Bruce rolled out of bed and answered the door. A young man stood witha food cart. Bruce waved him into the room and motioned for him to move quietly. The young man acknowledged Bruce and swiftly carried the gelatin and juice carton from the cart into the small refrigerator in the suite. When he returned to the cart, Bruce was digging in his pocket. The young man whispered, "No need. It's been charged to the room. I hope your wife feels better soon." He smiled then quietly picked up the soup plate and a glass of juice from the cart and placed them on the bed tray in the room. The young man then quietly hurried back to thecart andquietly backed out of the door. Bruce returned the smile and quietly closed the door. He walked back to Amy.

"Hey sweetheart," he said tenderly as he sat on the edge of the bed next to her.

Amy didn't budge. Bruce rubbed his hand up and down Amy's back.

"Hey lady. You need to get some food down so you can take your medicine."

She began to stir. Bruce continued to rub her back.

"She's alive!" He exclaimed in a loud whisper, hoping to get her to fully awaken.

Amy started moaning and began to rub her face with her hands.

"How long have I been sleeping?" she asked groggily.

"Not long, but you need to get some food down so the medicine doesn't make you sick. The hotel called their resident doctor and he said you've got an infection–"

"I know, I was awake for that and that horrid shot," she interjected as she rubbed her backside.

Bruce chuckled as he got up from the bed.Amy sat up on the bed and watched him. She felt physically awful but had a peace of mind that she hadn't had in a really long time. It was nice to be taken cared of. She grinned at Bruce with a crooked silly smile as he walked toward her.

"What?" he inquired of her goofy grin.

"Nothing. I'm just happy to be here with you. Even though I feel awful."

Bruce acknowledged her with his eyes and a smile as he placed her bed tray over her lap. He leaned over and kissed her forehead.

"I'm glad to be here with you too. Now get some food down."

Bruce stood up, walked over to the windows and opened up the bedroom curtains. There was an awe-inspiring view of the island. He thought to himself, 'this IS paradise.' He walked back to Amy and got her medicine.

They relaxed in their suite for those first 48 hours. Bruce catered to Amy's needs, which wasn't difficult since she mostly slept. They watched sunsets and television in bed. It was more rest and relaxation than they had experienced in years.

Amy woke up on the third day, finally without pain. She glanced at the alarm clock: 6:00AM. She slipped out of Bruce's arms and headed to the bathroom. With the aches and pains she was enduring, she couldn't stay out of bed long; a shower was overdue. Amy wondered how Bruce could stand to lay next to her as she stripedthe layers of clothes off that seemedstuck to her body. The 'aroma' flooded her senses. She reminisced on her life since her 'almost wedding' and giggled to herself as she brushed her teeth. Only in her life could a failed wedding equal happiness. Nothing came easy in her life, nothing good comes easy. And things with Bruce weren't easy at all.They also weren't good –they were great!

She started the shower afterfinishing up her dental hygiene. When she finally stepped into the shower, she basked in the water stream. It felt heavenly to get washed up. Amy thoroughly washed her hair then progressed toshavingher legs. Her thoughts raced to theintimate sessions she had hadwith Bruce. Her hands lingered over parts of her body that had been visited by him. She decided to hurry out of the shower… Why fantasize when she could have the real thing? The smile on her face answered that rhetorical question. Amy barely contained herself as she rinsed off her razor. She quickly shut off the water then opened the shower door, reached out for her towel and stepped out of the shower slowly. She wrapped the towel around her torso, and then grabbed a second towel to wrap around her hair. Amy peered out of the bathroom to check on Bruce. He was still asleep, which was exactly what she wanted.

It was about 20 minutes since she had left the bed. She towel dried her hair profusely then tiptoed in the room and retrieved her toiletry bag. It was time to test how 'whisper quiet' her new hair dryer was. Amy didn't fully trust the technology so she closed the bathroom door before trying it out. In 5 minutes flat, her hair was dry and the noise wasn't more than that of a bathroom vent. She was anxious to see if Bruce was still in bed. Amy left everything where it was and headed to him when the alarm clock went off.

"Ugh," she grunted as she slipped into bed, obviously disappointed that she wasn't the one to wake Bruce.

Bruce reached out to turn off the alarm then turned toward Amy.

"Hey, you're up early," he saidin a slight disoriented manner."You need to take your medicine."

"Did you set that thing for my medicine times?" she asked incredulously as she cuddled to him.

"Yes, you could relapse if you don't take it how it was prescribed," he said as he wrapped his arms around Amy.

He was more than pleasantly surprised to find her warm naked body.

"You smell wonderful. I'm glad you're feeling better," he told her as he held her tight.

Amy wrapped her legs around his and leaned up to his face. She began kissing him when Bruce suddenly pulled away.

"Mmmhmmm!" Bruce cleared his throat. "YOU need your medicine and I need to brush my teeth."

He gave her a squeeze as he tried gettingout of bed. Amy gripped his body harder.

"My medicine can wait and you sir, do not have morning breath," she retorted as he struggled to loose of her grip.

"C'mon Amy, we have plenty of time left. It takes ten seconds to take your medicine and only a minute to brush my teeth. You really should get some breakfast down so the medicine doesn't upset your stomach," he said as he finally escaped the bed.

Amy pouted for a second then complied.

"FINE… I'll take my stupid medicine. I should take my pill. I don't think I took it yesterday. Grab me a robe from in there, will ya?" she asked as she sat up.

Bruce walked back into the bedroom with a robe in one hand and his toothbrush in his mouth with the other. He grinned and managed to speak out of the side of his mouth.

"NOW you're trying to be modest?" He chuckled then continued brushing his teeth.

Amy shot him a dirty look.

"I'm beginning to get cold and wanted something that I could slip out of once I took my stupid medicine. Be nice or I'll just get dressed!" she yelled as she grabbed the robe and put it on.

Bruce stepped out of the bathroom with Amy's pills in his hand. Amy smirked at him as she grabbed the medicine out of his hand. Bruce wrapped his other arm around her waist and pulled her close.

"You gonna thank me properly?" he asked slyly as he gazed into her eyes.

She wrapped her free arm around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. As they kissed, Amy scooped the medicine out of his hand then backed away from him. Their eyes were both closed and they both had their heads lowered.

"Keep that thought," Amy whispered as she slipped her arm from around his neck and treaded swiftly to the bathroom where she drank her pills. Bruce climbed into the bed and eagerly awaited her return.

As she returned to the bed, Amy let the robe slide off her body. She lowered herself to the bed and Bruce scooped her up into his arms. He pulled her to the middle of the bed and lay gently above her. Their bodies moved in unison as they made love once more.

The session was just one of the many glorious unions they enjoyed during their getaway. They left the bedroom, but Bruce and Amy didn't partake in all the regular tourist attractions. They didn't bother leaving their island to see the rest of Hawaii. They soaked in Maui as well as each other. Not just in the physical sense, they exchanged fond memories in their lives as well as the one's they'd wish they could forget. They shared the wishes they had for their daughters and the dreams they had for themselves. It didn't surprise them how alike those thoughts were. They said much to each other, spoken and unspoken. Both realized that they had found their soul mates yet neither was brave enough say it aloud. Their bond was stronger than it had ever been. It could only help what they were about to endure on their return to Hartford.