strangely empty rink. Danny managed to phase his skates through the ice just enough to be able to walk, and strode over to Dash. When he reached the teen he stepped back up onto the ice and his skates became solid once more.

Danny smiled as he trailed a hand across the taller boy's shoulders as he slowly circled around him. Dash was frozen now, nervous. "There is something about me that has you scared. Something that has you acting out, drawing attention from you and putting it on me." Danny leaned over Dash's shoulder and bit his ear.

"There's something you're trying to hide, isn't there?" Danny asked as his arms snaked around Dash and his hands slid in to the boy's pockets. "What is it?" He said and ran his tongue up Dash's neck.

"Danny!" A voice called out. Danny looked around, suddenly alone in his room. He was sitting up in his bed, breathing heavily; his hands caught in his sheets. He was alone.

"Oh man." He groaned as he fell back against the damp pillow and ran his hands through his matted hair.

Today was really going to suck.